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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. a




    No there are, but not with PC. How can you tell there are not shot-gun wedding or "farmers daughter" roamce or romance between one companion with another, if you are not a dev and don't played that game ?



    You are still Trolling ?



    Please try to move past Stage 1 in the grieving process (denial) and go directly to Stage 5 - acceptance.  It's the healthy thing to do.



    I don't think we ready for stage 5 yet, I would say we are cautiously making our way through stage 3. These things can't be rushed and there are several emotional levels that need to be considered

    Besides who would the target for all the gratuitous gloating that you anti-romance people enjoy...imagine how bored you would be if you couldn't keep raising the point that there won't be Romance in PoE :biggrin:


    So, you're still in the 'bargaining' stage?  We'll all be here for you, Bruce, for the stage 4 depression. :yes:  


    Actually, I've said before during the Kickstarter that I don't have a problem with BG2 level of romance.   They were easily ignored if you wished, but you still got a lot of interaction with the party members regardless.  I guess that makes me a woman without a country, neither promancer nor total antimancer.


    Anyway, it's dead, Jim, it's dead.  I'll be thinking of you during your time of grief.  :biggrin:


    (Did anyone else LOL at the thought of MCA writing a "shotgun wedding" or "farmer's daughter" romance? :grin:)

    • Like 1

    No there are, but not with PC. How can you tell there are not shot-gun wedding or "farmers daughter" roamce or romance between one companion with another, if you are not a dev and don't played that game ?



    You are still Trolling ?



    Please try to move past Stage 1 in the grieving process (denial) and go directly to Stage 5 - acceptance.  It's the healthy thing to do.

    • Like 3
  3. The Case for Romance


    First of all let me say that this is not a whiny thread by any means. The hope here is to have intellectual discussion and not a flame war. Anyways I will be building an unbiased case over the polarizing topic of

    Let’s turn to science. What sorts of hormones are secreted in the brain during “love” as well as what they do.
















    Wow.  For a moment, I thought I had been redirected to another forum where discussion of your ideas would be fiercely debated for 100+ pages (including chemical analysis of bodily secretions).  


    Obsidian has stated there will be no romances.  There have been about 25 - 35 threads on this subject which inevitably end like this:


    Typical Romance Thread


    These threads started the first day of the Kickstarter back in September, 2012.   Obsidian is well aware that there is a very vocal portion of their backers who would have preferred a romance option in the game, and an equally vocal portion who absolutely cringe at the idea of romance mini-games.  That is what they are unless that are an intricate part of the story like PS:T.   Asking them to do romances is tantamount to asking them to change their vision of the story for this game.   I'm thinking the science angle just isn't going to be enough to change their minds.


    Personally, I think Obsidian's writing capabilities to be one of their most outstanding qualities.  I have no doubt there will be great companions and character interaction.  It's what many feel is their greatest strength.


    Hey, this party can't really get started until Merin (with his cross and posse) make an appearance. :biggrin:

    • Like 2

    This is a great post, Yonjuro!


    I think you capture the concerns of many people here quite nicely. Also, may I add, I'd much prefer the devs to leave it up to us as to when and how we reach the level cap (within reasons and without extreme cheese - like parking on some stupid spawn zone).


    One concern that I've seen already, although sometimes not expressed outright, is that the game will end up being over-designed, that it's far too well balanced and designed that its level of enjoyment is slowly farting out like a deflated balloon.


    Another concern is very much that it has lost stuff that were very important to all of those who love the IE-games, and for some this includes the classic xp system, including kill xp, skill check xp, and quest xp. And the most vehement opposition in this thread and the other before it seems to revolve around that example of yours, where the player can breeze through important scenarios via some kind of surgical CRPG-bombing, as it were, just selectively ticking off what's needed to get the accomplishment xp. This last concern worries me too, and regardless of how frantic the tone has been in some of our discussions here, I've slowly come to see what these proponents are on about. I really do think this needs to be addressed by the devs, and personally, I'm leaning towards an xp reward system with quite small increments of xp awards not all tied up to quests or even "larger" objectives.



    Labadal gave a pretty good example of small incremental XP awards in this thread (from 2012):




    My preference is combat XP and quest XP like BG, but something like this might make it a less drastic approach for some of us.   A lot of my reservations stem from the fact I've never played a quest XP game that didn't feel quite linear.   I'm sure they are out there, but I haven't played any.


    PoE is shaping up to look and sound like the IE games (BG in particular), but if the gameplay doesn't follow suit and feel like an IE experience, I will be disappointed.  I'm sure I'll be able to pick up the pieces of my life and move forward, but it would be a disappointment nonetheless.  :biggrin:


    On a more positive note, at least they didn't implement a checkpoint system.  :w00t:

    • Like 1
  5. As long as there is a difficulty slider that sorts the men and women from the sheep then I'm cool.


    Fixed that for you Monte.  Your chainmail bikini roots are showing.  :biggrin:


    Eternity is not like that.  If I go through a dungeon, get an hour in, find some hot loot, etc etc, then die and didn't save at some point (we don't know save rules yet, maybe I couldn't save?) I lose EVERYYHING.  I lose the exp, the levels, the items, the progress, the money, all of it.  So I have to repeat the entire last hour.  That is frustrating.  In Dark Souls I didn't really lose much at all and I was going to have to repeat the area again sooner or later anyway because there is not a single place in that game you probably don't end up visiting more than once.


    Challenge =/= dieing a lot and tons of reloads.

    Challege = fights that require some planning, effective use of your parties skills, and knowing when to tell you are just out of your league.


    I beat Dragon Age Origins on it's hardest setting and never had to reload a single time, my party literally never wiped.  I would still say many of the fights were tough and I had plenty of close calls.  Had my team not been well built, had I not given them the gear and items to be prepared, and had I not deployed them well I can promise you I would have wiped plenty of times.


    Obsidian has stated it will be save anywhere (with certain obvious restrictions like combat) so you won't lose anything if you save regularly.  It would take me hours to try and find the post talking about saving in the game but I'll try and look for it later.

    • Like 1
  6. I know how popular this opinion will be, but it's just that, an opinion. 


    I also have some of the same reservations as Gifted1.  For my part, I readily admit that, in part, it comes from a place of nostalgia, but I was hoping for a game more I.E.-like.  I knew that D&D licensing wasn't an option, but many of the design decisions feel like quite a departure from the games I loved playing so much back in the day.   Apparently, I'm in the minority as I thoroughly enjoyed the combat in BG 1 & 2 (and still do).


    That said, I'm obviously not a game designer, so I won't really know until I actually play the game.    Since I don't work, I can spend endless hours in a game (or until my fingers go numb from carpal tunnel and my eyes get blurry), and  I really, really hope I'll be spending a lot of time in Eternity's world, but only time will tell.


    Infinitron, are things really that slow on the Codex that you're making posts about another Moderator on this forum?  Gifted1 is a backer (same as you and I) and has the right to express his opinion like any other backer.  I didn't realize that expressing an opinion that differs from others constitutes "bellyaching".   Like Gifted1 said, he still wishes nothing but success for Obsidian (as I do),   Maybe Obsidian should employ Roguey-like Moderator's to quell any discontent with pages upon pages of quotes from her/his object of obsession, Josh Sawyer. 

    • Like 4
  7. Welcome to all the new members!  Today's list includes the following:



    Strigoi, Hindsighted Catoblepas of the Obsidian Order


    tazntaylr, Officer of the Obsidian Order


    axan22, Oakheart Arch Druid of the Obsidian Order (Revision/Correction)


    Cyro, Archon of the Obsidian Order


    rustypup, Rabid Fleabag of the Obsidian Order


    Endrosz, Silent Prospector of the Obsidian Order


    Highwinter,  Astronomer of the Obsidian Order



    If I have missed anyone, please PM me or repost your request. 

    • Like 1
  8. Well, I feel kind of stupid now, but it seems that I misunderstood some financial details when pledging, and my pledge is the 8$ short. And as a mere high school student, I have little problems putting it in, as I'm quite broke. 


    So, with shame and regret, I'll have to renounce my membership. And I'm truly, really and sincerely sorry about this misunderstanding.  :(


    Don't worry about it OldRPG - I actually donated $40 to the Order (enough for 5 titles) and have only used two up to now -- this would be the third if you'd like to keep your title.  If not, I could have it removed for you.  Just PM me.

    • Like 5
  9. Hi, I used the opportunity the backer site offered to join the Order. I'd like to be Lord President of the Obsidian Order.

    @Praemorior: Did you pledge using Kickstarter or did you use PayPal?


    Random Xaositect of the Obsidian Order reporting in....but I already entered the info on the survey in the backer site?


    Also, first post, and I see I don't have the Kickstarter badge?



    Hello there!


    I filled in the survey about the Obsidian Order name, but I think I misunderstood it and thought it would replace my forum name rather than add specific title. In that case is there any possibility to change it? I typed "Vendrevard ot Ikadebus of the Obsidian Order" which looks like a name, not title. If it is possible, I would like to change it to "Lone Wolf of the Obsidian Order". Thank you!  :)


    Hi All!


    I have jury duty today so I will take care of these when I return later today.  I still haven't had time  to fill out my own pledge on the portal site either. :biggrin:


    Even if you join through the portal, you still need to leave a post in this thread to have a title added.


    Welcome to the Obsidian Order of the Eternity!

  10. .........


    I am going to put this as politely as I am able at this point, but GTFO, please -- and take your pompous attitude with you.


    Your analogy with the phones is utter nonsense.  As to why Obsidian should create a fulfillment site?   Ahh, let me see - oh, yeah, because they said they were, and because they must have a way to organize everyone's pledges.   Many people, myself included, bought multiple tiers and extras.  All Obsidian has are dollar amounts with no idea of what those amounts represent.  Yet, miraculously all you see is entitlement.  Freaking unbelievable.


    As far as Kickstarter goes, I do not feel compelled to maintain an account with a corporation whose business practices I find dubious (at best) simply because another organization has failed to do what they said they were in a timely manner.  My issue with Obsidian isn't so much that they haven't been able to organize a website and acknowledge receipt of everyone's pledges in a year's time, but that they have failed to update the backers.  Communication is everything in the business world, and while they have been very diligent in updating general information on the project, this is the one area where there has not been any communication in months as far as I'm aware.


    Perhaps you just need to distance yourself from the project as your responses have been way over-the-top and inappropriate.  So, Jethro, why don't you gather up Elly May, Jed, Granny, Duke and Mr. Drysdale and chill-out at the cement pond for awhile.  Just take a break if you're becoming too emotionally involved in the project.

    • Like 1
  11. Then all you want is some soul massage, you want Obsidian to bow before you and thank you again for the money. You want a personal notice, a relationship with them, you are their benefactor and they should show that to you. Understandable, for most of us it was a lot of money we gave. But so did ~70k others and whatever grand gesture they try to make will still have to be siphoned to a sea of supporters. They can't shake the hands of everyone.


    All I can say is "wow".  You read waaayy too much into my post and presumed a great deal.


    I don't need a thank you or anyone to bow at my feet.  An acknowledgement that they received the funds is more than sufficient.  InXile did so months ago for the same "sea of supporters"  with Torment.  They didn't send an e-mail gushing "thank you, thank you, thank you".  You simple log into their website where you post about the game, and you can see your donation.  They have no backer site up yet either.  They are also a smaller developer.


    As far as Kickstarter goes, I closed my account months ago, so, no, I cannot see any information there. 


    I mean, wow .... can you be any more snide? 


    Now I remember why I stopped reading much on this forum -- the quality of posts has deteriorated. :getlost:

  12. I would just appreciate the courtesy of an acknowledgement of my not so paltry pledge. 


    I received an acknowledgement from inXile (Torment) within a couple of months.  They don't have a backer/fulfillment site up yet either, but they did at least acknowledge they received my pledge.  All I have is a notification from Amazon regarding PE, and it's been one full year on the 15th.


    I'm sure they'll get to it eventually, but, personally, I find it disappointing.  I don't feel I'm being impatient -- a full year to acknowledge someone's pledge is a bit much in my opinion.

    • Like 1

    Kickstarter campaing to help us fund more kickstarter campaings :dancing:

    Help us help others!


    $5 Tier - A heartfelt digital thank you personalized with your name.


    $20 Tier - Digital Hug.  I transmit a hug to you via the interwebs.


    $50 Tier - Physical Hug.  I will personally hug you (travel expenses not included).


    $75 Tier - Digital Screenshot - Same as the Digital Hug tier, but you will also receive a screenshot of my Steam client showing the games you helped me fund.


    $100 Tier - Physical Hug & Screenshot - Same as $50 tier plus a printout of the screenshot of my Steam client on 96 brightness recycled paper.




    I have a nomination for Project Lead of your Kickstarter.  You're going to need someone who really knows how to shake that Kickstarter money tree and squeeze every last dollar from the vulnerable and uninformed:




    Without further ado, I give you:




    Between your kick-butt rewards and Susan Wilson's trustworthy persona, you should be able to raise enough money for you to be able to pledge to Kickstarters for the next couple of years!!  Hey, maybe even $23K.  :biggrin:


    Just remember, keep the pledge goal low (like maybe $829) and don't forget to throw in a $10K tier somewhere along the way - maybe for a dinner with you (of course they'll have to pick up the tab and all associated expenses).  Maybe some gaming sites will even provide you coverage to further exploit encourage backers  -- the Kickstarter world is simply ripe with potential.


    Go Keyrock!!!  Follow your dream - we believe in you!  :biggrin:



    (You might not want your Project  Lead to actually have access to the funds, however . . .)

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  14. @BruceVC   I wasn't clear regarding the connections.  The point being, if she has so  many 'connections' and is only trying to raise $829, why go to Kickstarter? 


    I didn't read every post on this topic, but there's a lot more going on than just this particular Kickstarter.  She has made several attempts on IndieGoGo with other scams and always with 'Flexible Funding' so she reaps the rewards regardless of whether the project is funded or not.


    This one I call 'Crowd Sourcing Your Family Vacation' (including scuba gear and metal detectors).  If only they had included more photos in the rewards -- maybe photos of sharks, squids, sand castles, etc. -- if might have taken off (end sarcasm). 




    And then there's this.  It really doesn't require explanation.




    http://www.amazon.com/Incipio-IPH-677-iPhone-Stowaway-Silicone/dp/B005WALLP6  (Look familiar?)


    And this:




    She tried another scam on Kickstarter.  This at least laughingly complied with Kickstarters TOS:




    I could go on and on, but I think it's fairly clear what's happening.  I don't think her wealth (or lack thereof) is the issue.  Clearly, a lot of money has passed through her hands over the years.  Obviously, that doesn't mean she still has any of it left -- either through mismanagement or living a lifestyle she can't afford. 


    She recently said in an interview that, given all the controversy, she was planning to pay the tuition herself which begs the question, 'Why is the Kickstarter still going?'.




    I believe more than a few hundred people have reported the project, but apparently Kickstarter is comfortable with the scenario.  Hey, my daughter is going to start grad school in a year or so.  Maybe I can start a Kickstarter to help her, and everyone will receive an e-book on Linguistics when she's completed -- sounds fair enough, right?


    I'm done with Kickstarter.  If there's a project I want to back, I'll use Paypal if it's an option -- otherwise I won't be backing it. 

  15. Actually, even AAA titles are releasing limited copies of certain collector's editions. Borderlands 2 Ultimate Loot Chest Limited Edition sold out prior to the release and someone had theirs up for sale on Amazon for $500 (before the games release).


    Bioshock Infinite: Ultimate Songbird Edition (PC Version) is sold out everywhere I've looked and it's not released yet. There are sellers on Amazon asking anywhere from $290 - $380 for a copy. Although, apparently console versions are still available on Gamestop for $150. (I live in U.S. so this may not be the case elsewhere.)


    Sorry to hear about your flood. Happened to me 15 years ago so I can empathize.


    For the future, I would suggest finding a gaming forum that notifies its members of upcoming titles. If your preference is RPGs, try RPGCodex. They follow the Kickstarters closely. It doesn't take much time to check there periodically so you don't miss out on anything that's upcoming.  Even checking weekly would be more than enough to keep current.

  16. "Because of my OWN stupidity" to be accurate.  As a correction, Wasteland 2 wasn't a good example -- I meant to say Shadowrun Returns since you still can pledge to Wasteland 2.


    I was neither rude nor presumptuous -- I wasn't aware of it and missed my opportunity.  You apparently were unaware as well.  It happens.


    Hopefully, you'll be able to pledge for Torment at the tier you'd like before it ends.  People who pledge early get specific bonuses for doing so. 

  17. I missed Wasteland 2's Kickstarter so I'm only getting a digital copy of the game.  Yet, miraculously, I'm happy that I'll at least be able to play the game upon release.


    WTF is the problem?  You can still buy/play the game.  So you don't get some of the physical/digital rewards that come from being an early backer -- big deal.  It's all about timing.  I'm not over on inXile's forum asking for the same items their early backers are getting.  I missed that opportunity through my own stupidity.  I have somehow managed to pick up the pieces of my life and move forward -- hopefully you'll be able to do the same.


    Besides, Obsidian hasn't even got their Fulfillment site up yet.  There may be an opportunity to get some extras at that time.  Just back the game and wait and see what becomes available down the road.  It's hardly something worth getting irritated or upset over. 

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