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About Blablachar

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. What kind of question is that? Ammo should not only take a place in a bag, but it should have a weight as well (real arrows can be heavy as hell). When it comes to the guns- again, not only bullets which we have to buy, but also black powder which we have to manage as well.
  2. A warrior may be a way to go- it's hard to have two shields at once, but if we have a second one in our party with a different gear, together they cover most (or at least greater) number of issues (like different kinds of weapon and monster's immunities for those). The second thing- I never liked in IE games that at some point we have almost unlimited amount of money due to the dozens of armors we sell from our fallen enemies. Eventuallyt shakes the game's economy, we can afford what we like and money is not an issue- it always should be an issue and the motivator (one of many) for doing quests.
  3. Well- it's protective, but when we hit strong enough or pierce it with an arrow (even a chainmail- those didn't stop arrows), it fails to save its user. It's simply more consequence and gear shifting this way- like mentioned by Sylvius, when we face a fire-casting magican, we better not to use wooden shields (but may be effective vs different kind of spells, where the metal one wouldn't be effective). A necessity to choose the right tool for job- always welcome feature.
  4. Still- I find cooldowns a nice feature. About the potions- one of the few games I wasn't reluctant to use potions and I sometimes simply run out of them, was Witcher. These were often a must on the hard difficulty and I realy liked it. So yeah- let potions be quite expensive and rare, also have a certain knockback (toxicity type of thing, lowering the parameters) when used.
  5. For inventory, only tetris like is what I accept fully- the slots like in the IE games are very second. Also- I would like actually not to be able to sell the armor of the fallen enemy- let's say it's destroid due to fight with us and thus worthless. This could also highlight the alternative ways of disposing enemies, like poisoning them in order to keep their armor intact.
  6. I voted for the first one, but with some restrictions- nothing wrong if we are weak in a regular fight as a result, we will have to simply use various of tricks to proceed further, not only rely on speach itself. Mind control as a spell is a good example, hiding in shadows so we can move unnoticed, turning invisible, polymorphing as another person, causing a havoc so we get somewhere during the chaos etc.
  7. I've never done any grinding in any Black Isle or Obsidian title before. Is there a reason you feel compelled to grind levels for unused companions? Because you will have unused companions horrendously underlevelled? Having to constantly switch out companions instead of taking who i want based on their personality or personal stake in a particular quest is what i would classify as grinding. So you do this different quest in the next playthrough, when you stick to this character till the end. I believe in good design, so if anyone wants to join us because of a particular mission, we do it early on (often quickly after meeting the fellow) and decide whether we keep him or not.
  8. 3rd option naturally. We decide on someone so we stick with the person. He dies or leaves- tough luck, we need to take care of some rookie and be extra carefull not to get him killed in further areas.
  9. Are you talking about something like gambit system from FFXII? Rather no- I prefer to use my own tactic, than program the team to behave in a certain way. Plus, if we want many non combat skills and ways to avoid the fight it would be a contradiction then.
  10. 1-4- yes. More options to create such objects, the better- plus extra reason to do side quests and explore in order to find new ingridients.
  11. What kind of question is that? The sole reason the project exists is that we want 90's quality- if anyone is not good with it, then it's a wrong address for him. Even more- let's have even more hardcore in it, with character builds that we can "broke", proper journal and map without gps system, relentless fights and complex system that is demending. Anything less is not good enough :]
  12. But it's barely story relevant. It's no more story relevant than a guy saying "hold on, let me ask my wife, she'd know. I'll meet you back here in an hour." It's no more story relevant than some guy being black and that's that, with his skin color having no plot relevance or story importance other than it just being who he is. So why have it? Really, such homo correctness terrorism is hilarious.
  13. Nope. Well, unless those are teenagers or hyper libido individuals (quite rare though).
  14. This perfectly sums up the issue of romances- none of them then, so this topic butthurrt will end as well.
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