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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. Caligula,


    Maybe you should reread the Kickstarter page. If you haven't played any of the games this IP is paying homage to, GOG is having sale I think on some, so you could pick up at least one and try it. They really are great fun and very well written. I don't think you would be disappointed.


    They are different, but excellent. Many of us have waited over 10 years to play another similar game which is why people are so excited and don't want anything "modernized", myself included.

    • Like 1
  2. I would not personally use it and would also prefer the funds be used for a polished single-player game.


    No idea what the cost would be to implement it - does it depend on the engine being used? How would it work for people buying through GOG? I'm guessing it would be easier to implement on Steam. Just curious since I'm technically challenged about game development.

  3. After reading this thread (and the Pedophilia thread), I changed my vote from "intellectual" to "None", and I actually liked the BG2 romances (subtle and well-written).


    I can't even believe that someone would condone pedophilia in any shape or form, much less portray it in a video game. That's just wrong on every single level.

    If you saw the Bioware forums around the DA2 release, there were people clamoring for incest by romancing your sister or mother. These are the kinds of people that want romances in games and can't live without them.


    I only made it to the end of Chapter 1 in DA2 and permanently shelved the game where it has sat collecting dust ever since.


    I am supporting this project because it is NOT going to be anything like what Bioware has been regurgitating out for the past several years. I did spend alot of time in DA:O, but it doesn't hold a candle to what this game could potentially achieve. The BSN has been a cesspool for quite some time.

  4. What about the option for the local town Cleric in the Temple being a psycho pedophile who rapes sick young boys in exchange for healing them of diseases with magic. You can either white knight him and stop his horrible acts, or sign up as his missionary apprentice and go find sick boys in the countryside who need "healing".


    Too morally amiguous?



    That is as offensive as portraying gays as sickos who want to murder heterosexuals out of revenge.


    I think that its not only offensive for pedophiles, worse, its unreallistic and it vilifies people. I think that a good-hearted, kind, honest pedophile, not a "Cleric psycho who rapes young boys" would be far more realistic and honest. Trying to include and respect pedophile people is far better than vilify us. Many pedophiles are teens and play videogames just like anyone else, and would like to see a person to who they could identify with.


    I'm going out on a limb and calling these remarks sarcasm at its finest, no?

  5. Let's join in the spirit of the OP's thread!


    I want modern CRPG innovations like dudes with exclamation marks flashing over their heads (selling DLC), cinematic (and tedious) deux ex machina cut-scenes, radial wheels with cretinous dialogue options, a American college movie-like camping site for all my imaginary friends, hours of tedious fakespeare voiceovers and poorly pixellated orgasms with an elf wearing a diaper.


    Anything old-school, like thinking about tactics, a bit of resource management and character development that doesn't rely on MOAR POWAZ skill trees (with pretty pictures for the OCD-afflicted) should be vilified.


    My suggestion is that folks need to read the original Kickstarter description for this project. It is pithy, accurate and to the point. They are not making Dragon Age 7 ("When Hormones Attack") for cosplay-obssessed lunatics. They are making an honest-to-god, old-skool CRPG.


    That is all.


    Edit: grammar


    That was simply great!! Best laugh of the day so far :yes: .

  6. Nah. I don't want:


    - impossibly hard boss fights that'd crush your soul even after you'd find everything else a walk in the park.

    - to remember or write down instructions, I want the important bits automatically in my journal (or whatever)

    - no team members dying (that just meant a reload, even back then)

    - some stupid baldurs gate/nwn2 inventory system with 100 slots of 5x5 pixel images you can't even see

    - to spend 30 minutes after a fight applying ointments and minor cure spells to get the party back to speed


    ...or any of the other old crap, I just what the good stuff.


    But as far as difficulty goes, please include a "crazy masochist exteme hardcore ironman" setting where you'll only have 1 hitpoint,

    will die of a whisper and your computer will reformat if you do. Because even then someone will complain it's too crazy easy.


    Dear god, you are the decline personified.


    I actually laughed out loud when I read that. :yes:

    (I thought they were being sarcastic and gave them the benefit of the doubt :blink: .)

  7. Yes, I want an old-school, hardcore RPG reminiscent of the classics. I do not want anything dumbed-down to reach a 'wider' audience -- there are alot of those already available. For those seeking a more modern (clickfest) with shiny graphics and a wheel to express your 'emotions', then you won't have too long to wait for DA3 (and they'll even tack on MP for you too so you can have a 'hoarde' mode, yeahhhh.......).

  8. I would like to thank everyone at Obsidian for resurrecting the classic RPG. I haven't been so excited with the announcement of a new IP in many, many years.


    BG, IWD, PST, etal. from that era, are my favorite games of all time. There are many games over the years that have been well-done and I have enjoyed. However, none have come close to the immersion and emotional attachment to the companions and the world that these classic games provided.


    You have my trust and faith to stick to your vision. We are investors, not publishers. Take what you read on the forums with a grain of salt and stick to your concept. You are an incredibly talented group of people who found a way to make your dream come true. I know it will be great and wish you nothing but success!! (I don't envy your sleep schedule over the next couple of years, though.)

  9. I also agree. What I find equally troubling are some of the discussions not only on this forum, but also on the comments section of the Kickstarter page.


    I read everything I could find on the web on Friday and Saturday before investing. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what they were interested in developing, but given some of the discussions taking place, I'm beginning to think I misunderstood (i.e., people wanting console support, multiplayer, full VO, Bioware staff, non-isometric view, horror, etc., etc., etc.....)


    I was hoping to up my commitment from $140 to $250, but not as it stands. I need to know what their vision is for this game. If it's to truly embody the spirit and gameplay of the classics, I'm onboard. If it's going to be just another modern hybrid (DA:O), I'll pass.


    I'm curious as to why Kickstarter comments make you afraid for those things. Obsidian will choose to listen to fan feedback at their discretion, but there is about 0.1% chance that they would do things like change real time with pause, 2D Isometric, or add full voice acting, multiplayer, Bioware staff, etc. The original vision they communicated to you remains the same; give us support, and we will make something our way, in this spirit. They never promised to do a 'democratic' everyone-designs affair, which would be terrible.


    Anyway, we're at that kind of stage in time - give it a few days or weeks, they talk a bit more, and their idea of the game will set hold amidst all the excited talk.


    Thanks alot for the clarification and reassurace. Well, this is my first Kickstarter so I didn't know what to expect. I just couldn't (and can't) believe people are tossing out suggestions that would obviously require a much larger budget than will be possible for this game -- or would only be possible at the expense of the game.


    I guess it's just normal and my naitivity with the process.

  10. I also agree. What I find equally troubling are some of the discussions not only on this forum, but also on the comments section of the Kickstarter page.


    I read everything I could find on the web on Friday and Saturday before investing. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what they were interested in developing, but given some of the discussions taking place, I'm beginning to think I misunderstood (i.e., people wanting console support, multiplayer, full VO, Bioware staff, non-isometric view, horror, etc., etc., etc.....)


    I was hoping to up my commitment from $140 to $250, but not as it stands. I need to know what their vision is for this game. If it's to truly embody the spirit and gameplay of the classics, I'm onboard. If it's going to be just another modern hybrid (DA:O), I'll pass.

  11. I would definitely have to rethink my investment if Eternity is only available through Steam.


    I fully admit to 'drinking the koolaid' and accumulating a library of 680 games only to find out I only have a 'subscription' to a license. It's my own fault for not doing proper vetting of the EULA, but I am fully aware now and only buy 'Steamworks' games when they hit the $5 bargain bin.


    GOG is an acceptable alternative -- really anything that doesn't require a client to be running in the background to play the game.


    I really hope Obsidian will find an alternative for those of us who do not wish to invest in 'subscriptions'.

  12. I agree with the OP completely. Please, no regenerating health.

    While I absolutely loathe the modern system of "fight's over. poof! here's all your health back!", I wouldn't want a game to do away with health regen completely. The old IE games certainly didn't. PS:T had health regen, as did BG1, BG2 and IWD (remember, according to AD&D second edition, regeneration is tied to your constitution score, and it begins at 20.)


    As for the resting mechanics, I'm not sure what a good solution would be. The system implemented in the Icewind Dales and the BG games was....uninspired, But it wasn't all bad. You could rest when you absolutely needed to. But What I disliked most about it was that even if you Cleared a zone of all foes, you could still have your rest interrupted by a pack of enemies that seemingly spawned from out of nowhere. This should be done away with, first and foremost.


    IMO the best resting system I've seen was in Mask of the Betrayer. It was still riddled with flaws but it was better than the others. A set up camp option was given, and the chance of wandering enemies to interrupt your rest varied according to the hostility level of the area you were in. For Project Eternity, Obsidian could, perhaps begin with this system and work on enhancing it/enriching it. Perhaps creat a guard duty system, or even implement the ability to lay deadly runes/traps outside of the camp area to deter or kill wandering enemies who try to interrupt your rest. Or hell how about giving mages the ability to cast a variation of a Temporal Stasis spell to make the camp area impervious to intrusion.



    This sounds very interesting -- just no "instant full health".

  13. Can Minsc or Boo have a cameo? Just kidding.


    I believe Obsidian will make a great and memorable game as long as they adhere to their vision -- not mine or anyone elses.


    Don't need to reinvent the wheel -- they seem to have put a great deal of thought into this venture over the years and Kickstarter gave them a means to accomplish their dream. I wish them nothing but success.

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