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About TT1

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    Transcendent Spirit of the Obsidian Order
    (4) Theurgist


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  1. Great job! I will play with it, for sure.
  2. This bug is in the game literally since day 1. How is that possible? We had other things prioritized like turn based or free DLC, but Hear Chime is a bug almost for a year now.
  3. Version 4.1 Added 5 new gloves: - Bone Fists - Magical Fingers - Gloves of Snaring - Gloves of Thieving - Rags of the Sufferer Download: https://www.nexusmod...rnity2/mods/111 If you like my mod, please, consider giving me an endorse. :D
  4. Super easy, that will be in the next patch. Thank you, BMac, and congratulations on your TB project. That was amazing.
  5. E.g: https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?media_id=i472 https://www.fig.co/campaigns/deadfire?media_id=i470 There are more inside the game files.
  6. Hey guys, I found some different load screens images inside the game files (some of them were even used at the Fig campaing). Why they are never used in the game? This is a bug? Are you aware of this?
  7. Can you add the conditionals IsAnyWeaponEquipped(Guid) and IsAnyWeaponEquippedInSecondarySlot(Guid) ?
  8. So, I am just having this crash when trying to leave Hall of the Unseen, to the surface Here are the crash log files: 01-17-2019__19'57'26.zip
  9. I have the same issue and deleting the Temp folder is not helping in resolving it.
  10. I have the same
  11. Hey @BMac Any idea when v4.0.2 will be released?
  12. This is still happening. All fights in Drowned Barrows are affected
  13. Version 4.0 Added compatibility to Deadfire 4.0 and "Forgotten Sanctum" Download: https://www.nexusmod...rnity2/mods/111 If you like my mod, please, consider giving me an endorse. :D
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