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Posts posted by SqueakyCat

  1. Probably more specific information (which I hope will be forthcoming) about size of the world, rough estimation of gameplay hours (or at least give an example of another game they think would be a good comparison for PE), specific gameplay mechanics (in particular, I would like to know what kind of 'save' function they will be using) and maybe address a few of the points people are raising on the forum.


    I'm already at a fairly high tier, but my husband and I have talked about making another pledge so his recently passed grandmother's name would be in the credits (just to honor her).

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  2. This thread seems to have quieted down some since the links on the previous page were posted.


    For me, alot of this comes down to funding and where those precious few dollars should be allocated. Some want romance, some MP, and many others want completely different mechanics added to the game. It's just not all going to be possible with the limited budget for this IP.


    Can't we just trust the developers to give us a compelling story (with or without romance), in-depth companions and an intriguing world?


    Our voices have been heard on this issue as well as many others.



    This is for your TwinkieGorilla and Monte Carlo:





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  3. Okay, I guess I'm ready to come out and play again.


    Regarding romances -- as a general statement I would say no. Bioware, quite honestly, has ruined that aspect of gaming for me (not that I ever indulged in them much anyway). The whole 'diaper sex in a tent with 'poignant' background music' scenario is pandering and trite. Limited conversation and lack of a well-written backstory made them feel forced, contrived and superficial to me. By ME3, they went from trite to creepy -- again, my opinion, not necessarily yours.


    If Obsidian looked to a game like BG2 for inspiration and kept 'romance' subtle and easily ignored, I wouldn't complain. It would not interfere with my enjoyment of the game and would give others an option to make their gaming experience more rewarding.


    What I would really like (if they MUST be done) is something completely new -- not just another iteration of the same old cliche. I vote for something dark, brooding and unrequited (you know, just like in real life sometimes).


    For those who are under the impression that it takes so little time to write/develop even a single character, this is from an interview with Feargus Urquhart on September 19th (someone posted it in the last romance thread, or maybe the one before, it's getting taxing just trying to keep track of them all for reference purposes).


    “Romances take a lot of effort, and I don’t want to be cagey on romances at all. We don’t want to make them a stretch goal, it’s just a question of if we feel comfortable with the funding. We have to do them right. Some people were giving us flak about, you know, the goal to get to the first companion, class, race, and things like that. They weren’t completely wrong in their criticism, but we don’t have nefarious reasons behind it. If it’s a pretty in depth companion Chris Avellone, who is a pretty quick writer, is looking at 2 or 3 months just for writing it up.”



  4. Why do people here think that multiplayer would be "tacked on" if it was included as a stretch goal? If Obsidian has enough time to include native Linux support in with the game, they have time to polish out a competent co-operative experience to go along with the single-player mode.


    I do not understand how the inclusion of co-op could suddenly diminish the quality of the singleplayer campaign aside from the time and money it takes to implement it.


    The game is still in extraordinarily early stages of development and they could add a well done co-op without having to backtrack or sacrifice too much time.


    Ironically, you've answered your own question. This is the biggest objection with such a small budget.

  5. Friendly fire and soul-crushing difficult. I want to strategically learn from my multitude of deaths and hone my skills. I do not want my hand held at any point in the game. If I have to die 20 times to a spider/goblin to figure out what I'm doing wrong strategically, then I welcome death in that case.


    Give me a classic - - nothing more, nothing less.


    While the classic IE games PE is supposed to be reminiscent of did have hard fights, encounters likely to kill you more than once were usually reserved for significant fights with named antagonists/bosses. A few people seem to want a game that is more unforgiving than the old ones were, which I quite frankly don't think is something that is likely to happen, nor something I want.


    We must not have been playing the same games or at the same difficulty level - or your Mojo is far superior to mine.


    Once your character gained a few levels and your strategies improved, not every encounter was bone-crushing, but there were many, many that were even then (specifically BG1, 2).

  6. I sincerely doubt it will be quest XP. Probably more like challenge XP. A puzzle will give XP whether you solve it or cut the knot. A random encounter will give XP, regardless of whether you talk, fight, or flee. A dungeon will give XP past chokepoints like floor transitions. That kind of thing. Good thing about that design is that you can still give XP for a dungeon with a quest attached even if they don't have the quest.


    That is if they keep to the equality idea regardless of approach.


    This would be acceptable if there were other creative ways to earn small pockets of XP beyond just the quest.


    See, I'm very easy to please and always willing to compromise. :)

  7. You misunderstood me completely. There are actually a few things I am still waiting to hear before I decide what course I will take. In and of itself, the quest XP is not a deal breaker, however, if it is combined with a couple of other things, then yes.


    I'm in for waaaay more than $80, so I would need to rethink what level I would support.


    I think the "depth of feeling" comes from nostalgia -- at least for me. As I said, I think I may have naively misinterpreted what the vision is for this game and the target audience. I really, really hope not.


    Thanks for the polite response. :) I always enjoy a good discussion. If I may ask, what attracted you to support the game?

  8. I actually didn't care for that system in Bloodlines or ME2.


    I guess it's my own naitivity, but I took the information on the Kickstarter page for PE quite literally -- an isometric, real-time with pause system and designed "to recapture the magic, imagination, depth, and nostalgia of classic RPGs". This design choice, for me, is a departure from the classics like IWD and BG.


    And, yes, I realize they aren't designing this game specifically for me. Ultimately, everyone will have to decide if this is the game you thought it would be as more information is disseminated. Right now, I'm on the fence. I was all-in, but now not so much. There's still 21 days to go so I'll just wait for additional announcements.


    As far as exploitation of an XP based system, isn't that really up to the gamer? It can only be exploited if you actively do so. To me, it diminishes the experience of the game, so I don't, but, again, to each his own. It's certainly not up to me to tell someone how to enjoy any particular game.

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  9. Why not just make two versions of the game? One for the men and one for the women. The female version of the game would be chock full of romances written by actual females (not by MCA). The male version would not have any romances that aren't a part of the main plot, but it would have an extended story that results in the same amount of overall development time. I used to think it would be a great thing if more women liked to use computers and play computer games, but it has turned into a curse. Men and women simply don't like the same kinds of stories. Hollywood has figured this out already. They have films, like Sleepless in Seattle or other RomComs, that are specifically targeted toward women where they don't expect to have any male viewers at all (with the exception of the ones who are forced into it by their wife/gf). Unlike Bioware, the Obsidian designers seem to be mostly male. I can't imagine any of them are too thrilled with the idea of writing romances. Surely that's not what they signed up for. It's like getting a job at Sony designing the next AIBO robot dog and then finding out they also expect you to clean the toilets. I guess that might be why hiring an extra writer was mentioned. Presumably some woman who doesn't mind writing that sort of stuff. Incidentally, it's hard for me to imagine any self-respecting man begging for romances in a computer game. Romances are a girl thing. You may as well wear lipstick and pink panties.


    Wow . . . I hardly no where to begin given all the generalizations you made in your post.


    Okay, I'm female but do not wish to have romances tacked on to the game (at least not Bioware's model). Where do I fit in your little world? Will I need to purchase the oh-so-manly version of the game?


    Oh, and by the way, I don't wear lipstick and my husband prefers black.




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  10. I'm not really a fan of the quest experience, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt - for now. I'll just put a little checkmark in the 'con' column for that aspect of the game. I'll wait to see other announcements before I fully decide. I just want so much for this to truly be a spiritual successor to the classics (like BG), and I'm not completely convinced yet. Any announcements of checkpoint saving, however, and I won't be able to hit the 'cancel pledge' button fast enough.

  11. I thought you were. The last time I was spoken to like that I was eight.


    Don't forget that europeans tend to be alot more polite than our american cousins - don't take offence it isn't their fault the majority are big-headed, rude and arrogant


    Okay, I was going to let that slide, but please don't think the "majority" of us are rude, arrogant and big-headed. That may very well describe our government leaders, but not the vast majority of the people who live here (including the developers of this project).


    What a sweeping generalization....

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  12. Romance junkies don't really "wander out", if they feel they're going to get their fix.


    I'll be honest, I really don't want the obsessives around. I did some research on the BSN, and I've seen the worst they can offer. The Tali sweat analysis is only the most memorable one, but they can be pretty damn creepy regarding the characters (or their voice actors). I'm not concerned about them influencing the game, but they're still a drag to have around in conversations.


    As for Chris Avellone's post about romances, it's here.


    I haven't been there since ME3, but I still remember the last post I read before permanently leaving that forum and it was in regards to romances:


    Question from Poster: Is there anyway to bypass the sex conversation -- I just was to hit it and forget it?


    To be honest, I have seen some familiar names from there already posting on these forums, but not in this thread.


    I much prefer the friendships that develop with the NPC's -- they can be very humorous and engaging.

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