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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Reflex Bonus 1 should be Deflection Bonus 1 or something. The item grants the correct amount of Deflection though.
  2. I haven't noticed any new Talents in this build (there were in v392), but which abilities non-caster classes get access to at what level has been altered.
  3. There appears to be some funky lighting issues in this area now (especially at the doorway) And the area looks washed out, and characters look noticeably murky I have noticed that the Dyrford Village, its interiors and the Dyrford Crossing have had some lighting/ambient map passes done between v392 and v435, perhaps this one was missed?
  4. It's intended, although I think it should be changed back to how it used to be where modals are just always active.
  5. Hard Difficulty with a Monk - I maxed Might had a high Perception (to abuse interrupt bug).
  6. Flawless Victory vs Korgrak with a Monk and stock BB Party. Video incoming. Fast attacks + OP interrupt bug = lulz
  7. Yeah I am not a fan. Aside from the fact that Perception is broken, Resolve is fully dumpable. I will look into modding it when Bester converts his mod tools to the new patch. Minor Threat always converted a percentage. It's the best class ability by a country mile.
  8. They actually used to be worse in v392, they used to crit for 120 damage. A lot of the stuff you could do to beat them has been taken away (Quadratic Rogue damage, High Accuracy characters). I am just playing with a Druid and the BB party atm, but I will go through with a custom adventurer party and see if it's much easier (it will be, especially with a sixth character and different classes). Uploading a glorious failed attempt at the encounter, I stop trying about half way through, but you get the picture.
  9. I'm playing on Hard. I think on normal difficulty you face two capital B Bears, and on Hard it's Elder Bears ? Elder Bears have 97 Accuracy, and they hit for 50-60 damage through armor and Crit for 60-80 through armor. Against a 0 DT character I think they do ~ 90 damage on a crit. That's enough to kill many 5th level characters in one hit.
  10. It should play for longer, but allow you to skip it, like in the IE games.
  11. There are *some* Ambient sounds at night - Owls, and I think I hear Daytime Birds too which probably shouldn't be there. Definitely less than previous builds. Daytime is very quiet.
  12. It's a bug I think. Bonus Interrupt from Perception is being treated as an integer rather than a percentage, and Bonus Concentration is being treated as a percentage. That Korgrak fight is still stupid. Korgrak himself is fine but those Bears are OP.
  13. Yeah stacking CC is definitely the way to go, I think the OP damage invalidates too many tactics. Will record a video. It's Miss 01-15 Graze 16-50 Hit 51-100 Crit 101+
  14. At the moment I just have the stock party and a Druid, Tanglefoot slows them down and Korgrak gets stuck and doesn't attack for a while, but aside from cheesing disengagement attacks or something nothing I have is punching through the bears. Every character goes down in two hits. edit: Got it that time, although with three KO's. Constant interrupts was the way to go once I got to Korgrak, combined with multiple Slickens.
  15. Elder Bears still hit for ridiculous damage lol. Not as much as before, but still 50 damage on a hit through 12 DT is probably a bit high. They also have 95 Accuracy or something, compared to your party's ~30-50 With the changes to damage calculation, no Accuracy from Perception and the nerf to DT bypassing weapons it's very difficult to punch through their DR 9 and actually take them down without some bullsh1t combo, meanwhile you're getting hit for 30-80 damage a hit from them and Korgrak.
  16. I do think they have improved the lighting and ambient maps of the Dyrford Village, Dyrford Crossing and many of the Dyrford Buildings. Ogre Cave doesn't appear to have been touched though, characters (and the area) look noticeably bland/faded compared to the others. Neither, all they needed was some very minor FX at the base of a unit. Might be a bug, I think they're supposed to be red? FYI - There's a new 'foreboding' music track in the Ogre Cave, I don't recall it being there before but then again I have played with music disabled for many builds.
  17. So ... this is apparently the new "Stuck" FX lol
  18. I haven't played the build enough to give a 'thoughts and observations' but the purpose of frequently posting is that this is an ongoing discussion where people playing the build can get the latest updates. Once everything settles, I'm sure that there will be actual discussion. For the next while I'm probably going to be focusing on updating my bug thread and reporting new bugs.
  19. I'll make a video about it or something.
  20. Yes the command msaa works, although I don't think it does anything in the inventory / character creation / level up screen It definitely works in the game world though
  21. There's been a few bugs present with ability highlighting for a very long time. The highlight UI 'bugs out' temporarily before returning to normal when you do things like change characters or alt-tab.
  22. I'll have a chat to Bester later and see if we can fix the Interrupt bug for this patch's version of the IE mod. This being the final version of testing it's just not practical for an attribute to be broken for the purposes of attribute discussion.
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