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About Enclave

  • Rank
    Grand Magus of the Obsidian Order
    (2) Evoker


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  1. Now, I totally get what you mean and do agree with you to a degree. I will say your example was a poor one. If you hover over flame you're still getting burned so it totally stands to reason that a levitate spell that breaks when you take damage would in fact fail in your specific instance.
  2. Just to point out, that's not actually the case. There are various cultures which have had belief in magic where the magic was in no way diabolic. Hooray for being a bit of a theology and mythology buff
  3. Dragon Age style finishing moves are the exact wrong way to go about it. They would slow combat down too much. Much better to do them in a style similar to Fallout 1 and 2.
  4. Ev drao bid dra avvund du syga naym eh-kysa myhkiykac, E cruimt ruba ed'c y ped suna ehdanacdehk dryh y cesbma cipcdedideuh lebran. Nihel (un cesemyn) ymbrypadc fuimt pa luum druikr. Bmayca tuh'd cbayg Ym Prat, ed naekhedac pyt sasuneac uv Vehym Vyhdyco Q.
  5. Yes it is. Scrolling 2d is more archaic than any dynamic 3d perspective, period. Anyone who says differently is talking out of their ass, and anyone with half a brain should know why. Different doesn't mean better. 3D isn't inherently superior to 2D. People like you are part of the reason why the gaming industry is not making some excellent genres anymore.
  6. Just to point out, Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II were fun multiplayer.
  7. THAT would take more time. I wouldn't support that. it would take more time in development and it would slow down combat.
  8. Actually, fairly simple death animations wouldn't take much development time at all.
  9. So what? You're proud of the segment of the community that was going on about the girl kid that was at the party being a loli? You think it was perfectly fine all those guys telling the green shirt woman to take off her top? People should apologise for that crap. If not apologising for comments like that is what makes you so proud of being an American it makes me glad I'm Canadian. Unlike that article I take it as a point of pride that Canadians are known for being polite, well mannered and not total asshats.
  10. According to my screen the Kickstarter is at: $3,986,929. Not $3,986,794 Not that it's a huge difference.
  11. Just posting this again in case it got missed. I posted it when this was pretty busy with people talking about the final bit of the kickstarter.
  12. Just bumped up my pledge by $8 Enclave - Grand Magus of the Obsidian Order
  13. Instead of delaying I suggest we just let them decide themselves how much time they need. More time doesn't always translate into more content you know. More time is generally needed if bug fixes are needed.
  14. In tabletop games, the "Vancian" systems do make strategic gameplay more important, but a lot of that is lost in a game with reloading. Especially if the choice of spells has a dramatic effect on efficacy (e.g. did you memorize dimensional anchor before fighting creatures that are constantly teleporting all over the battlefield), failure to select the "right" ones can result in catastrophic failure. In the absence of information required to make informed decisions, those choices aren't strategic; they're just guesses. After a reload, they're meta-strategic, but I doubt most players feel clever for making a retrospectively obvious choice. I was saying just this earlier. Sure the game could tell you what to expect later, but really that cannot be true in all circumstances otherwise the game itself is just giving away what's going to be happening. Having your full spell library available to you at all times really is the best choice.
  15. Uhhuh, doesn't belong eh? Just like it didn't belong in those classic Infinity Engine games that had it via character import? IWD was the only series with a new game+ feature and that was a dungeon crawler. It works for ARPGs that are all about combat. If there is no multiplayer then there is no need for import/export. If you want to start with all the xp, gold, and loot from a previous game you can just cheat it in, or mod it. Baldur's Gate had character import.
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