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Posts posted by Troller

  1. You know with all the talk about WW3 going down soon, with all the middle east situation, Nuclear war might happen, what if obsidian gets nuked?

    I think they should at least get ready, get a nuke shelter as a stretch goal, so that even in case of a nuclear war, they can still keep on developing our game!


    what you guys think?

    I dunno the cost of a nuclear shelter, but maybe as a 3 million stretch goal? sounds reasonable to me, since this is very important...


  2. The player has to feel he has grown stronger as the game progresses. Period


    Why? Unless they've taken the game equivalent to steroids and hit the gym to lift things up and put them down, the player shouldn't get stronger at all. In most P&P role playing games you don't get stronger, your attack rolls just get easier to make.

    haha the guy from the vid probably injects more stuff into his bloodstream than lifting weights

  3. Every once in a while there is one thread about mods or multiplayer or both, this isn't skyrim, where you need to get your waifus asap into the game, mods should be a stretch goal at 5 million or something, I have downloaded mods for most games ive played, and most of them suck, only good ones are bug fixes, yeah the mod community is just some kids, none of them are professionals like the obsidian developer, wanting to change stuff into the game is like saying Hurr im better than the professionals

  4. Currently playing Skyrim again, and it's not challenging in the least anymore because my character has reached level 69 and can kill even the most fearsome enemies in 3 hits. When I met a dwemer guardian mech, and killed him with two arrow shots, I was thinking: should games even allow the PC to become so powerful that enemies that were intended to be hard and fearsome can be killed as easily as a fly?


    It's especially jarring in games where you start out as a mediocre fighter at best, but end up more powerful than the greatest archmage and the most ancient creatures.


    Wouldn't it be better to make it incredibly hard (very high XP requirements or something) to reach a level that can even compare to these enemies/NPCs, and make it completely impossible to surpass them? This would make combat with such enemies a challenge for well-prepared adventurers. It would be even better in a party-based RPG, cause it means that tactics would really matter.

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  5. I think there should have, since this is a mature RPG, explained reasons why one race might hate the other, I mean, look at Dragon Age, elfs and humans, IIRC it's just a hate fest for no reason at all, if they would have explained better it would have been for the best, like for example maybe the elfes in the DAO world were pigs, sleeping and ****ting on the same bed, you know any decent reason, so that it wasn't just a blind hate just for the sake of having a quest line, that's pretty lame...

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