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Found 7 results

  1. Ok. So I need to ask this for the sake of my own sanity. Has anyone else been rolling exceptionally badly more frequently since the recent updates? I've noticed that I've been rolling all 1s with handfuls of dice quite often lately. Maybe it's just a psychological trick brought on by seeing the percentage odds, but I feel like I'm failing rolls with odds in the high 80s and 90s more often than I'd expect.
  2. Hi, picked up the game again after a long break, and I have a couple of questions: Just obtained the Runeforged Weapons cards; for these to take effect do specific characters need to have them in their decks, or will one in play cover the whole party? Can I add the individual dice sets to an in-progress adventure, or can they only be assigned at the start? And how would I do it? Many thanks.
  3. Hello Support, today I bought the Rise of the Runelords Bundle, but I cannot find the 6 set of red dice which are part of the bundle. They are neither in the vault nor can I choose them when I setup a new party. Can anyone help ? Sam
  4. I have purchased the bundle pack, today. But there are no six set of red dice at all. Where can I find them?
  5. I opened up about 20 chests today that were left over from the Humble Bundle. I was rewarded with multiple dice sets like pink, blue steele, and some others. When I go to the party screen, choose a character, tap the dice button, none of the dice that I earned are available. Every single option has a zero quantity next to it. Also if I go into the vault and look at my collection they are all zeroes. Am I missing an unlock somewhere? Shouldn't the dice sets I unlocked show up on this page? Thank you for your help! Dave
  6. Dice play such a big roll in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. We find when we play the physical game here at the studio that everyone wants to bring their own dice in. I always bring my pearl dice that are mix of classic, tiny and diamond shaped. My set looks roughly like this: What are your favorite dice to use? What do they look like? Pics are appreciated! (I may or may not be evaluating a dice skinning feature )
  7. I found a pair of my wisdom teeth from when I had them removed, and was thinking about turning them into a couple of d6. Is there anyone out there familiar with dice making or teeth who could let me know if this feasible?
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