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Posts posted by Troller

  1. I remember one time (for another game) suggesting a mod in which an NPC would actually react to things you did, and also make some decisions for himself (not for the player) if he didn't agree. Then came the "That's an awful idea! We don't want NPCs making decisions!" So, yeah, I guess there are some people who want NPCs to be animated puppets that do whatever you want whether they agree with it or not. I, for one, think it's great to have them actually act (or refuse) based on their beliefs, even to the point of departing permanently, staying out of a battle, or other things.


    I think that's more of a story thing, though, than a combat morale system thing. Like in DA:O, you could end up fighting your companions depending on the decisions you made. I'm all for that kind of thing happening in P:E.


    Regardless, I love Total War games, but I'm not sure having a morale system would be in keeping with the tone of the IE games that inspired it. You and your companions were typically supposed to be pretty badass in those, and I imagine they intend for P:E to be much the same. It would be weird if half of your crew of world-shaking heroes decided to run away from the evil arch-lich they were fighting.

    It's not weird man, you live to fight another day, better to retreat and resuply or maybe get stronger, so then later you can have an opportunity to try again with the odds more in your favor...

  2. Or maybe they don't want to help you because you are a bad Leader in general


    It's a game, you are their ONLY leader, so they should follow you or they should be deleted from existence.


    If you want that level of realism how about as soon as anyone hear's about the big evil (whatever it happens to be) they flee across the nearest border to a safer land. Many players complained about Khalid in BG1 with his "better part of valor" fleeing that basically made him a liability rather than actually adding any realism considering his wife was still standing fighting by your side.


    It is almost impossible to add this to a game without making a very annoying feature and forcing players away from npc's programmed to flee.

    Almost, but it could be done...

  3. I really don't want my entire party running away on me in the middle of a tough battle.

    Squad broken!


    If we hit the Adventurer's Hall, I see this being more likely. Someone asked about this level of reactivity in one the Kickstarter Q&As with Feargus, it sounded like they weren't quite set one way or another.

    I understand it's probably some complicated stuff to add to the game, and it would cost a lot of cash, but IMO it would be worth it.

  4. I wouldn't mind hearing about the general basics of how politics might work in PE, but I really don't want too much detail. I'd rather experience the actual details of the political climate when I play the game.

    That's fair, but there are also those of us that want to know now how it's going to be. For me, many movies, games and tv shows these days, become unwatchable\unplayable once I get to know the political agendas withing them. Some stuff just trigger the bull**** detector and I have to turn it off immediately, I'm just hoping it won't be the case with Project Eternity.

  5. You call yourself Troller and every post seems carefully designed to fan the flames of the kulturkampf.



    I just have different opinions than most people, I have come to accept this is a bad thing, but I can't really do much about it, other than shut up. Since this is an online forum and I can voice without getting beat up or murdered, all is good :biggrin:

  6. Ok, first of all, I'm not trying to offend anyone here with this post, I'm just curious about how the game will be, like most of the fans posting in this forum.


    So far what I have been seeing is that any opinion, that looks like something that might not please some minority, gets locked and reprimanded immediately.I understand that offending someone is not good, but some people just have different opinions, and this must be something that everyone gotta keep in mind.

    Just because you and your friends don't like someone's opinion and are insulting him, doesn't mean that this person is evil, and want you all dead. Me for example, I get insulted a lot here by crowds, that doesn't mean that I hate you all, I believe in freedom of speech and respecting other peoples different opinions.


    The impression from what has been spoken so far is that this game will be made to pander specifically to certain minorities that keep spamming the forums, totally alienating the traditional values.This kind of disrespect for the traditional values is considered an insult to many people, they just don't complain and spam the forums about it, because it's common sense, that if you disregard certain values and morals, that will make your product worse.


    I just want the developers to come clean about what is going on in their heads when they are making the game play and story decisions. Wouldn't that be good for the community? At the /v/ board in 4chan at least, I'm sure it would, all threads there, about Project Eternity, get derailed in a war between people defending this other people rights, and it's all about rights and politics, and degenerates, and bigots...needless to say, It's not pretty.


    Maybe if we take this subject aside we could all discuss some stuff that is common grounds for all of us, like gameplay mechanics that are fun and good for RPGS, anything that won't involve politics.


    I really hope this doesn't offend anyone, If it did offend you, please just PM me, let's try to work this out, no need to bring in the mods and your friends to throw stones at the ugly troll. :)

    • Like 1
  7. Another thread successfully derailed. There are certainly points worth discussing in here somewhere (like the danger of falling victim to the PC police) but this thread is going nowhere fast.

    How is it derailed? the thread started with the matter of the boob plate and why the developers were cowards to cave in to the rage of some users...now we are still discussing the boob plate, and why do people keep wanting women to look like men in the game, if that is derailement, all threads in this forum get derailed too.


    I just noticed, this is just a pledge for the mods to close this, yeah I understand the subject is really starting to get a little heated, and there might be something that will be said or has been said that hurt someone feelings, damn I hope they close this soon, can't have someone with their feelings hurt, right?

    • Like 1
  8. Because this happens if you do that:


    Their isometric sprites. Who cares?


    Everyone complaining about the 'boob plate'!

    Maybe not now, but the outrage was great, forcing them to change the design or to lose money :/

    Boobs armor worked in our comics and games for years, but now this Feminism equality agenda wants to change everything, I'm telling you guys, this won't work like you are expecting.


    Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure most of the people complaining are GUYS.


    That is the thing that is getting me, it isn't even mostly women complaining...its the guy...er...feminest? I just don't think they like womens forms and that is why they want to hide them so badly. It isn't just on armour they are pushing this, I have seen on other sites they want to remove it from art, pictures, etc, not having women showing any skin and covering them up so you are not sure if it is a guy or a girl. I only have seen this group online and thankfully not met one in real life. I have visions of them looking at every women showing off skin and going up to them saying they are being repressed by the man to be dressed up as sluts for evil mens pleasure and they are their to SAVE them from their brainwashing.


    Holy crap, I'm losing my patience here. When I started the thread I specifically said that practicality was what mattered to me along with a small concern for some marginal sexism. My issue was with women warriors who wear armor not using it with practicality.


    Mages and rouges can be more liberal, especially if it fits their characters, but women warriors just no.


    And the fact that you're trying to pin this on the sexual repression of people who are against stupid armor designs says a lot about you. No one here is trying to be a white knight, get over yourself.

    It does have to do with sexual repression, most minorities are sexual repressed, because they are minorities, not many people want to have sex with them. This is one of the reasons, IMO for all this parades and fights for rights, they don't like that there aren't many people with the same sexual desires as them.

  9. Because this happens if you do that:


    Their isometric sprites. Who cares?


    Everyone complaining about the 'boob plate'!

    Maybe not now, but the outrage was great, forcing them to change the design or to lose money :/

    Boobs armor worked in our comics and games for years, but now this Feminism equality agenda wants to change everything, I'm telling you guys, this won't work like you are expecting.

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