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Lord of Lost Socks

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About Lord of Lost Socks

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  1. Fair enough. Using those points I came to the conclusion that I should wait for SSD's to drop in price a bit more, and use my old SSD for all the heavier games and a smaller cheaper HDD for smaller games and media. Then later when I want more storage go for a larger SSD. That in mind, my build currently looks like this: http://de.pcpartpicker.com/list/7ZRm8K The 32 GB RAM seemed a tad excessive as I don't know any game currently that reachers 8 GB. As a pure gaming computer, I feel like 16 GB should be enough. I sticked a Seagate 2 TB drive there, but you say they've been having issues? Just checked my old HDD that's having issues, it's actually a Seagate too, but it's over 5 years old now, so not too surprised. Any idea for replacement?
  2. The shop you're linking to seems down at the moment so these are just more general recommendations: 1) I reckon we're finally at the point where the extra threads in an i7 are worthwhile in a gaming machine. For about another 100EUR I reckon go ahead and get the i7-6700. 2) Intel K-series CPUs no longer come with a cooler, so you'll need to buy one. The CoolerMaster 212 series is commonly considered the cheapest "good" option, though my personal pick would be a Scythe Kotetsu (or the larger Ninja 4, which might be inconveniently large). 3) A 650W PSU is fine. The only reason you'd need larger is if you plan to SLI *and* do heavy overclocking. 4) Some games love fast RAM these days and the price difference isn't much so you may as well go for DDR4-3000/3200. Hey! Thanks a lot for the suggestions. Will take it into consideration. A bit on the run right now, so will check back later. However, quickly for now, I noticed that the 3 TB HDD is only 5400 rpm, wouldn't 7200 rpm be better considering only some select games would be installed on my SSD and the rest on the HDD. Regards,
  3. Hey, guys! I'm planning on buying a new computer and would like assistance in optimizing it. With no further ado: Intended use: My main intention is to run any current game on ultra at 1080p and minimum 60 fps, with future proofing. My old PC lasted 5 years and has served me well, and I would hope this new one to do the same. 120 fps's aren't required, but would love to run everything on ultra with no huge issues for at least a year onwards. Budget: To be fair it's up to 2000 euros, but that's a bit silly so currently around 1500 euros would be fine. Country: Finland. Although not opposed to ordering from other countries if significantly cheaper. Potential build: Motherboard: Asus Z170 PRO GAMING 169.90€ HDD: Seagate 2TB Barracuda, SATA III, 7200RPM, 64MB 89.90€ Case: Fractal Design Define R5 BlackOut edition 114.90€ RAM: Kingston 16GB(2x8GB) HyperX Fury DDR4 2666 MHz, CL15 91€ CPU: Intel Skylake i5-6600K, LGA1151, 3,5GHz, 6MB 269.90€ Power Supply: EVGA 650W SuperNOVA 650 G2 109.00€ GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G -näytönohjain, 8GB GDDR5 559€ TOTAL: 1403.60€ Additional details: My PC knowledge is 5 years outdated so any assistance I could get is greatly appreciated. Mainly worried about motherboard compatibility, power supply (whether it's enough). Also wondering whether I need extra cooling. In general I expect this to be horribly optimized, so feel free to tweak the build. This is currently way under my max budget and a little under my comfortable budget, so feel free to also add stuff. I already have an SSD in my old computer that I will use and a DVD station, so those I do not need to buy. The rest of the parts are quite abused so I do not expect them to be of any use in my new build. Any ideas?
  4. The real question problem with skyrim is that the mods justify the asking price of the game.
  5. Eh, I was pretty excited until I saw the heavy focus on multiplayer. I was thinking this was another Icewind Dale-ish style game. That game was great in co-op too. Really enjoyed it. Unlike BG in co-op which just has too much downtime for co-op.
  6. Here's the kickstarter video aswell. Was just uploaded on youtube, so couldn't add it earlier. Pardon my double-post, I can't seem to edit anymore.
  7. Heya! Melee: Battlegrounds has just launched their kickstarter campaign, and I'd be happy if you guys would pop over for a look. Melee: Battlegrounds is a multiplayer-focused medieval combat game similar to Mount&Blade, War of the Roses and Chivalry. The game will feature large-scale medieval battles with over 200 players per server. The game is being developed by a new studio that previously worked on a mod for Mount&Blade: Warband called cRPG. cRPG has consistently been one of the best and most popular multiplayer mods for M&B: Warband. Melee: Battlegrounds has been in development for two years and kicked in to high gear with a larger team last year. I'll post a brief summary of the games features below, although if you want more information and to see the kickstarter video you'll have to go to the Kickstarter page: Combat: The game features a similar, but further developed, combat system to that of Mount&Blade with a 360 degree combat system, weapon collision and other things like kick, nudge and shieldbash. The combat is 100% skill-based where the only reason you die is because someone outplayed you. Equipment: What differentiates cRPG from the M&B: Warband is the persistant nature of your character. In cRPG as in Melee: Battlegrounds you will be able to buy better gear, gear that looks different and create your own unique character and style. Everything from horse archery to heavy landsknecht to lightly armored spearman is possible all with their own drawbacks and advantages. Armor makes you more resistant, but slower and fighting against a more skilled lightly armored guy will get you killed. There is no right way to play. The game will feature siege equipment as well for sieges, in the form of ladders, catapults and siege towers. Game modes: Modding: The team come from a background of modders and they are therefore supporting modding as much as possible. Here's what is said on the kickstarter page: If this sounds like your thing, I'd be thrilled if you could go over to their kickstarter page and check it out. They've put a ton of work into this. They are asking for a relatively modest 130 000$. Progress on the game so far: If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me, or you can even ask the developers themselves at their irc chat: http://webchat.quakenet.org/?channels=melee There's usually someone around who can answer the question if the developers are busy.
  8. I think he's complaining about console versions being censored in the whole Europe, due to laws of a few specific countries.
  9. Depends on the woman, just like with all ethnicities. I never heard of any other ethnicity where a husband may successfully sue the wife because she was ugly before surgery and then the kids turned out to be ugly. Because everything you read on the internet HAS to be true.
  10. Mass Effect 2 has that title.
  11. Winter 2014?! Spring is in like 1 month. Also. *droools*
  12. I am completely out of the loop when it comes to Wasteland, but what exactly is wrong here? Grid-based inventory? I'm assuming he's referring to the dialogue. Personally I'm fine with the UI. Hopefully you can change the vertical height of the dialogue window. It would be cool if you could change font size also, but that's probably asking too much, especially since its styalized rather than transparent. That's not dialogue, that's just descriptions of locations, as far as I'm aware. Like in Icewind Dale when you clicked on certain objects it described them.
  13. Some more info about Runemaster.
  14. I like 4th edition. Sure having superpowers as a fighter is silly and MMO-ish, but auto-attacking as a fighter is worse than MMO-ish. So there. I said it. EDIT: That said, having the entire party have tons of abilities sounds like a lot of work, so when controlling a party I don't mind some people only autoattacking.
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