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Posts posted by Troller

  1. I'm going to again implement the plan of "ignore nigro's posts, and report them when they aren't agreeing with our opinion." Lets keep the discussion on topic and hopefully prove that we can behave like mature individuals when talking about a senitive subject.

    Let me correct that for you, equality for everyone bro, sorry...

    People actually do have different opinions than you guys, we just don't parade around in city gatherings, causing unecessary chaos, we just live our lives and keep our sexuality preferences private, like most people do.

  2. Obviously they should be included in the setting, it would be far less rich without them. Greek culture virtually gave birth to advanced mathematics and philosophy, history would be majorly different without them. That said they should be represented equally so that along with Spartan heroics we also get a culture that performed state sponsored pederasty and slavery. There's no simplified and blatant good or bad moral lectures being performed.


    ...also zoophilia and pedophilia were legal in Ancient Greece. And this is not sarcasm.

    hahaha I just noticed this is a good argument, all homosexuals I've argued here like to talk about those times, "Hurr Alexander The Great was homosexual", hey guess what back in those times Pedophilia and Zoophilia were way more common than homosexuality, let's bring them back too ?!


    Also who is going to defend the right of the pedophile and zoophile people? I bet they are a real minority here, and they are way more opressed than LGBT people...equality is a bitch isn't it? if you start parading and demanding equality for you, others will want equality for themselves.

    • Like 1
  3. And it doesn't piss off 80% of the people playing the game, once they realise (and it's pretty clear in this case) that it has been forced in by a pressure group. Additionally, one accusing those who disagree of a mental illness (so-called homophobia is considered one).


    By the way, I got my first formal warning. A toast! :dancing:

    Take it easy man, the mods here are pretty reasonable, but don't push it too much, they have a job to do, and they have to kick ass sometimes to make it work, don't be on the end of the beating side. I understand you are sharing your opinion, but your opinion is offensive for most people here(yeah I know this is lame). But the mods gotta go with the crowd man.

  4. I'm not even following the issue but I know there have been at least four threads on the matter.

    Why are LGBT people so adamant about this? Is this ionsecurity at work or what? I don't see gypsies or hinduists trying to fight for their representation in games.

    We're truly living in an era of peace if it's the biggest matter, if only on the Obsidian forums.

    LGBT people are looking for acceptance, cis scum is looking for good trolling targets. Cue 15 pages worth of fun and games.


    On topic: If it's done like in New Vegas I don't care.

    No, "cis scum" just want the LGBT to mind their own business like everyone else, and stop causing unecessary chaos.


    Josh Sawyer included LGBT people in Fallout New Vegas, and he is the leader of this project, so, most likely there will be some in this game too, but why do you guys gotta keep annoying us with this LGBT pride parade here, yeah you guys are homosexuals, so what? is that supposed to be a big deal or something?

    Really, I'm trying to understand how you all think.

  5. My answer is this. If even a single character is made to be bisexual, trisexual or quadrosexual just because some group "demanded" or "pleaded" for it, a game stops to be a work of art and immediately becomes a product, like Pepsi. And I still consider most RPG's of old works of art, as already mentioned previously.


    You could say that about any of the ideas on this forum :/

    No, because having a different rule for Bashing and Slashing weapons doesn't make the game a political statement.

  6. the actual porting to linux itself while still a bit of work falls into nothing compared to the developement of the entire game, the only real holdback is the choice of engines to use for the game. If obsidian is going to make their own engine, yes its going to be quite a bit more work.

    there are quite a few engines supporting linux sure not every engine so no unreal engine or cryengine but still quite a few engines. There are actually linux compatible versions of those engines as well but they are not being released.

    no cryengine 4?


  7. Thumbs up on hitting stretch goal number 2! I'm hoping you will hit #'s 3, 4, and 5 before the time is over. I agree with the second poster, that we probably won't see goal 3 hit until Monday or Tuesday next week. Things are definitely slowing down now. Still I'm just thrilled the main target was met and now the first two stretch goals to boot.

    Just keep fighting the good fight man, I`m creating threads about project eternity on other forums, and discussing about the old school games, it makes some people interested in it, some of them will eventually help with the project.

  8. So how do you think that the inclusion of the LBGTPZ community should be handled realistically, in the Eternity setting.


    Do you think that the rise of homosexuality will be mainly limited to the more populous areas, such as bustling city states and such. Whereas in the conservative and largely patriarchal societies of the tribal and clan civilisations it will be frowned upon, if not a banishment or killing offense, such as in Caesars Legion. Or could we see a reverse of that in some cultures, where the "savages" are fairly liberal in this respect.


    Could a characters sexuality cause them to be targetted by religions or perhaps hatemobs if they flaunt it? Might certain merchants and quest givers refuse to serve the protagonist or npcs, because of rumours. This could also open up other dialogues, with temples of fertility and such. Good antagonists could be born from politicians scapegoating the protagonist with the usual buzzwords, decadent, profligate, ungodly etcetera. Might this be one of the axes that the saint of Godhammer citadel had to grind before the big bang.

    Sure, why not. I don't mind different cultures within the game viewing sexuality differently. It'd be a realistic way to approach it.


    As interesting an idea that is, one that I think would be great for storytelling. I fear that would bring in an entire legion of litigation against this game. I could just see it now "Game maker Obsidian promotes hate crimes against gays!" No thank you.


    It would definitely be an interesting idea, but as I said in another post the problem with exploring homophobia and other social issues that face homosexuality is that if you deal with the issue frankly, you're likely to make a lot of people feel uncomfortable or persecuted, whichever group they identify with. Even if it was successful it would cause quite a lot of controversy, put the public relations guys through a fair bit of grief, and easily hijack the game's legacy. It would be a gutsy narrative decision, and not one to be taken lightly.

    But it is realistic to have homophobia and sometimes lot of crimes related to that, here in BR lots of gay people are murdered everyear, the Midia always portrays those crimes as hate crimes.I personally dont have much against gay people, but I really do think they are causing unecessary chaos with their stance, they could avoid that by doing what most heterosexual respectable people do regarding their own sexuality, they don`t go around announcing it to the whole world, sometimes causing mayhem, why not leave as something private? IMO they would get more respect that way.

    • Like 1
  9. Sorry I`m kind of new to this, but The title says it all, I decided to fight for my rights!! no more I will be opressed !! For example, I come from a catholic family and most people from my church consider this kind of behavior (of the lgbt community), not very good for society.I grew up with the belief that the trans people aren`t very nice, me and lots of my personal friends, wouldnt like if our favorite game turns into a parade for the gay pride.

    Sorry if I offended anyone, but I just had to take this out of my system, I`m tired of being opressed, if you guys want to ban me, go right ahead, just keep in your minds that Im not the only one with this opinion and you are being as bad as the bigots you guys claim to fight against.


    -Imagination brought on by scale. To me the pulled back isometric view lets my imagination fill in all the details. Don't let me zoom in to see my sword's 2000 pixel high resness. Let me see that new sword I found looks different, but from afar. My imagination makes that sword look more awesome than any artist can, especially if it has some great inventory flavor text.

    But how are we supposed to take upskirt shots of our female companion or NPC ;(

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