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Posts posted by Troller

  1. http://en.wikipedia....mong_LGBT_youth


    Around 30-40% of LGBT youth have attempted suicide. Often times because they feel rejected by their parents, by their school, by their friends, and by society. A lot of the time, a young gay kid may not even know that there are others out there like him. He may think he's all alone, that he's some horrible deviation from the cultural norm and that there is no place for him in the world. You know why that is? Because nobody talks about LGBT people. There is no exposure, there is no communication. 5-10% of the population is GLBT. Walking around a Texas Highschool, you'd think it was 0.5%. In a campus of 2300 people, that's 115-230 people who are surpressing an integral part of their self identity.


    So yes, GLBT people are going to petition for inclusion in things. It is not asking for special treatment. It is asking to be acknowledged. To have someone, somewhere, say "yes, you do exist, and that's fine." And that can save lives.

    What about anti-GLBT people, some do commit suicide too...we gotta acknowledge those too, if you wanna be equal gotta consider everyone

    they want to be represented on video games too, imagine how many lives we can save this way...

  2. Please, please, please include some gay and lesbian characters in Project Eternity! Obsidian did a phenomenal job of being inclusive with New Vegas (see this article http://www.gamefront...-in-gay-heaven/) so I'm really hoping they will follow suite with Project Eternity. Obsidian, can you do this again? :)


    ^ This! :) I think the LGBPT community should be included and get just as much recognition as the heterosexual community :)

    No, they are a minority and should be treated like it, if you are in a business and majority of people like to buy blue colored toys, you won`t make millions of red colored toys to please a couple of guys.You want to sell thousand blue toys and make a profit, and please almost everyone

  3. No. No. No.


    I hate hooker armor. This game doesn't need to be designed for horny 12 year olds, make the armor realistic.

    There are no realistic armor designs for women, because never was made any of the kind, soldiers have been pretty much 99% male in all of earth.

    And this is a fantasy game, why bring realism into this?


    btw I`m not women bashing, turns out I like women, a lot, but this is just the reality of things, women are more comfortable in bikini than FULL PLATE ARMOR


    What does comfort have to do with it? Men are more comfortable in underwear than plate armor too, does that mean male warriors should all be in their underwears too?

    yeah ok, lets go back to medieval times, get a woman and put her in full plate armor and make her fight a war, we will see how will she feel afterwards(protip she would most likely be raped and killed)


    beside this isn`t the point of the thread, point is to post nice female armor designs

    a7trh.jpg wow I just realized maybe the first pic I posted is from PST

  4. No. No. No.


    I hate hooker armor. This game doesn't need to be designed for horny 12 year olds, make the armor realistic.

    There are no realistic armor designs for women, because never was made any of the kind, soldiers have been pretty much 99% male in all of earth.

    And this is a fantasy game, why bring realism into this?


    btw I`m not women bashing, turns out I like women, a lot, but this is just the reality of things, women are more comfortable in bikini than FULL PLATE ARMOR

  5. Holy ****, you guys.


    You have been 23 entire pages, and over 440 replies, arguing over whether romances are a good thing to have in the game or not. And out of all those posts, practically none are productive. Most of them are a back-and-forth between a few people, always retreading the same points.


    This is not a discussion, it's attrition warfare. Stop trying to convince each other, because you're clearly not going to ever do it. You're only going to reinforce the opinions of the other side.



    Tha sad thing is, I have interest in character interactions in general, and thus I have some interest in seeing what could be done with player romances. But nothing productive is going to come out of discussions like this :facepalm:

    the devs probably already know which direction they will take companions relationships, I`m pretty sure though, since this is a mature setting, there will be Hookers!!


  6. What about the option for the local town Cleric in the Temple being a psycho pedophile who rapes sick young boys in exchange for healing them of diseases with magic. You can either white knight him and stop his horrible acts, or sign up as his missionary apprentice and go find sick boys in the countryside who need "healing".


    Too morally amiguous?



    That is as offensive as portraying gays as sickos who want to murder heterosexuals out of revenge.


    I think that its not only offensive for pedophiles, worse, its unreallistic and it vilifies people. I think that a good-hearted, kind, honest pedophile, not a "Cleric psycho who rapes young boys" would be far more realistic and honest. Trying to include and respect pedophile people is far better than vilify us. Many pedophiles are teens and play videogames just like anyone else, and would like to see a person to who they could identify with.

    maybe in the future man, for now its time for the gay rights parade...

  7. Although, admittedly, this is mostly dictated by my personal tastes, I would really like for the game to introduce meaningful romance. If any actual sex scenes were to be included, something along the lines of what "The Witcher 2" brought about would be preferred - tasteful, elegant, yet absolutely erotic and adult.

    However, I could really live without homosexual romances. I understand that currently the West is dominated by what is called "political corectness" or "cultural Marxism" but afters seeing the sausage fest that was Dragon Age 2, as well as the overall feel of said romances being rammed in just for the sake of gaining applause from certain miniscule communities and gaining free publicity through controversy, I give such ideas a big thumbs down.

    I agree man, but even if they include homosexual romances, you can rest assured it's not gonna be like in dragon age, the guys at obsidian are much more reasonable and smart...I mean who wrote the dragon age sausage fest? some fan fic guy wasnt it?

    here we are dealing with pros... :yes:

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