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Posts posted by Troller

  1. Totally agree man, take Dragon Age Origins for example, in the game The elves and Humans hate each other for pretty much no reason at all than to just have a convenient plot.Now in Dragon Age 2 is about the hate people have for the mages, but really none of this hate is explained, it's just there for convenience, to help to get the game going.

    I wish they would at least in Project Eternity, since they said it would deal with more mature themes, get into more detail into that kind of stuff, like, for example, maybe the elves could hate the dwarfs because the dwarfs are disgusting and have no hygiene.

    I dunno, seems to me that hating people based on their skin color is for pretty much no reason at all too. The, "Because they're disgusting and have no hygiene," stuff is just BS that people make up to justify their hatred.

    Yeah, it's awesome to stay close to people with no hygiene, their smell is great! I love them.

  2. All games are political. "Traditional values" are not any less political than "modern values". A game without (for example) gay-romance and where all relationships follow a heteronormative line is as political as a game challenging "traditional values".


    I agree that it's boring when a game shoves political ideas down your throat and forces you to take a certain stance in game, but that's not exclusive for left-wing ideas. Why is for example the economical system in all games some type of market-economy? Why are both women and men stereotypically pictured in so many games? And so on. I personally like it when political and social issues are in a game, as long as were not forced to pick a certain side. Beeing forced into something usually breaks your plans for your character and makes bad RP.


    Also; this is a fantasy-game, not real life. The world in this game doesn't have to be a copy of our world. Heterosexuality doesn't have to be the norm i PE just because it is IRL. Historically, heterosexuality in our own world has not been as normative as it is today and homosexuality has not always been looked down on. Greek soldiers were for example often encouraged to have homosexual relationsships because it was belived to strenghten the group and make the soldiers more willing to fight to the death with their comrades. So in a way, acceptance for homosexuality is a lot more "traditional" than heteronormativity.




    This just in:


    New Project Eternity update confirms that the reason for the brokenness of souls in the game world is LGTB discrimination and patriarchy, and the central storyline revolves around the player's quest to bring feminism and homosexual/transgender pride to the realms, in order to restore the integrity of souls and bring about peace and love everywhere!


    The amount of power that the player character and companions can leverage from their souls (e.g. for spell-casting, and all other cool abilities), depends on their
    stat. Making dialog or quest decisions that conform to traditional gender roles for the player's gender will decrease the stat, while choosing progressive and politically correct paths will increase it.


    During the course of the story, the player character will complete a gay romance and have gay sex at least 5 times (the game cannot be completed without it), and various side-quests involve convincing NPCs to discard their evil "traditional values", or establishing female quotas for town councils and guilds, etc.


    The promised mega-dungeon will only be unlocked for female players, in order to counterbalance the historic tendency of discrimination against them in video games.

    And instead of a final boss battle, the game will conclude with a quiz in which the player will have to recite (from memory) quotes from the communist manifesto which had been previously presented throughout the game.


    Oh, and
    will be black.


    So, that should clear things up for you and your buddies at that renowned haven of intellectual exchange of ideas (4chan) from whence you came... :devil:


    I would so buy this game! :grin:


    So it will be like every single game out there. I have no problem with gay/bi characters in a game, my problem is that its done in an very unrealistic manner. Bioware is the worst (everybody is bi? *rolls eyes*), but pretty much every recent game has had a "we all get along and look beyond our differences and we only fight because of ideology vision that just happens to not be offensive to anybody in the rreal world". No thank you, I want there to be racism, sexism, discriminations, drug use..etc. I do not want the game to feel 'safe' or feel like its in some bizaro universe where there is nothing wrong except for a few 'token' moments. The problems should exist, if for anything, those who want to be white knights could have the option of trying to change these very things in the games.

    Totally agree man, take Dragon Age Origins for example, in the game The elves and Humans hate each other for pretty much no reason at all than to just have a convenient plot.Now in Dragon Age 2 is about the hate people have for the mages, but really none of this hate is explained, it's just there for convenience, to help to get the game going.

    I wish they would at least in Project Eternity, since they said it would deal with more mature themes, get into more detail into that kind of stuff, like, for example, maybe the elves could hate the dwarfs because the dwarfs are disgusting and have no hygiene.

    Imo it's important to have a reason for the hatred, otherwise it becomes just a plot enabler: HURR we gotta stop the opression of the race X because race Y is bad because opressing people is bad.

  3. All games are political. "Traditional values" are not any less political than "modern values". A game without (for example) gay-romance and where all relationships follow a heteronormative line is as political as a game challenging "traditional values".


    I agree that it's boring when a game shoves political ideas down your throat and forces you to take a certain stance in game, but that's not exclusive for left-wing ideas. Why is for example the economical system in all games some type of market-economy? Why are both women and men stereotypically pictured in so many games? And so on. I personally like it when political and social issues are in a game, as long as were not forced to pick a certain side. Beeing forced into something usually breaks your plans for your character and makes bad RP.


    Also; this is a fantasy-game, not real life. The world in this game doesn't have to be a copy of our world. Heterosexuality doesn't have to be the norm i PE just because it is IRL. Historically, heterosexuality in our own world has not been as normative as it is today and homosexuality has not always been looked down on. Greek soldiers were for example often encouraged to have homosexual relationsships because it was belived to strenghten the group and make the soldiers more willing to fight to the death with their comrades. So in a way, acceptance for homosexuality is a lot more "traditional" than heteronormativity.




    This just in:


    New Project Eternity update confirms that the reason for the brokenness of souls in the game world is LGTB discrimination and patriarchy, and the central storyline revolves around the player's quest to bring feminism and homosexual/transgender pride to the realms, in order to restore the integrity of souls and bring about peace and love everywhere!


    The amount of power that the player character and companions can leverage from their souls (e.g. for spell-casting, and all other cool abilities), depends on their
    stat. Making dialog or quest decisions that conform to traditional gender roles for the player's gender will decrease the stat, while choosing progressive and politically correct paths will increase it.


    During the course of the story, the player character will complete a gay romance and have gay sex at least 5 times (the game cannot be completed without it), and various side-quests involve convincing NPCs to discard their evil "traditional values", or establishing female quotas for town councils and guilds, etc.


    The promised mega-dungeon will only be unlocked for female players, in order to counterbalance the historic tendency of discrimination against them in video games.

    And instead of a final boss battle, the game will conclude with a quiz in which the player will have to recite (from memory) quotes from the communist manifesto which had been previously presented throughout the game.


    Oh, and
    will be black.


    So, that should clear things up for you and your buddies at that renowned haven of intellectual exchange of ideas (4chan) from whence you came... :devil:


    I would so buy this game! :grin:

    Me too man, sounds like an awesome game.

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