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Posts posted by Troller

  1. Also: science? Sports? We live in the real all-human world; how Drow and Dwarf females are compared to Human males or those of their own species in this world has not yet been stated, and indeed if humans can use magic could there not also be other physiological differences between them and us?


    I think we should stop thinking about this as real life guys, we're not making a Mount & Blade contender or DnD AmaA-- brand new iP, brand new world.


    That same argument should be used in the arms and armor thread. 'Reality' seems to be applied inconsistently by people.


    No boob armor or chain mail bikinis because that isn't realistic! Women not as strong as men? Who cares if that is the case in the real world. This is a game!

    careful with that opinion man, last thread I saw it got locked and the guy saying it got a warning

  2. I don't think all the male here, for example, can match trained female martial artists.

    Not only strength but also timing is the key for maximized impact. If you include submission holds, it also negates quite a huge part of sheer physical strength, too.

    Hell yeah man, those women fighting in MMA nowadays they could beat up a lot of strong men, and really, it has nothing to do with all the testosterone injected in them, it's just raw PMS power!

  3. Gender doesn't need to affect stats in the game, it's a minor thing. It should affect dialogue and the first impressions you make on different groups and individuals.


    Also, anyone who claims that men are not stronger ON AVERAGE than women is a delusional fool.

    Or it's just a very weak man, or small children, I remember when I was a kid and living with my mother I used to think she was strong, and all women were strong too.

  4. How dare you guys suggest that men and women are different. They have the same physical traits, women were always great warriors throught history(joan darc, the amazons, ona bushi, which is told that one ona bushi in battle was like 10 highly trained samurai men). Women aren't strong like man just because they don't want to, if they wanted they could be stronger, but they prefer finesse, so they have a higher dexterity value, and charisma, and intelligence, and wisdom, which is way more important nowadays anyway, strength won't help you shoot guns dur.

    There aren't many women in the army and special forces fighting wars, just because they are smarter than men! So men have to fight and risk their lifes at wars while the women remain at home, chilling.


    But really guys there is nothing different between the sexes, history has proved this over and over.

  5. Well people at 4chan /v/ are overreacting about gay inclusiveness, and people at the codex are overreacting about cooldowns and level scaling.

    Just what I got from the forums I'm lurking...


    Whine on the codex and /v/? Don't you say?!

    I wanna see a good argument as why level scaling and cooldowns are a bad thing, so far I've only seen pure hatred lol.The way Sawyer was explaining the magic system sounded pretty reasonable to me, still, what do I know...


    because if you use what dragon age had it makes for exceedingly boring and button mashy combat. i have a combo! must use at every opportunity!. but if you actually have consequences for using those button mashy things... well, then it could be interesting. but i think that's really the biggest complaint about cool downs. you just get bored with the combat.


    as for level scaling, i think the biggest complaint of seen about it (when done poorly) is that you just don't feel like you've gained any ground when you level up. basically you should feel more powerful when you go back to somewhere you've been, but whne everything levels with you sometimes you feel weaker than when you were first there.

    It all boils down to how are they going to implement those things, people are getting mad too soon IMO. I really don't see they making the same mistakes of other RPG's, they are professionals and probably played those games, and know their faults...

  6. Well people at 4chan /v/ are overreacting about gay inclusiveness, and people at the codex are overreacting about cooldowns and level scaling.

    Just what I got from the forums I'm lurking...


    Whine on the codex and /v/? Don't you say?!

    I wanna see a good argument as why level scaling and cooldowns are a bad thing, so far I've only seen pure hatred lol.The way Sawyer was explaining the magic system sounded pretty reasonable to me, still, what do I know...

    • Like 3
  7. IMO if one of them really backed this up, I can at least get an insight on how the final product of P:E will be


    What has someone backing something completely unrelated to do with the subject of Project: Eternity? Thinking it's going to become a feminist manifest or something?

    No, but you know, when someone makes a movie, a game, or writes a book, his opinions will be in there for anyone to see, in project eternity we will probably see their opinions expressed in the form of gameplay and history, it's just like if Sawyer or Avellone said they all hated blue bottles of soda in games, would you expect one game that tthey make to have blue bottles of soda everywhere?

  8. OMG the outrage! I'm totally backing out my pledge!

    Feminism... blah... mysogeny... blah...

    *Thread Closed*


    There, now that we got all that out the way, are we done here?

    I'm not backing up my pledge, I trust those guys, they made games that are my favorites to this day.


    I'm just curious about the general direction this project will take when dealing with such problems.

  9. So is it true one of the obsidian developers backed Anite Sarkeesien kickstarter, and which one did?

    Btw, for those who don't know her, this is a two part 20mins doc about her kickstarter project:

    part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6gLmcS3-NI&feature=plcp


    part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpFk5F-S_hI&feature=plcp


    This is just a rumor btw, but I'm really curious about it, IMO if one of them really backed this up, I can at least get an insight on how the final product of P:E will be, and I bet all of you are curious about that as well as me.



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