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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The best adventurers have big boobs because they get more quest gold. In a society where men and women aren't 100% equal, this balances out the salary difference between men and women completely
  2. No way. Big boobs are earners man, apparently men tip 30% more and women tip 40% more if a waitress in the service industry has large breasts. Imagine the extra gold you'd get from quest rewards! If I wanted to be really critical I would ask if push-up bras were a thing in Eora, because it certainly looks like it , those things would be hanging way lower, historically.
  3. Fair enough, I was more focusing on the upper chest area because it just looks so jarring compared to the male version and the chain version of the same sex/race combo. Like I said, put a slight curve in the plate, like the male version and it would alleviate the problem.
  4. Tell me that the difference between these two models is not retarded? It's like they went: "we want to have big boobed females, but because the Obsidian forums complained about boob plate, we'll give them the flattest plate armor possible" to try and not offend any of you anti boob-plate people (which clearly there are a lot of) That's just dumb. FTR: I think boob-plate is silly too, but I think that the stark difference between the chain model and the plate model is pretty ridiculous. I think they need to alter the curve of the plate a bit (more like the male) and then it would look like exactly the same model in different armor rather than "I had breast cancer". That might be a stupid nit pick, but you better get used to it, because I'm going to nit pick anything I think is wrong (selection circles is another gripe of mine that most people probably don't care about).
  5. It is important to be able to distinguish both race and gender IMO. One of the nice things that the IE games also did was have different "looks" for different character subtypes. There was a Fighter, Thief, Cleric and Wizard male and female model. This made it very easy to distinguish all of the characters you made in the party. There was some overlapping with Dwarf and Gnome models (and only the 1PP mod makes female dwarves different from male), but it was one of the fantastic things about the IE art style. Some of this will be lost in translation for PE due to budgetary reasons, but I just think that with the plate armor, the female version looks silly, in comparison to what the female model looks like with chain mail on, and what the male plate armor looks like. You saw the word boobs once and jumped on what I said, without reading my reasonings. I think I raise a very valid concern, but you have a right not to care about it.
  6. To further drive my point home, here is the MALE and FEMALE versions of Plate The male version has a proper curve, and the female version is completely flat Is the artist trolling? Use the same curve on the female, and bob's your uncle.
  7. Read my ****ing post before accusing me of talking about boobplate. I'm talking about what they said they would do, use realistic armor but accentuate the feminine figure of the armor so that you can tell the difference between the male and the female figure in the armor. This particular plate does not meet that vision (IMO) and that's why I'm pointing it out. The MALE version of Plate looks like it would suit the female model better IMO.
  8. Edited my post to show the contrast between the two models. Actually read my post next time before coming charging in with your social justice warrior hat on. I know it's only slight, but do you not see a difference between the angle of the curve in the concept art, and the flat plate piece used in the game, in comparison to the chain model, the difference is jarring. Ignore the heads, I'm talking about the bodies.
  9. Okay so here's the female model: Tell me the difference (same sex, same race, same model) doesn't look jarring to you. That plate version doesn't look very feminine to me (besides the slightly thinner chest) Here's the art Kaz did. Ignoring the head, the proportions are quite feminine In the IE games it was very, very easy to differentiate between a male and female model of any class. This game it appears that will not necessarily be the case (which is annoying). The female plate version could have done with that slight curve, which Kaz has drawn in the concept art.
  10. I like realistic armor, but the concept armor of a woman wearing plate that Kazunori Aruga did looked better, let me find it and I'll edit the post.
  11. The orlan thing might have something to do with the armor. It was weird how when Adam picked a female Paladin she had like quite large breasts, and when he changed to the Plate mail, completely flat, as if taped down 20 times ... lol They are absolutely not the same as the BG colors Karkarov, if you get a color picker and pick the RGB values from them they will be completely different values. EDIT: That green he chose looks much better in the game though, almost as if it's a completely different (darker) green.
  12. The Orlan female showcased looked like a male to me, btw. We haven't seen a male model, but if you told me that was the male Hearth Orlan model I would believe you because there was pretty much 0 definition in her body at all.
  13. Ability score arrays look a lot more natural now: But that is a _woeful_ green color tint, please change that to a different shade so it looks more natural. NONE of the IE colors looked unnatural. This tint is a good color ^
  14. September 30th - Sad Panda November 11th - Bogeyfox November 13th - Labadal November 17th - Malekith November 18th - Sarex, Immortalis November 19th - mstark November 20th - Sedrefilos November 25th - salo, Fatback, Bryy November 26th - Texoru November 27th - Macrae November 28th - Karranthain November 30th - TheTeaMustFlow December 1st - Zinnwaldite December 2nd - gamerdude130, Forlorn Hope December 3rd - Trodat December 4th - curryinahurry, HiroProtagonist December 5th - Doppelschwert December 8th - NothingToSeeHere, Arouet December 9th - Sensuki, PieSnatcher, zhoom455 December 10th - Grace85 December 11th - SqueakyCat, artyom December 12th - IndiraLightFoot, wolfdyne December 14th - Namutree December 15th - Lephys December 16th (full) - Karkarov, MasterPrudent, Bendu, Urthor December 17th - Night Stalker December 18th - ashtonw, Pidesco, Zeckul December 21st - exodiark December 22nd - Arden December 23rd - ShadySands, vril January 5th, 2015 - Flow January 13th, 2015 - ManifestedISO January 15th, 2015 - nikolokolus, h^2 January 18th, 2015 - Lysen January 20th, 2015 - Sondai January 28th, 2015 - Gorbag January 31st, 2015 - JSFOCC February 6th, 2015 - BLnoT February 14th, 2015 - evilmiera March 10th, 2015 - MikeTheRed March 17th, 2015 - Lord Gorchnik April 1st, 2015 - gromnir June 16th, 2015 - Grunker
  15. Yeah it's an up and coming voice actor. Unfortunately you can tell he's putting on a voice while doing the narration, rather than having a natural "narrator's voice" like the BG and IWD1 narrators. The same guy voices Odema and some of the PC male voice sets.
  16. My concern about Sui Generis was lack of content. Looks like it was a correct prediction too. What I've seen levels are mostly devoid of anything but a few guys here or there.
  17. I'm going to be doing a Let's Play and other beta testing videos. I can't stream due to my ****ty upload speed (1Mbit/s) but I will be uploading the VODs. https://www.youtube.com/user/enverxis I will most likely play on Hard and Path of the Damned.
  18. Wouldn't be surprised if experience is bloated just so that level range can be tested.
  19. I'd say in this case it's partially a budgetary concern. They have been developing mac and linux concurrently but I'd say that's mostly just Adam Brennecke or Steve Weatherly assigned to it - just like Double Fine had their lead programmer working on it alone.
  20. I think Obsidian got some money from Torment licensing their graphics tech. They *may* have also received some from Paradox, we are not sure. They give up more in their publishing deal with Paradox than inXile's with Deep Silver, however they get more "frills" out of it (E3 access, marketing, beta testers etc).
  21. I'm thinking that we limit the maximum people sharing a date to four (which is the current maximum), as after that point the return from the kitty is negligible. There's also likely to be some discrepancy as to actual release between Steam, GOG and Retail. Steam sometimes unlocks prior to the release date. GOG is usually slightly late. So we'll go by the set physical release date. September 30th - Sad Panda November 11th - Bogeyfox November 13th - Labadal November 17th - Malekith November 18th - Sarex, Immortalis November 19th - mstark November 20th - Sedrefilos November 25th - salo, Fatback November 26th - Texoru November 27th - Macrae November 28th - Karranthain November 30th - TheTeaMustFlow December 1st - Zinnwaldite December 2nd - gamerdude130, Forlorn Hope December 3rd - Trodat December 4th - curryinahurry, HiroProtagonist December 5th - Doppelschwert December 8th - NothingToSeeHere, Arouet December 9th - Sensuki, PieSnatcher, zhoom455 December 10th - Grace85 December 11th - SqueakyCat, artyom December 12th - IndiraLightFoot, wolfdyne December 14th - Namutree December 16th - Karkarov, MasterPrudent, Bendu, Urthor December 17th - Night Stalker December 18th - ashtonw, Pidesco, Zeckul December 21st - exodiark December 22nd - Arden December 23rd - ShadySands, vril January 5th, 2015 - Flow January 13th, 2015 - ManifestedISO January 15th, 2015 - nikolokolus, h^2 January 18th, 2015 - Lysen January 20th, 2015 - Sondai January 28th, 2015 - Gorbag January 31st, 2015 - JSFOCC February 6th, 2015 - BLnoT February 14th, 2015 - evilmiera March 10th, 2015 - MikeTheRed March 17th, 2015 - Lord Gorchnik April 1st, 2015 - gromnir June 16th, 2015 - Grunker
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