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Justin Bell

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Justin Bell last won the day on September 30 2018

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About Justin Bell

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    Obsidian Alumni
    (4) Theurgist

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  1. Hello! Thanks for your very kind words. We're looking into it now, stay tuned!
  2. Heyblm_is_your_friend. First off, sincere apologies for taking so long to respond to this. I know you've been working with our support team , and they've done a great job communicating with me about this. The failure is on me. That audio sure does look distorted to me as well. I can't explain why that's the case, but I have the source files here and this is what they look like: I will work with our support folks to see about getting this resolved, please look for a response from them.
  3. I *might* be able to for next patch. Depends on if I have the right conditional available to me so I can script it in.
  4. Hi there. The issues you describe of poe1 music playing everywhere should be resolved now. Once the next patch comes out please take a listen. Note that night music will not play until the current district music is over, and day music will not play until the night music is over.
  5. @Phenomenum Seems reasonable. Thank you very much for taking the time to make these suggestions. I will try to integrate these changes, but it might need to wait until the next patch. It's getting very late for me to modify data in this way for this next patch (this modifies more than just Wwise data, which gets slightly riskier considering we're locking the patch imminently) , but next patch will be much safer and I'll look into doing this.
  6. I hear you. Ok if there's another piece from Pillars 1 or 2/White March you guys prefer for night music sound off. It's got to be today or tomorrow my time though to ensure it gets into the build. Two provisos - I reserve the right to decline a suggestion based on music placement elsewhere in the game, AND new music is off the table for now unfortunately
  7. Guys, I definitely appreciate all the feedback. I'm just not sure I have the availability to write new music for night time right now. Take a listen to the next patch, see the improvement to transitions. Who knows, maybe the use of encampment will grow on you over time now that it works properly.
  8. Hey guys, everything has been fixed and will hopefully launch in the next patch. I wasn't handling certain transitions but it's all resolved now. Hang tight!
  9. Hmm, I thought I excluded the taverns? Is that not the case?
  10. Understood. The indoor thing was intentional. I think once #2 is fixed, #1 and 3 will be less aggravating. (hopefully?)
  11. Everyone, thanks for saying thanks. It's really my pleasure.
  12. My pleasure, really. We worked hard on this game for you guys. We know we can't make everything perfect, but we will try our best to keep an open mind!
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