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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. @Poussin


    I'm trying to wrap my mind around the logic of your post. First, you acknowledge in your own words that only a "small part of players" and "tiny fraction of players" are interested in coop (for this particular project), and yet you refer to the majority as being "selfish" for not wanting resources to be used to develop a coop mode. Well, okay, then call me selfish. It has been explained to you that implementing such a feature is costly and time consuming.


    From the development team:


    TIm Cain:


    "The biggest change is that we will decide on each and every feature in the game, and we can avoid the ones that add little to the game's content but a lot to its complexity. For example, we are not supporting consoles or multiplayer, both of which make the game far more complex and hard to debug. Instead, we are focusing on making the best single-player PC RPG we can make, and that focus is simplifying a lot of our choices."


    Josh Sawyer:


    "When it comes to games like this that are crowdsourced for an audience that is very passionate... we can cater to niche audiences like that," Sawyer says. "We can design for the people that already like this stuff, and that is okay. Not everything needs to be made to reach a mainstream audience."


    It really isn't a matter of being selfish, rather of spending the limited available funding in other areas that would enhance the overall single player experience.


    If not having coop is that significant of a factor for you, then this just may not be the game for you, although I think you would be passing up a real opportunity to have an incredible gaming experience created by an immensely talented group of developers. I hope you'll reconsider and try it anyway.

    • Like 3
  2. Honestly, if they even hinted at anything in a stretch goal that made me think of Bioware, I would reduce my pledge.


    I believe this team is far too creative to have to rely on resurrecting themes from existing games. I think Chis Avellone can hold his own (and soar above) anything Bioware has produced in the last several years.


    I actually like the goals they have made so far and leave it to them to know what's best for their vision of this game. While I personally wouldn't use mod tools, many of the requests (cosmetic as an example) people have made could be accomplished with mod tools so it may be attractive to many different people for a variety of reasons. However, I don't know if that is a realistic goal from Obsidian's perspective.

  3. You're and adventurer/wanderer (whatever the background will be) on a life-changing quest due to an apopalyptic event -- if you are truly roleplaying the character, do you really think your appearance is a priority on any level in that situation?


    You are not 'FORCED' to wear any armor. If the armor you come across is not to your liking, there will always be more down the road.


    Really, just let them make us a great crpg without all the modern fluff people have become all too accustomed to in recent years. They know what they're doing - have a little faith that they can deliver what's best for the world their creating.

  4. If there is a surrender mechanism for beaten foes they could also be used in this manner. A sort of one sided unsentimental romance. A slavery system could be combined with running a prostitution ring. Forced prostitution could be a way to raise money. Perhaps you could eventually open a brothel with the prisoner-prostitutes kept in cages and chained spread-eagled to their bed posts to provide customers with 24 hour service. Not just women, but men could also be used in this way. Even children if they are present in the game. I'm picturing giant bird cages for some reason. Eventually you could open such brothels in every major city accumulating great wealth. Your party members would be acutely aware that they could also end up like that if they cross you or annoy you in any way.


    If you've seen the film deadgirl you'll have a good idea of the sort of thing I'm talking about. (Excellent film BTW).


    Well, at least you managed to clear out the thread. Seriously, can you see China yet, or are you still burrowing your way towards earth's core?

    • Like 2
  5. @Merin


    What are you on about . . . really? I never said you did. I was using it in an example in my direct response to someone else, who themselves used it as an example. Any yes, people have stated they want sex, repeatedly, but I'm not going to bother going back through the multitudes of closed threads on this topic to show you. You have surely read them all as well.


    There was absolutely no basis for your post.

  6. No, I didn't mean that it's mandatory when I said I think it belongs. That just means I think it belongs. It wouldn't be out of place. It would improve the game, and no one would be forcing you people to play that bit.


    Eh, improve the game, well that's up to the player I suppose, doing it right would probably chew time better spent in this case. But alright I stand corrected, usually when people use belong it implies some necessity in my experience.


    Also, is Merin a moderator yet ?


    The 'Report' feature on BSN gets alot of use. I have never used it, but to each his own.

  7. Well, what I mean is that when games can include it without having a truckload of curmudgeons waving it off as fapping material, the medium has finally matured.

    Well, we already had that. I think it's been fairly argued that old games did it well. It's the Bioware style that is primarily objected to.


    The curmudgeons seem to have a, badly presented, worry that it's not going to be well done. That the main implementation would be the poorly done fapping material version. Because that is the version that's in demand. And if Obsidian wanted to implement it in such a way outside the popular demand, they wouldn't need people asking for it.


    Maybe the logic ends up being "people asking for it"->"must want the fapping material version." I'm not prepared to deny the logic of it, but I'm not prepared to support it.


    Okay, I'm done talking about other people's arguments. Let me make an argument. There's no maturity on either aisle. You have kid friendly romance on the left and adult friendly titillation on the right. We have WALL-E here (a movie I love, so I'm not being disparaging) and Fair Game over here. Of the two, I'd probably prefer Wall-E but I'm not prone to calling it mature. I'd sooner call Watchmen mature because it had a point about its own artform. And since I've now diverged into comics, Kingdom Come. Or back to games Planescape. Where the romances were so subtle most people don't even care about them. Because they were too busy focusing on what they wanted to say, they didn't get distracted by it.


    Well stated and accurate. Alot of us are under the impression PE is a true homage to the classics which do not have anything in common with the product Bioware has been putting out as a RPG.


    That would include, of course, no tent-sex (as depicted by Bioware), instead (if at all) it would be like BG or PS:T.


    When you come to the forums and daily see threads requesting something outside the classic approach, it generates concern - rightly or wrongly. What's more concerning to me is the cost involved on such a limited budget, but I'm willing to believe Obsidian know what they plan to do and how to do it right.

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