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About Palmtuna

  • Rank
    Quartermaster of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Rochester, New York
  • Interests
    DnD, Fencing


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter Badge
  1. Those serious faces added to the moon godlike portraits make me chuckle. They remind me of a cross between He-Man (with that oh, so fabulous "hair") and Captain Planet.
  2. I would also recommend getting a few more party members. I remembers trying it with four members ( Aloth, Durance, Kana, and my paladin) and dropping the quest until I had a few more people and levels under my belt.
  3. I run the game on a Dell Latitude 6420 (a laptop) with an hd3000 graphics card and it is doable. This is especially true after the first couple of patches that added some graphics settings to be turned down. The animations were pretty choppy at first (especially while running in fast mode, dear God was that immersion breaking) but those patches made it better.
  4. Having a confusion spell would be very interesting. Or even having something along the lines of a Jedi's force suggestion would be very cool if implemented right. If you were to fail the mind suggestion it could lead to combat and you would gain reputation as someone who uses the spell, making people more suspicious of you.
  5. Even though I rarely use the map-note writing features in games that actually have them, I still really appreciate and like the idea. I could be mistaken, but I don't think it would be that hard to implement either
  6. Only kill the npc's if thats what you enjoy doing in the game. Other than that, its not worth the time. That being said, I really hope we never cross paths while wearing anything valuable.
  7. I would really love to see something like this. There have been several times where I focus all of my attacks on the 'leader', hoping that killing them will cause the lesser enemies to flee/surrender. This has yet to work and is a bit of a letdown.
  8. An option certainly wouldn't hurt. Other than the flavor descriptions on some of the unique/named weapons, there is no real reason to buy most of them since you can usually get the same effects on other gear for a fraction of the cost.
  9. To be honest, I did not expect nine pages of stuff from my OP and gave up trying to read the everything by page four. Good points all around, folks, but I think this dead horse has been beaten enough to make a nice stew.
  10. Has anyone heard how many copies have been sold (excluding the backers)?
  11. You will not get in trouble for sharing the game. Hell, that's the beauty of DRM free. If he likes it and has morals, I'm sure he will buy it. If he likes and doesn't buy it, there is a special place in hell waiting for pirates like him
  12. I found a pair of my wisdom teeth from when I had them removed, and was thinking about turning them into a couple of d6. Is there anyone out there familiar with dice making or teeth who could let me know if this feasible?
  13. I could not agree more. The item enchantment especially where you can beef up any weapon/armor with any spell allowed for a disgusting amount of customization for whatever you wanted to do. I would however would like to make it a little tougher to make game breaking by ramping up the cost/skill needed to create them, or by even having to collect certain rare items in order to make epic level enchantments. Because as fun as it is having a sword with +80 strength with +30 poison and fire damage for 5 seconds, no one should have have something that absurdly powerful unless they put in a disgusting amount of play time in.
  14. I think you need to change your title to 'Lephys, Defender of the minigame'
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