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Posts posted by Troller

  1. Man, first thing i thought when I finished Torment as a kid was, where is my sequel hahah

    But you know, today I think there might not need a sequel, the game stands out nice, and is solid the way it is.

    I would really like to see some similar themes on this game though, but they already said they will treat the gamers as adults, so I'm guessing we will be seeing lot of awesome things like in Torment

  2. Sleeping in a dungeon sure should get you ambushed by tough encounters, IMO there should be more life to a dungeon than there is in today`s rpg`s: not just keep monsters waiting for you in everyroom, make monsters patroling the dungeon, you know giving more life to the dungeon by having its inhabitants have a relation.More ways to go through a dungeon than just storming the place should be available too.

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  3. "the stink of bioware is all over this project.


    1) Only 5 companions. That means you need to take them all with you if you have a 6 person party. Worked in PS:T but that was a RPG unlike any other.

    2) Only 5 classes. Unless there are 'kits' like BG this limits the diversity of the party and NPCs. Best option is like Diablo with skill paths to differentiate the players. Oh joy.

    3) They are not even man enough to call it a stronghold. They call it a house. Maybe we can have tea parties there.

    4) They say companions can stay relax at said house. This implies a crappy 'camp' mechanic, small party sizes and ****ty everyone gets XP even if they are not in the active party.

    5) The whole soul crap is gong to be incredible forced. Without knowing anything about it besides it having something to do with the magic system I can tell it's going to be a construct shoved down our thoats.

    6) The magic system is going to be stupid. See number 5."


    What does BIO have to do with this? They've never done a kickstarter, and their last magic system for DA was actually pretty robust in spite of the lame mana crap.

    because of all the stuff bioware pulled lately, that pissed off the fans, Dragon Age 2 for example, Mass Effect 3..

  4. Like the previous guy said well, it's just unrealistic to have women running around in full plate armor and fighting against men toe to toe, why bring realism into this?

    Just leave women with the bikini armors, what's the big deal? they like to show off their features, and I, like any male, like to look at them.

    So women are weak and incapable of accomplishing anything other than being your personal eye candy?

    Well they sure can accomplish stuff, but it won't ever be in the heights of things men have accomplished

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