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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yes but they're the same size tree models as all of the other screenshots we've seen, so that's not the reason why the trees are small. They're re-using the same 3-4 tree models. Grotesque's point was more that the taller BG1 trees look better, and I agree. There will definitely be larger trees in Eir Glanfath though, there's some bigger ones in the Valley of Hector. Hopefully some more tree models get made along the production line and they can go back and add the newer ones in later.
  2. Something that wasn't ported from console. besides The Witcher 1 and Knights of the Chalice there really hasn't been too much.
  3. I do agree with Grotesque about the tree size, YMMV. However I don't think that's Eternity's closest zoom level either.
  4. prob see it in the Gameplay video which will go live with the website - which will be next week or the week after most like. Is the hunch thing a carry-over from the 'stretch rig' or something.
  5. The hunching is an indication that the troll model was built from Skuldr assets as it has a similar size, look and stance. A while back they were talking about the re-use of assets especially in the rigging and animation areas, and this is the result. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63395-update-43-pretty-and-technical/ Even Character models hunch over at idle.
  6. I did not make the map, it's from Josh Sawyer's GDC Presentation. Art style is definitely Kazunori Aruga and the world map icons are likely photochops of ingame assets. No, not explicitly, but ... If you look back to Chris Avellone's Rezzed presentation The above area was cited in the presentation as an Animat Factory. There were only a handful of areas made for the Prototype and the concept of the original screenshot above has a large round room and two doorways like the one from the Valley of Hector. We've also heard about Animats and seen their armor. This all happened before Production started - so the almost certain conclusion is that the Valley of Hector is the exterior map to the Animat Factory. Was it mentioned that the animat factory is in the valley of hector? If you go by the world map, the stronghold is on the position of twin elms. And the two tree symbol is nearer to the abbey of the cloven wheel. But Because this is only a mockup you are likely right with your labels. I don't think the map is to scale, there are a bunch of other landmarks that are off as well, and the view is rather skewed, almost emulating the distance seeming smaller.
  7. This is the current in-game map, it is a mockup and it is not the final one. I have labelled all of the areas, some of it is speculation. After thinking on it a bit the Outsource W Area between Dyrford and Valley of Hector is also probably a Vertical Slice map.
  8. It was a bit misleading because on both world maps, Twin Elms was not using a 'city' icon. I imagine that it's a bit smaller than Defiance Bay population and perhaps breadth wise, but a Suldanesselar or Lothlorien style city with multiple maps is a very appealing idea. The location of both cities on the map does also add to the 'Fallout-y-ness' style that Obsidian was looking for regarding progression through the game. With the Dyrford encompassing the lower level content and the Stronghold being 'granted' before the end of the first chapter I wonder whether the player will be able to go to Twin Elms before Defiance Bay, as it is located pretty much between both of them. Gilded Vale kinda seems like the 'Trademeet' of Eternity.
  9. So far we know that (most) Wilderness areas are being handled by outsourcing. Hector did the Vertical Slice ones AFAIK. At 3 weeks per wilderness area that is two wilderness areas per production milestone. However they also may do propping and unique asset creation for existing areas.
  10. Oh yeah that Drake should only have two legs, four legged Dragon creatures wouldn't be able to fly, it would be physically impossible IIRC. edit: oh that's right in D&D two legged Dragons are Wyverns.
  11. Going way back to Production 01 (Update 62) it was stated that creatures are taken to a blockout stage and then they move onto another one in order to get more creatures into the game earlier. Wouldn't worry too much about the look of the Troll it will probably receive a polish pass from Dimitri/James during post-production, along with some animation work - I do agree though that stances & stuff need variation. Remember that the usual length of post-production is 6 months - so that's 6 months+ worth of touching up models and stuff. That said, I'll be very happy when I see a new tree model (not couting the burnt one).
  12. Was that shot of the trolls taken recently? There seems to be a bit of a discrepancy between the way shadows are cast in that picture and in the recent shots of character models in Josh Sawyers GDC Presentation. Here are the trolls Here is the GDC Slide In the GDC Slide, the character models appear to have way more grounded shadows than the Trolls, more akin to the IE games Blob shadows (which I liked). There was some response to fan feedback after the Update 61 screenshot resulting in tweaking to the way shadows are displayed (apparently). Yet the shadows on the troll models appear to be drawn via the older method from the Update 49 Video / Update 61 screenshot.
  13. Poll ain't gonna change their look. They do not look like your archetypical trolls, despite being kinda close to the NWN1 version. They appear to have a creation myth unique to Eternity - to me they look to be a combo of human and wood with Engwythan Runes or something scribed onto them.
  14. Update 66 says before Thanksgiving. Which is today.
  15. Hahah Indeed. Let the Gold and Watcher backers be revealed There will also be a Gamebanshee piece coming perhaps not today, but tomorrow or later this week. I think Buck visited the studio and has tales to tell.
  16. Way back in October last year I made a camp out thread for Kickstarter Update 20, which was the Environment Screenshot update. There'll probably be a few people 'staying up' for tomorrow/today's update. The Update 49 Environment Demo video was posted quite late due to issues with youtube video compression and stuff, so it's a wonder whether Obsidian has already recorded their Gameplay Demonstration / uploaded it to their Obsidian youtube account or not. At a minimum we have 9 hours or so until the time frame for updates begins. What are people looking forward to seeing in tomorrow's update? It could be multiple things at once - the backer site is a given, and a video of some sort is almost guaranteed - as it was mentioned by Chris Avellone at MIGS 2013 in Quebec and the Update 67 spreadsheet says that there is 37.0 something allocated for a Press Demo in the 3rd milestone, which is due to end this week. I hope they end up doing a Gameplay Demonstration video akin to the very first Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns video that shows off the UI, character movement, combat and other stuff (for PE - questing, scripted interactions, looting etc, perhaps char prog) along with some new Justin Bell music. Will also be nice to see character models of Orlans, Aumaua and Godlike as well as enemy monster models for the first time. The backer website also might have some new information, lore and whatnot. Also pretty sure the Pillars of Eternity title will drop as well. edit: I'm also interested in hearing who the Contract Writer is that they hired.
  17. You may be able to select a box copy of the game as an upgrade tier. We are not sure. As of right now Eternity is primarily a digital distribution release. However Wasteland 2 did a distribution deal for retail copies, so later on down the track it wouldn't be too surprising if Obsidian ends up doing the same. That said Obsidian does have like 5-6 times the staff of inXile and can probably handle Kickstarter physical reward production on their own. You will still be able to see the updates, however I repeat that backing the game now will do two things: a) It will be cheaper b) The money goes directly to the development budget of the game, so your $29 might go to a couple of extra lines of VO dialogue or some extra hours of beta testing/bug fixing that helps make the game better.
  18. There's a lot of people who say that, but the "fullness" of Expert Mode isn't really appealing to them. I think there'll be a large number of in-betweeners, who won't necessarily tick expert mode, but will toggle most of the expert mode style options on, bar a handful. I think the stat popups and hit point displays will be a deal-breaker for a lot of people. The combat log stuff is probably the biggest deal breaker for me. If the combat log stuff mentioned in my previous post is dumbed down to the point of just being "Player 1 attacks Enemy 1" with no information whatsoever, then I'll just have to boycott the mode and select every option except for that one. I did play with To Hit Rolls turned on in the IE games, however the default mode didn't have any of that, you had to enable it. If they're doing a Wasteland 2 or Shadowrun Returns style video tomorrow, narrated by Chris, Tim or Josh then we probably will get a going over of all the UI help features that they've included. So some discussion will likely be generated by that.
  19. You're using a straw man argument there for a few of those examples. The discussion has mostly been about two things - display of health status which is on by default and off in expert mode - confirmed and unlikely to change; and about the display of defenses and DT - which are turned on by default. Stat popups are off in expert mode and the display of info in the combat log does change but we aren't sure what to. In Josh Sawyer's recent GDC Talk there was a slide that talked about the display of verbose combat log information versus simple. It may be that they have changed how the combat log is displayed in relation to Baldur's Gate, I'm sure we'll see tomorrow. It might be that instead of seeing your attack roll, you just get the standard IE games "you attack enemy: miss" with no to hit roll information - which would be annoying, hopefully that isn't the case. TBH If you don't intend to play expert mode then there's not really much point talking about what you want it to be. It will be roughly akin to vanilla Baldur's Gate 1 or Icewind Dale 1 which do have quite a bit of old school obfuscation, which quite a few people enjoy. I don't believe they go overboard on anything and I've never found myself wanting or needing more information from those games to beat encounters.
  20. I believe it was deliberately leaked early, so you probably know it.
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