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Posts posted by Troller

  1. There won't be need for mod support ;)


    I'm hoping too that there won't be a need for mod support, but mods can do so much more than plugs the gaps on an unfinished project. One of the inviolable rules of the internet is that a game's first mod is a nude mod, but there's so much more scope.


    For instance, using the Skyrim example yet again, player houses, companions, new towns, new dungeons, texture packs and creature packs are just a few of the many areas that have been modded. Take a look, here.

    This isn't going to be an elder scrolls game with infinite quests, WAIFUS and all that...

    check out games like PST, only mods for it, are Widescreen mods, and some that fix some stuff

  2. There should be two difficult levels, for casuals and for hardcore gamers, in the casual your characters can't be permanent dead, but in the hardcore gamer difficulty, that's a possibility

    High difficulty level can be quite thrilling to play Imo


    Then they would effectively have to balance 2 different games. Balance for those with and those without party members.

    Well they should allow the player to play solo if he wants...forced companions are kinda lame

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  3. It would be nice to see the 'traditional' races, but taken more to extremes.


    Take elves for example: generally tall, lithe, mysterious forest dwellers, often distrusted by humans. Why not expand on that and instead of having them as tall, pretty, magical versions of humans, focus more on the strange and alien aspect of them. Imagine a cross between 'greys' and Slenderman. Tall, terrifiying creatures that live in the forest and are hardly ever seen, but are known from stories to abduct travellers.


    Dwarves could almost be living stone. Imagine the scene from Aliens where they're walking through the corridors and we see the xenomorphs coming out of the walls, but make the walls stone and the xenomorphs short, rocky humanoids.


    The races wouldn't necessarily be malevolent, but they also wouldn't necessarily have the same thought processes and morals as humans.


    Just my $0.02


    I like this. Even if they don't go in that exact direction that's the kind of variation on a theme I'd like to see.

    Very interesting idea, you see people are complaining that dwarfs and elves are too overused, but really, it's just like in real life, most of books written by humans are about humans, yet few people complains humans are a theme that is very overused and boring, because depending on the author they can make any theme and any subject look good and interesting

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