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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I noticed a serious flaw with the game today. I entered Raedric's Hold and there were still enemies there and Raedric didn't just die of a heart attack when I declared my intent to fight him. I also did not level for simply showing up. Clearly story mode needs more work.
  2. I don't know, people always help Baldur's Gate combat up like some holy grail because of it's hard counters and immunities. I (and some others) liked to respond by posting things like video's of Firkraag getting killed by one punch from a Monk. Immunities in and of themselves don't make combat more interesting, but I am okay with them as long as they make sense. If I can still knock down the Adra Dragon with a level 1 fighter skill by slapping him in the ankle I am going to be shaking my head.
  3. Lol, well I am the guy who wrote the original "how to make your own portraits" guide so I figured I would be nice and toss him a bone. I also thought it was a nice portrait and I like to support any custom art that actually matches the existing game art style reasonably well. Man I was totally not impressed until I got to the bottom. It is all about the pokemon's man! All seriousness her top right pic would have made a great grieving mother replacement pic.
  4. I am feeling really nice tonight so sure. Here you go, nice and converted for you. Here is an alternate small portrait if you want it a little more focused on the face.
  5. This isn't a coincidence either. Ondra doesn't mean pirate by the way guys ;p. I would saw sabres could work for her and maybe keep the arbalest.
  6. Okay let's be honest, Woedica would be a dagger with the scepter. Abydon would definitely be the war hammer with some form of gun, blunderbuss does work well. I also agree with Boeroer on the spear for Galawain.
  7. That's one way of putting it. Truthfully I always hated that he was called "Conan the Barbarian". In all honesty he isn't really much of a barbarian, he was just an adventurer who happened to be from fairly barbaric lands. By the end he was fairly well educated and plenty cultured. But anyway enough side tracking. I still think her outfit is fine and Housefly makes a good point about it possibly being ceremonial. Definitely too skimpy for white march travel though....
  8. Fair enough, but most of the time for Conan that meant wearing a simple leather jerkin, no shirt at all, or just loose fitting clothes with maybe a pelt or something over it. Trust me, I have read just about every conan book and more often than not he wore little to no armor or light armor that left plenty exposed at best.
  9. I agree with Nonek in that the jump looks little too high for my taste. As for the armor... meh? It looks fine, she is a barbarian traveling the world. It wouldn't make sense for her to be rolling around in plate armor or some other heavy kit. I do find it funny that she is hanging out in a cold snowy hell hole wearing it though, can't be too warm.
  10. It is pretty rare for patches not to be compatible. Technically my earliest saves from the initial non beta release still work.
  11. Basically, he could be working on some quests and characters for PoE2 in future as part-time. Sorry but he is not the finest writer that Cyseal has ever seen, so we will just have to make due with a slice of this fine Gorgombert!
  12. He will make changes during the beta itself, he intentionally over nerfs or over buffs to get reactions from testers because if he makes small changes he feels they may go unseen. He feels like with two extreme examples it is easier to find the "sweet spot" of where things should be for the actual non beta release.
  13. You look about 60% or so. I would wait for the patch and start over unless your time is at an absolute premium.
  14. There have to be some parts of Eothas still lying around the White March ... I can see it now.... To enchant this plate armor to legendary level you need two Eothas Nipples of holy gouging. That and some glue. :D
  15. It is all about the user. There are no sticks, they are touch pads. Some people can get used to that and be okay, technically the touch pads do offer superior control. Others (like me) want the tactile feel of a stick and the steam controller just doesn't feel right and is uncomfortable to use as a result. My controller of choice on PC is the Xbone controller.
  16. There is one rank beyond legendary though they are holding back for Eternity 2. Bedazzled.
  17. Yep, that's quite true, respeccing the stats would require further suspension of disbelief. Well except for Grieving Mother, I could buy her with an int of 3
  18. I can give you a numerical representation of the odds that Eternity will release on consoles right now. 0%
  19. I don't care about the level 1 skill personally, that said I am reffering more to their stats, race, name, background, you know all the stuff that matters to them as a character not a munchkin rating report. One person says you could dump Eder's intelligence and it wouldn't effect him in game. You are right, it wouldn't, but would he make any damn sense as a character if he had intelligence 3 and behaved like he does? No he wouldn't.
  20. I think you inadvertently hit the nail on the head. You are 100% right, a big part of RPG's is being able to totally control and customize your characters.... but is Eder your character? Nope, he isn't. He is an NPC that just happens to be willing to join your fight and take orders from you. The characters in the game that are your characters (the watcher, hired mercs from the inn) are your characters because you create them, you get to envision whatever backstory they have, you get to pick their race, sex, class, even name. Etc etc. All you get to decide about Eder is his leveling choices for level 2 and up.
  21. Fallout 1-2 also have no where near the depth of combat and character abilities of Eternity. Same can be said for Wasteland.
  22. Removes the strategy element from the game. You thought min maxing was bad before now everyone just makes 6 people picks all the best skills of all the classes and has a 6 man mary sue death squad that can steam roll the game and breaks all balance. In an action oriented game you tend to only have yourself, or AI controlled companions. Balance in a strategic game is much easier to achieve if there are restrictions on who can do what.
  23. Personally I love RPG's with classless systems that let me build whatever I want. Like that other game abbreviated PoE.... However in a real time with pause strategy oriented game like Eternity? No, you need a class system. Classless systems work best for action oriented games where it is all about gameplay and actual play skill, not planning, exploiting weaknesses, and team synergy.
  24. Fair enough, but people were talking about respeccing stats too. Also what worse gameplay? One level 1 skill and stats you can't change are not going to make or break the game. I know, I have beaten the game with only story companions. It isn't even super hard or anything. You straight up do not have to min max in Eternity at all, you can, but even at the highest challenge level it is not anywhere near required.
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