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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. targeting reticle doesnt appear when you target someone while paused either it seems, gonna have to report that too oh wait I already did: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69225-333-mouseover-breaks-targeting-reticle-display/
  2. Knocked out text bug report Bug reports related to Calisca getting frozen on the spot http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69154-333-improved-pathfinding http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69147-333-walking-next-to-a-unit-in-the-busy-state-freezes-your-character/
  3. I reported that knocked out bug in the bug report forums bout a week ago but I guess they havent checked it yet
  4. you must be able to light a torch with your head in the prologue as a Fire Godlike.
  5. For you feeling fine is just standing there doing nothing. That is precisely my point. It is insanely dull and boring. That's not true at all. I have repeatedly stated why. Short points that I have repeated are AoOs in RT is wrong on a conceptual level. It's implementation is worse than the NWN games. The targeting clauses are like an MMO aggro mechanic which is something that they said this game would not have. The system makes movement in melee a pointless exercise (even with the terrible abilities to go with the mechanic), thus making the gameplay less tactical than the Infinity Engine games. I do not believe anyone can argue that PE combat is more tactical than the IE games, some have attempted to but when pushed they revealed that they cheesed the game thus making it "easy" and because they haven't yet "cheesed" the game in PE, PE combat is more tactical which is a ludicrous position, using the excuse that the game is "unfinished" when I have stated that it is cheesable. There are only two positions that Obsidian will take on the subject I believe. They will defend the mechanic's implementation as is, or they will remove it because they can't get it to work. They won't change it in any way that anyone has suggested here. There's nothing wrong with people preferring more passive combat in general, but I do not believe it was supposed to be the aim of this game. If the game didn't have 'pacing' issues that require more pausing, it would be a very dull game. The aim was for tactical real-time combat that required more active micromanagement from the player, currently the game isn't very tactical. When confronted with the idea that PE plays more like NWN2, I believe Obsidian would contest that proposition - however people here seem to agree. There are people in this thread that prefer it because it feels that way. It's up to them, if they want the combat to feel more like playing an Infinity Engine game, they need to remove this system. Blocking 'pathfinding' is a legitimate tactic though. If you want someone to not get past you, you cut them off. I really hate using real-life examples in my arguments because having to do it is retarded but anyway - think about soccer, defenders quite literally block the path of attackers moving the ball forward and they move left and right and force them down the side of the pitch so that they can't get past / can't get a clear shot on goal. You can block a human opponent the same as an AI one - if they can't get past you and don't have an ability to get you out of the way their only option is to attack you. That said, Melee Engagement does not stop pathfinding blocking. You can use it to manipulate the enemy positions so that they are jammed in a narrow space. The units that are engaged by you cannot do anything except auto-attack you. They will not try and move past you and they will prevent other units behind them from moving past as well because they are blocking the space.The system also prevents you from moving your units even slightly to the side to accommodate for fitting more of your units in melee, which is silly. It makes it easier to do this. If you hate this method, then I can't see why you'd defend it because it was created to do stuff like this. That's what I meant when I said it was not about arguing for the engagement system, I was not implying that it was personal. People can disagree all they like, but I'm going to keep arguing in the same fashion.
  6. Darn, missed the train, got time for one more reply. Then off to Gorguts. There is no implementation of it that is going to work, and there is no implementation of it that does not hamstring the combat feel. I backed this game for Infinity Engine combat, not Neverwinter Nights 2 combat with an isometric camera (which is what this game is atm). I am not the only backer that has this opinion, there are many of us. lol
  7. That is what you were implying though, so I responded in kind. Lephys has a history of coming into threads late well after the issues have been discussed making large posts with many analogies trying to defend the developer's implementation. Hiro Protagonist II calls him out on it regularly, and I believe he is right. He has ignored pretty much every point I've made and decided to focus on the fact that the Engagement system is passive and my solution is 'active', and started making up some bull**** non-actual gameplay related statements that don't even happen in the IE games or Pillars of Eternity. Even though your two main 'gripes' with the IE games are completely unrelated to the Engagement mechanic, one of which (the blocking stuff in doorways) is actually made easier with the Engagement mechanic, you continue to contest my position on the issue, more recently resorting to undermining and mockery. Perhaps the argument isn't really about the engagement mechanic in the first place, and is about something else. The fact is it probably doesn't really matter what I say, or what arguments I make, you'll try and dispute them anyway. Sorry Lephys, don't have time to re-read those posts and individually address the statements I sharply disagree with at the moment, leaving right now actually, back in a few days.
  8. Feel free to reference my post history against Lephys' and see which one contains less superfluous content.
  9. There's a lot of pointless talking and superfluous examples in that post, have you even read a single post of mine on this topic before? You could save yourself a lot of time by just saying "yes I prefer automatic mechanics that don't require me to do anything". In every single RT game that isn't a Neverwinter Nights, stickiness is either handled through aggro mechanics, or status effects and disables. Guess which is more fun and tactical? It's the latter. No RT game uses mechanics that give free invisible attacks, because that is just a laughable concept.
  10. When I fight to make things closer to the IE games it's rarely ever for the rules, or systems. I fight for a closer look, feel, UI style and controls / options. From memory 2H style also reduced speed factor.
  11. Not if the Melee Engagement system is kept. That is the primary reason why the game promotes 1 man tank, man naked ranged playstyle. It's very easy to create a logjam of melee enemies with one character in 'tight' spaces - such as the archways in Lle A Rhemen because for some reason they made all creatures really wide in this game. While ranged was good in the Infinity Engine games (pretty OP in BG1, less so in the others), melee was really good too. Currently the best way to play this game most of the time is 1 melee and 5 ranged, sometimes 2 melee and 4 ranged. Any more melee units is generally very bad, particularly due to creature size and pathfinding. But of course, I play on Hard - there's less enemies on lower difficulties.
  12. I think the recovery speed penalties for armor are fine, but it does make wearing armor on anyone that isn't tanking pretty worthless at the moment.
  13. It's not just creatures, I don't think. Compared to an Infinity Engine game the incoming damage is a lot higher due to how the attack resolution system works. When multiple enemies are attacking the same character (including humanoid ones) that damage stacks up pretty quickly. At 5th level in the Infinity Engine games, my Fighter would have 70 HP (Core Rules, with max hp/level on). He'd have a high AC and in BG1, IWD1 or IWD2, hits wouldn't be that regular, and if they were it was usually for single-digit upwards of about maybe 18 damage. At the moment in v333, enemy accuracy and defenses are usually around about the same level as, or just a bit better than the party, so the incoming damage is pretty regular. I'm finding that 90% of my Priest's actions in combat are clutch healing the BB Fighter before he gets dropped. And yep that's with Defender on, and using his active every time. An example is against Medreth's group. If I do not heal the Fighter twice in a row immediately after the Priest casts an opening Interdiction, or cheese the encounter somehow (Withdraw, kiting), the BB Fighter will get dropped very fast. Video series vs Medreth here - most of the fights only go for 10-12 seconds of in game time, I'm finding that a bit short. I only play on Hard though. Here are some of the enemies that are hitting like a truck though: Adra Beetles, Elder Lions, Monks (Turning Wheel), Rogues (Deep Wounds), Forest Lurkers, Rain Blights (I think?), Many of the spiders, some of the Druid spells. I know how easy tuning recovery time is, I have the source code decompiled. I just think that the amount of incoming damage relative to endurance values may be more critical than the action speed of class-based unit actions (fixing the monster attack speed is great though, because they do attack quickly) to improve the 'pace' of the game.
  14. 1H Style is pretty good actually. I made a Fighter last night with One-Handed Style and Confident Aim ability, almost never grazed. When they bump the 1H weapon damage, ITZ ...
  15. Superfluous additions IMO, if they keep them in I am just going to mod them out.
  16. Yep there are, you can buy one bonus level 1, 2, 3 and 4 spell.
  17. None of them handle it perfectly, the best way IMO would be for units to instantly disappear once their selection circle is no longer visible. The fading just looks bad.
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