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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. I pledged a physical tier as well. 


    That's the best written KS I've seen yet.  Brian Fargo's tweet:


    It was quite ironic that we hit the max limit for text on Kickstarter when writing up the detailed information


    Very well done.  Can't wait to hear more and see stretch goals. 

    • Like 1
  2. @Tamerlane - Could this be it?





    Just a reminder: Icewind Dale II was the only Infinity Engine game to have a dialogue skill (three, in fact). BG, BG2, IWD, and PS:T and related expansions all used ability scores and other more-or-less fixed character attributes like class and race. IMO, if you're going to have stat-based unlocks, I'd rather do that type of unlocking because it's often easier/more sensible to spread the checks out more evenly.





    Speech as a skill is the thing that I think produces the most quasi-/metagaming. Attribute/ability score checks tend to not produce the same problem since you can often be more egalitarian about what attributes are checked and how often. With a Speech skill (or equivalent), its whole raison d'être is to gain advantage in conversation. That's not true even for stats like Charisma or Intelligence in D&D.


    • Like 2
  3. Hi Indira! Not really sure there's anything left to herd at this point - feels more like a 'stray mouse wrangling' position at this point. :biggrin:

    If anyone still hasn't received their title, please repost your request. As JFSOCC pointed out, you can still increase your pledge through Paypal, or you can do as I did and use extra money you may have included with your pledge for the Fulfillment Center.

    Speaking of which, I still have $40 left of the extra money I pledged and only used $8 for my title.* So, theoretically, I could sponsor 4 more backers who would like to join the Order but are having difficulty increasing their pledges at this time.

    So, in the spirit of the Order, I will sponsor the first 4 backers who would like to receive custom Order titles but are currently unable to do so.  Obviously, the only requirement is that you did back Project Eternity.

    I'll check back tomorrow to see if there's any interest. If not, it may be time to break out the bugles for a nice rendition of Taps.


    * I overestimated the amount of stuff I needed (or even wanted) so I was planning to let the $40 just go directly to OE. However, donating $40 to the Order is essentially the same thing as it doesn't cost OE anything to give custom forum titles.

    • Like 1
  4. Since MCA is writing and there's no publisher involved, I'll go with Chris' insightful take on relationships in P.E.:



    So if I were to implement a romance subplot in Eternity - I wouldn’t. I’d examine interpersonal relationships from another angle and I wouldn’t confine it to love and romance. Maybe I’d explore it after a “loving” relationship crashed and burned, and one or both was killed in the aftermath enough for them to see if it had really been worth it spending the last few years of their physical existence chained to each other in a dance of human misery and/or a plateau of soul-killing compromise. Or maybe I’d explore a veteran’s love affair with his craft of murder and allowing souls to be freed to travel beyond their bleeding shell, or a Cipher’s obsession with plucking the emotions of deep-rooted souls to try and see what makes people attracted to each other beyond their baser instincts and discovers love... specifically, his love of manipulating others. You could build an entire dungeon and quest where he devotes himself to replicating facsimiles of love, reducer a Higher Love to a baser thing and using NPCs he encounters as puppets for his experimentations, turning something supposedly beautiful into something filthy, mechanical, but surrounded by blank-eyed soul-twisted drones echoing all the hollow Disney-like platitudes and fairy tale existence where everyone lives happily ever after.




    I would really love to see something like this implemented in P.E. :biggrin:


    As far as:



    Of coure not every player voted in this poll but i also think that Sewyer don't asked every fan about that subject .. so at this moment poll is only true evidence..


    This thread/poll is not unique and you are not a special snowflake for starting yet another one.  They have never commented in any of the dozens of threads (with similar but better worded polls) that have sprung up since September and are highly unlikely to break their silence for this one.   You flatter yourself to think this poll is 'true evidence' of anything to the developers as it's just one more in an ongoing stream of polls/threads on the subject constituting several hundred pages of comments dating back to the first day of the Kickstarter.


    Have you stopped to think there's a reason why 'Sewyer don't asked every fan about that'. 


    As far as:



    And thred is also to show "ROMANCE/ LOVE haters" that pro-romances are not nerds, that want only to se boobs "Ohh and ahhs) and hear every 3 seconds "You are the best on the planet !"


    Sorry, it's too late -- the ship has already sailed on that one . There was already an open thread on the subject, but you still felt compelled to start yet another one because you think your poll is somehow special even though Lady Crimson pointed out that it had already been discussed in all the other threads.   It's that kind of behavior that serves to reinforce some people's views regarding promancers.


    (Where's Bos_Hybrid when you need him?)

  5. From a quick glance through the General Discussion forum pages:

    09/14   Transsexual Romance Options - Shut Down

    09/14   The Romances?

    09/16   Suggestion/I Will Pay You Money For This: Get Rid of Straight Males -  Shut Down

    09/16   What if we could have a child?

    09/16   If romances are included

    09/17   Sex and Romance (Poll) - Shut Down

    09/18   Please have ANTI gays and lesbian inclusiveness! - Shut Down

    09/18   Gay and Lesbian Inclusiveness! - Shut Down

    09/14   A suggestion for the romances you're considering (if any) - Shut Down

    09/20   The Dark Side of Romance (Poll)

    09/20   Heterosexuals in Project: Eternity - Shut Down

    09/20   Culture, Sexuality, and Gender Identity - Shut Down

    09/20   Will there be a transgender option? - Shut Down

    09/20   The possibility of LGBT characters in Project Eternity - Official Thread - Shut Down

    09/21   An Ultimate romance poll - Shut Down

    09/20   [Merged] Gods save us another romance thread - Post Limit

    09/23   Romances, yay or nay? - Shut Down

    09/26   Romance in Project Eternity: How Important, How Much (Poll) - Shut Down

    09/28   I'd up my pledge but.... (opinions) (Poll) - Shut Down

    09/29   The LBGT "agenda" - Shut Down

    10/01   Romance companions (Poll) - Shut Down

    10/04   Unrated by ESRB, so more explicit, but tasteful, romance scenes? - Shut Down

    10/15   Romance and friendship? - Post Limit

    10/17   The "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread - Post Limit

    10/19   "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread pt. 2 - Post Limit

    10/27   Sexuality and mature content in the game (Adult Only) (Poll) - Shut Down

    10/22   "Unofficial" P.E. Relationship/Romance thread pt. 3 - Post Limit

    11/10   Relationship/Romance Thread IV (Poll) - Currently Open

    01/27   Types of Romances You Liked (Poll) - Currently Open


    Total of 29 threads (and I probably missed some):


    18 Shut Down (Mercifully)

    5 Post Limit (More Current Ones)

    4 Died a Natural Death

    2 Currently Open


    This does not include threads that were not just shut down, but also removed completely (i.e., the pedophilia thread which sprang from a discussion in a romance thread).  Some of the threads only lasted a page or less and others rambled on for hundreds.


    The majority existed prior to December 3 when you signed up for a forum account so it's quite possible you simply aren't aware of the amount of discussion that has already taken place on this subject.


    To say this thread is a redundancy would be a major understatement at this point, especially since the 11/10 thread is still open.


    As Lady Crimson stated:



     That aspect has actually been discussed a lot already, in all the other threads.


    No offence intended.  Just trying to illustrate the volume of discussion that's already occurred.  :)

  6. Sooo, a strange box shows up at your door from an unknown sender. Did you draw straws to see who would open it or simply declare Happy Hour, kickback, and wait for MCA to volunteer?  Or maybe you took the expedient route and told Rob there was a bottle of The Balvenie Fifty inside? :biggrin:

    Seriously, though, you are all appreciated and deserve the respect you were afforded.

    • Like 1
  7. Just in case not everyone saw this post from Josh (post 92):




    I want to say something about my high-level approach to design, whether the systems being described are dialogue, rest mechanics, or how you gain experience: the bottom line for any mechanic is how it affects the ways in which players play the game. I.e., after all of the theorizing, all of the speculation, and all of the strong statements of feeling on a mechanic, what matters is how people play the game.

    So when I write that what Tim and I want to do is use quest/objective/challenge XP as the primary (if not only) methods of achieving XP, that means "want" will give way to "reality" if they are in conflict -- conflict in practice, not conflict in a forum discussion. When changing the system requires relatively little effort, there's not a ton of benefit to being absolutist over a year in advance. Moving from a class-based to classless system -- that's a big deal. That's something you decide and pretty much stick with. Deciding whether to give XP for monsters or not give XP for monsters -- that's not a big deal. That's easy to address, even late in development. Deciding whether people can rest at certain locations or they can rest anywhere is also pretty easy to address.

    These things exist on a sliding scale of difficulty, implementation/adjustment-wise. We plan things so we can make the simple changes easily later on. Generally that means creating simple base layers of mechanics and adding in "adjustment" or tuning mechanics when the metrics/gameplay we see demands it.         


    I'd interpret that to mean they are taking the quest/objective/challenge XP method to beta.   Hopefully, everyone here with a strong view on either side will be participating in the beta so you can support your position with in-game examples since a 'conflict in practice' is what would be a determining factor in making adjustments to this design decision, not forum discussion. 


    There have been multiple other threads discussing the XP issue, so they have heard voices from both sides of the aisle and have decided to go with this method unless 'want gives way to reality'.   These are just a few:








    I can understand everyone wanting to add their view on the subject and have their opinion on record (I know I did), but it seems like it's just tilting at windmills at this point. 


    There is entertainment value in the thread, however. :biggrin:

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  8. Hi Hormalakh - Hey, I'm just one of thousands of backers who knows zero about game design/development, but does know what they've liked in the I.E. games.


    I've always liked the quest/combat experience model because my characters grew at small, incremental amounts over time. Josh has discussed quest/goal experience but not given any really specific examples (that I can recall anyway). The example I linked was just someone's hypothetical example of one possible scenario. It made me rethink my position because this would be an alternative that would also result in smaller incremental progression. It's just a personal preference -- nothing more, nothing less.


    Whether they utilize something like this or not - who knows? Either way, I'm putting my faith in the team to make a game with great combat and a compelling story which, ultimately, is why I backed the project.


    I rarely post anymore (just read everything) so I'm not going to enter this discussion. I posted the link since PrimeJunta was discussing something similar (and I wanted to inquire as to the apparent mishap with Valorian's cat). :biggrin:


    I'll leave the details to people who know a great deal more than I.

  9. PrimeJunta - Here is an example of objective based experience Labadal gave last month (post #26):




    It's what ultimately made me rethink my position on combat experience. Something like this is workable for me. You're still getting incremental experience and not just big chunks, and it accomodates people who prefer not to fight and solve conflict in a different manner.


    Even Gifted1 thought it was a good example.


    At the end of the day we just don't have enough information on stealth/diplomacy to even form an educated guess so everything is pure speculation at this point. Maybe Josh will shed some light next Tuesday.


    O/T: Valorian, my avatar wants to know what happened to your cat -- did he put up a good fight with bleach bottle, but ultimately lose? Condolences. :biggrin:

  10. I'm actually starting to somewhat like the goal/quest experience as long as the experience is awarded in smaller incremental amounts rather than a larger sum at the end of the quest. Someone in another thread gave a very good example of how a sample quest and experience accumulation could theoretically work. In their example, there were several points along the way in the quest where experience would be awarded and would accomodate different playstyles.


    My biggest apprehension originally was that it would make the game feel much more linear, and there would be long stretches of time (depending on depth of the quest) where no experience would be accumulated. If the example given in the other thread is a somewhat accurate depiction of what Josh is envisioning, then I have no problem with quest/goal experience.


    In short, I stand corrected. :biggrin:

  11. This would be useful, and interesting. Give it some of the old school feel of having to map out a game with a pencil and paper like back ye olde tymes of the 80s.


    Maybe give the player a variety of drag & drop icons to map out the notable locations like treasure, traps and so on, rather than simply auto-filling points of note.


    I like this idea. I found the flags you could annotate in BG2 to be very helpful - adding useful icons would give even more flexibility.

  12. Game_Exile - Thanks for your well thought out reply.


    I agree, in theory, to much of what you've said. I simply don't like (personally, of course) a checkpoint system in a RPG. Naturally, it's somewhat for selfish reasons, but I don't always have a long stretch of time to play and most good RPG's require many, many hours to complete.


    Even when I do get a block of time, it seems there's always interruptions -- friends or family dropping in or one of life's many minor emergencies that needs handling.


    I am also a player who likes to try different strategies in combat and will sometimes reload (even after winning) just to try a different strategy or group of spells.


    We all have our own individual playstyles. I certainly respect your view and playstyle as well.


    If memory serves, I was under the impression that PE will be more like BG2 with smaller maps to explore (sans Big City). If that's the case, wouldn't an autosave happen each time you travel to a new area? Just trying to think of some way that would appeal to your playstyle.


    In the end, though, I realize your issue with the design is the balancing. Hopefully, OE will get it right. Mr. Sawyer also seems very much into balancing everything so hopefully it will turn out to be a game you'll enjoy.


    Edit: It's also interesting that Feargus only said "anywhere" and not "anywhere and anytime". Hopefully, you won't be able to save during combat or other times that they deem appropriate.

    • Like 1
  13. No alignment. Obsidian have already said they are not going with an alignment system and I agree with them. It is up to me to determine whether my actions are good or evil according to my morals, not the programmer who has programmed this alignment system. It is up to me to decide whether an action is honorable or not, whether I am doing it for society or not. Even if it is hidden, the fact that it is there is basically forcing one person's perspective upon me and is just bollocks really. Big fat no to alignment.


    Exactly. As per Sawyer:


    I'm not sure what you mean by point and attack system, but we will likely be using a reputation system similar to F:NV in Project Eternity (also, we aren't using "alignment", "karma" or other morality meters). In general, the way we will be approaching the world design and faction development will likely be similar to F:NV. We want the characters to feel like they have believable motivations, reasons for doing what they do.



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  14. Hormalakh, I don't know if you caught this statement by Sawyer as to his thoughts:


    For open exterior environments, we are experimenting (as in this image) with rendering scenes from an angle that is closer to Fallout and Fallout 2, about 15 degrees lower than the BG/IWD camera angles. There are a few reasons for this, the main one being that tall vertical objects can be seen in greater detail. Because the environments are open, the practical issues of overlapping walls and obstructions are not usually a problem. We will continue to experiment with this angle and the higher angle on interiors to see what mix works.




    So, I guess they're still experimenting with the concept.

  15. I wouldn't be upset if they scrapped all these extra modes and just designed a challenging and complex game with a good checkpoint system.


    You'd better brace yourself for disappointment then:


    Question: PE will have a "save anytime, save anywhere" system like the IE games?


    Feargus: Yes, save anywhere you want.


    You can find the quote in the following link (under the comments posted on Oct. 4). These comments are from the Kickstarter page in which Feargus regularly posted.




    If you are adverse to using the save system, you can always just use the Autosaves to simulate (more or less) a checkpoint system.


    I personally like the different modes they are offering and the ability to turn on/off options to suit individual preferences. Some people like it easy and others like it bonecrushing hard.

  16. The AI director is a good example because you want to give story reasons for the type of "rank" system you are proposing. The major problem is that if the game has some long term strategic depth, it makes more sense to give the player advantages for doing well in the beginning rather than disadvanatages, not to mention this would likely end up hurting the story anyway. I don't like the idea, myself. The devs should try to make a well balanced game, maybe with some advanced difficulty options that are appropriate for first time playthroughs (if they are going to have difficulty options at all).


    In case you haven't read this update:



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