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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. Just a quick comment on update #16 regarding the rewards tiers: I am a bit concerned that with the addition of the hardcover books to the $250 tier, the folks who are currently in at $500 may feel a bit hard done by. Currently the only difference between the two tiers as far as I can tell is the in-game message (if I am mistaken please correct me).


    $250 difference is quite a lot to pay for an in-game mention. I understand the folks who are in at this level are probably doing so more out of love for the cause than physical rewards, still - it would be unfortunate if some of those guys moved down to the $250 tier.


    That's my 2 cents, I would recommend adding something to the $500 tier if a workable option can be found


    There are actually a few other differences, but I can see your point.


    At $500, the book is signed, there's a gold VIP badge, and gold thanks in credits. I guess it depends on what is important to the individual. I thought the message was a fairly good 'peace offering' for adding the unsigned book to the $250, but that, of course, will vary person-to-person.


    Also, it seems to have spared them two separate printings as only a hardcover is now available so no need to publish a soft-cover version - - unless I missed something.

  2. I guess I just don't see how we have enough information for people to be majorly disappointed in anything at this point.


    For some, even a single step outside the mechanics of the classic I.E. games is cause for disappointment as seen from some of the posts on the forum.


    Having followed this since the beginning and having an opportunity to step back and look at the big picture, overall I am quite pleased. Is it exactly as I pictured, no.


    There is certainly a tendency for overreaction with each new announcment. Some of the announcments have made me quite excited, while others, not so much. But there has certainly been no single announcment to make me "disappointed" in the overall direction the game is headed.


    (Black jaguar, btw)

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  3. I am just getting annoyed by all the people assuming the worst about everything.



    I agree, but it's human nature. Some recent releases promised great hope to many RPG fans, and they believed -- and then major disappointment followed.


    I, for I, am willing to make some concessions from my "ideal game" since they obviously aren't making the game tailored to my particular tastes in gaming. Investing in this IP is a 'leap of faith' to begin with, so I'm willing to go one step further and trust that Obz really does want to give us a game that pays homage to the classic I.E. games.


    I just refuse to be completely pessimistic from the start. I'm willing to give it some time and wait for further announcements.

  4. I won't engage you any further as you cherry-pick posts to explain yourself. The intent of your post was clear.


    Really. I think one of my pet peeves right now in these forums are the people who say they haven't pledged, and then some combination of words like "won't rule out cool downs" happen and they make a bigger huff about definitely not pledging now. Another pet peeve would be the ones who say "I already knew long ago I wasn't going to back this project" and then they still start threads and make numerous posts trying to shoot down what they don't like and promote what they do.


    And, yeah, it came across as elitist.

  5. @ merin


    I find that kind of exclusivity wrong. Bioware is well-known for limiting posters by using that tactic.


    Many people (possibly much wiser than me) are waiting for additional details before pledging. Their voices should be heard as well.


    As soon as The Order of Obsidian put out an 'exclusive' poll only for their members, I asked to have that distinction removed from my profile. I do not condone 'exclusivity' as a means to drown out potential pledgers voices.

  6. We are all taking a leap of faith - how far that leap will take you depends heavily on your personal 'disposable cash'.


    I would like the $3,000 level and all its shinies, but sadly I can't. However, I'm not going to ask to have more included on my chosen level, which would only diminish the value of the tiers above me.


    Where is it indicated I was supporting any given level?


    You should read before you type. It was an 'example' with the point being that the tiers are established with certain perks. If they start giving lower tiers items that are exclusive to a higher tier, it will cause a great deal of discontent and rightfully so.


    All anyone can do is pledge what is comfortable for their circumstances. I'm sure everyone would like to be able to afford the higher tiers -- that's just a given. However, without incentive to people who can afford those upper levels in the form of exclusive perks, their funding would suffer and the incentive to pledge at the upper tiers would disappear.


    Again, I would like an exclusive item from the tier above me, but I can't afford it. I'm certainly not going to ask for it simply because I want it or ask them to create a tier in-between to include it (negating the exclusivity to the tier above me).


    You have been shown the obvious flaw(s) in your carefully thought out plan. Is there any point to continuing this?

  7. But, it's there I'd like to make my point. My desire to help Obsidian out via this pre-purchase, with no review of the game, nor contractual obligation for them to make good on promises, or a product at all for that matter sort of "cancels out", or "calls it even" with my desire to spend big to get upper tiers.


    We are all taking a leap of faith - how far that leap will take you depends heavily on your personal 'disposable cash'.


    I would like the $3,000 level and all its shinies, but sadly I can't. However, I'm not going to ask to have more included on my chosen level, which would only diminish the value of the tiers above me.

  8. I just hope the game utilizes a checkpoint save mechanic. Its stupid to let people save wherever they want. ;)

    I don't see it as stupid, there were lots of moments, at least in the BG games, where randomness could dominate an encounter instead of the tactics. Nobody likes losing a group wizard to permadeath because the invisibility potion popping rogues decided to team up on him in the second round. And it doesn't seem a good thing to ask the player to jump back half an hour because of it. Or ask him to just deal.


    If they do try to eliminate swing, I expect lots of calls against "streamlining."


    If there isn't an F5/F9 and menu 'save/load', it will not feel like an I.E. game. At least for me, checkpoints reek of consoles.


    I've watched these discussions on a few different topics with great interest. I am always willing to compromise (within reason), however, this is something that falls outside that scope for me. There are already a few things I'm willing to compromise on and trust the devs to get right, but I cannot imagine (other than specified hardcore modes) where this would be beneficial.


    I hope people are just trolling for reaction and that this will not seriously be entertained. I actually plan to play the stretch goal hardcore modes, but I want to be able to save my game anywhere in the regular modes.

  9. @BmoEp


    Oh, yeah, of course, that makes perfect sense. He's working on an IP to pay homage to I.E. games, yet he's not framing his answer based on those said games, but instead on an MMO. Sounds legit . .


    Move along - this is (and has been) a completely dead issue: Not Now, Not After Release, It's Not Going To Happen . . .

  10. I actually like they way they've been coming out 2 or 3 at a time, and the game already has everything I personally was hoping would be included.


    I personally love the mega-dungeon inclusion as long as it's intriguing, well-written and has puzzles/traps (old-school style). Adding additional levels just makes it even better.


    Crafting and enchanting will please alot of people I would imagine.


    Thanks for even taking on a project like this. It's been far too long.

  11. Well, this old cynic couldn't be happier with the announcement. The megadungeon (and expandability at that) was on my wishlist -- good old-school fun. Durlag's Tower was awesome, so I'm hoping for more of the same.


    Honestly, I keep waiting for something to be announced to take this stupid smile off my face. Great news and thanks!





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    Having said that we are going to get houses and then I suggest that Obsidan goes all the way and do it The Sims-style. I'm not kidding...

    And then I think it would be great if customization of it worked like in The Sims.


    :banghead: Enough said.



    I hate how it works in Bethesdas games where you are limited to choose between preselected furnishings. I want to be able to customize everything by myself. Otherwise, what's the point of it?


    :banghead: For storage and for a more convenient way to switch out party members if you need or want to make a change.


    It would also be cool to be able to have your own castle in a never ending game world. So that you have somthing to do after you have completed the main quest.


    I think many of us will replay the game with a different character build or at a different difficulty level.


    After all this was the only feature present in the 2 million dollar stretch goal, meaning about $200K dedicated to it. That seems like a decent amount of cash to do something beyond a simple Skyrim style abode.


    From the Kickstarter page:


    "ACHIEVED! Get your own house in the game that you can customize, store equipment in, and where your companions hang out, or, as the elves say, "chillax". Adds new NPCs, a store with unique new armor, clothing and weapons and.... more quests to adventure on. "


    Somehow I don't think that $200K is simply for the house.



  13. I love quests -- all kinds of quests.


    Does anyone remember the creepy guy in BG2 that skinned people and you had a choice to kill him or have him make you evil skin armor? Or the quest for Edwin to find a particular tome that would make him powerful, but instead turned him female, and had your companions remarking on his cup size? (It's been years, so I hope I'm stating those correctly.)


    It's the quality, not the quantity, of quests that have deteriorated over time, in my opinion.


    I would love to see alot of quality and creativity in the quests in PE. It's been done before and can be done again.

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