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Everything posted by Infinitron

  1. I can give you a saved game from before killing all the Forge Knights. To see the bug for yourself, you'll have to kill all three groups of Forge Knights in the Crucible Keep, then save the game, then reload the new save.
  2. You should be able to see this with any group of hostiles in this game. But if you insist: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f415913062madhmrbridge Take Durance's Interdiction and position the area of effect marker to your south like in the screenshot.
  3. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how, after you've freed him from the prison, Giacco stays alone in Kolsc's hideout in Magran's Fork after Raedric is killed and the rest of Kolsc's people have taken the throne. It seems pretty weird. He's supposed to be part of their crew. Reuploaded.
  4. Listening to the cheerful background music of my stronghold while Durance was having his final crisis of faith was not very immersive.
  5. Base game caves. Haven't played White March yet. Most noticeable in the Elmshore cave, since ogre battles tend to feature a lot of reloading!
  6. Here's another one: More of these endgame items have been changed I guess. Savegame: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f417365527suninshadow
  7. The other being the Bartender's Ring: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81860-v201-bartenders-ring-missing-itemmods-287-288-in-tool-tips/ Savegame: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f417356972breitheaman
  8. And Iovara in Breith Eaman...you know, I'm beginning to think Patch 2.0 may have broken every single one of these. EDIT: Well, Sun in Shadow's visions are okay, except the very last one with Thaos.
  9. I think the visions of Iovara and Thaos on the Burial Isle might have a similar problem. Saves: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f417337377burialisle http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f417338651burialisle
  10. I gathered the two birds in the wilderness for the carnivorous orlan in Twin Elems, but taking the bird from the cage was too cruel for me, so I decided to convince him not to do it. When doing so, the game seems to attempt to clean up your inventory, taking away one of the birds - but not the other: Another possibility is that it wasn't supposed to take any of the birds, but in any case this is a minor bug. Savegame: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f417336363oldsong
  11. But it doesn't. Bug or intentional? If it is intentional, ideally the description should be changed.
  12. Oh, I know. Calisca or Heodan must have been wearing this cloak. I went back to the scene of their deaths and poof. Same thing probably happened to OP's items. Why isn't this well-known bug fixed already?
  13. This just happened to me too, after the Cilant Lis bounty. Durance's Minor Cloak of Protection has disappeared, and oddly, has been replaced with a status effect icon called "Minor Cloak of Protection" conferring the same benefits, though I'm not sure if it actually works. I'm guessing it's the same cloak I actually found in Cilant Lis way back at the beginning of the game. This really sucks. Here's the savegame: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f416816139caednua
  14. http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f416815956caednua http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f416487898greathall And if so, why?
  15. This head has an incorrect description. Naroc the Prophet is the Glanfathan from Cilant Lis.
  16. This may be related to a bug in how Prestige and Security ratings are broken down: Yeah, that's not right. Save: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f416487898greathall
  17. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/81368-20-stronghold-guestrandom-event-hirelings-not-appearing/
  18. Is this intentional? PoE's thing where the music doesn't change until you load a saved game is especially noticeable here. Load a saved game, suddenly everything is quiet. It feels buggy even if it isn't.
  19. Yeah, I saw this. I think it only happens when you load a savegame from an old version? I might be wrong though. I believe the glitch goes away after a while (possibly when you enter a new area), because my current game doesn't have it. The reason this happens is because they changed this particular item for 2.0 - it now provides a Will defense bonus, so it doesn't become redundant after you get the Ring of Thorns: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Ring_of_Thorns
  20. This seems like it might be a bug. Shouldn't Giacco join Kolsc and the rest of his crew in the throne room? Maybe this is related to the double Nedmar reward issue. Here's a savegame before killing Raedric if you need it: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f49404431raedricskeep
  21. Here's a savegame: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f49407862raedricsholdsanctuary And here's one from before killing Raedric to confirm that I'd already gotten the reward once: http://www.filedropper.com/86c6fe26022149408bb744934e5373f49404431raedricskeep
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