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Everything posted by licketysplit

  1. I love it when these idiots oust themselves. It's doing everyone a favor.
  2. I'm a right-leaning, interventionist nationalist liberal. Sounds about right. Answered no to most questions.
  3. Wow. Men sure got the short end of the stick when it comes to looks.
  4. More race baiting by the media and a bunch of undignified spoiled brats that wanted to light cars on fire. I do feel Wilson used excessive force but it's hard to have sympathy for a kid that just robbed a store and then attacked an officer. Darwin award material right there.
  5. Dark and Gritty™ Nightmare fuel.
  6. So lets be clear on this, you think its impossible that he felt he had offended women he works with and he wanted to set the record straight? You say this cannot be the case? Lets be clear indeed. He's not sexist for any reason you list. He was likely asked to issue an apology so men like you wouldn't get your panties in a twist.
  7. There is no point in trying to reason with SJW logic. BruceVC proves this. I'm sorry, but you are off the charts biased.
  8. And what if he wanted to apologize? Is that just not possible, he could have realised he made a lapse of judgement wearing that shirt and on further reflection decided that an apology was the best option That's what people do in RL, not every thing is about feminists or SJW forcing people to do things they don't want to do. Sometimes people do decide to do things on there own Firstly, the guy's an eccentric and he should be allowed that. Secondly, we all know the double standard, a female scientist in his position wouldn't have been taken to task, and she'd likely be celebrated. Feminist hate themselves and their sex. Women can't celebrate their beauty anymore than men can.
  9. Can't take their Twitter circle jerk seriously. They're just competing to see who can be the most offensive and you can tell they struggle with it.
  10. That is comical. He offers a reasoned response and she flips her sh*t.
  11. You're right. I agree with Anita when she says rape is bad. Everything else she says is rubbish.
  12. My take. The publicans control everything. We're all doomed.
  13. "Your lives aren't in danger." There we go.
  14. Everything about her and people like Quinn just screams that they've lived pampered lives in Ivory towers. Someone had mentioned they have difficulty empathizing. Spot on to me. They can't get out of their own heads long enough to see different view points.
  15. Because with a reasonable host, they'll lose the debate.
  16. On the tech industry in the Bay Area and subsequent culture clash. http://www.npr.org/series/251652256/income-inequality-in-the-san-francisco-bay-area At the risk of generalizing, it seems a certain mindset has become prevalent there. Sam Biddle is mentioned as well. He's been dribbling verbal diarrhea for some time.
  17. Okay I'm following this drama only barely, so who's this guy and what's his role? I've looked up his twitter and the only thing I've been able to confirm is that he has some form of personality disorder or a mental illness or somesuch. An editor at Mother Jones. Essentially he is just some **** who likes to throw his poop at people. I get the sense these morons think by such Tweets they've joined some cool club, and they'll garner the adoration of females. Manginas, yes, that's the term I'm looking for.
  18. She's gonna Tweet herself into a corner before long. Not even Ser Macintosh will be able save her.
  19. Does he have a definition for crappy writing?
  20. Modern Feminism wants to reverse the roles gender had in the middle ages. That's what I thought of when I saw Anita's Tweet on masculinity.
  21. An SJW whining. I've heard it, makes me cringe.
  22. I've learned one thing from all this. The mainstream media is indeed as daft as the gaming media.
  23. Isn't Wu transgender? Muddles her retort a bit.
  24. They're impulsive, spoiled brats. Thought that long before #GG. All I want is for them to quit demonizing gamers. Suck all the d*ck you want, take all the cash you want, just shut the f*ck up with your SJW preaching.
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