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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. There's a buff suppression system so this is never the case. I'll make a level 12 Fighter now and tell you how high I can get it.
  2. It's not a red herring because many combat situations, most actually, involved you pausing the game and issuing your characters commands. Many of those characters would then act at around about the same time. The characters that did need re-assigning of actions would often occur at the same time. This was particularly true for BG1, IWD1 and IWD2. BG2's was a little bit more chaotic but never unmanageable (and also the most fun).
  3. In v333, Medreth no longer drops his Exceptional Leather armor. This may be an intended change, but this game promised WYSIWG loot and if Medreth is no longer going to drop that armor for balance reasons, could he please be equipped with some different droppable armor.
  4. I did that to prove that I don't think Hard combat is Hard, and I can play passively very easily and to explain that pausing =/= difficulty. Yeah that's one of the reasons why IE combat flows much better than PE combat. I found this from my recent IWD playthrough. Magic does suck in PE. It's deliberate though.
  5. There aren't any because you're just making it up to preserve your arguments based on non-existing statements and opinions.
  6. I'd like to see you quote these posts, because I haven't seen any. IndiraLightFoot sometimes says stuff like that but he's usually talking about having to clutch heal with the Priest due to incoming damage. No, it should be the opposite. This is an IE successor, you should go play Neverwinter Nights instead of qqing about people advocating for good things that the IE games did.
  7. Sorry guys pre-buffing is cheating apparently
  8. You know exactly what I'm referring to. You probably prefer stand there and do nothing combat style as well.
  9. It doesn't play like the Infinity Engine combat. I've played BG1, BG2 and IWD1 this year. Have you ?
  10. It's a shame that the new Aumaua head isn't in the twitch recording. It looked fantastic. Would have loved to have screencapped it.
  11. Here is a Demonstration of how casting Cone Spells works in the Infinity Engine games (Rays work the same). Here is a Demonstration of how casting Cone Spells works in Pillars of Eternity Cones (and Rays) are handled better in the Infinity Engine games where you can select a target or a spot on the ground to cast the spell and the Wizard will walk up to the destination and cast it. That's much better than just having it come from the Wizard's feet with no range. A range finder for distance AoEs etc would be nice too where it's green by default and goes red once you select a range too far away, indicating that the wizard will have to move to the green point on the range finder to cast the spell
  12. Something like that I assume, personally I don't think that's the problem with the game speed. I think that's overlooking the true issues. Very easy to mod back though.
  13. Yeah that was just a joke referring to Infinitron's stupid thread that codexers hate combat etc
  14. There are lots of ways in the IE games to facilitate left click forget play, such as casting haste on your warriors and you win. I believe in an earlier thread you confessed you abused web and cloudkill spam a lot as well. Some of the encounters were really fun though - Twisted Rune, Final Seal Guardians - you can't play those without micro you'll get b00ked. There's an older quote from Josh (circa 2012) saying he wants PE on Hard to be like the hard fights from BG2 and IWD2 all the time - that's what I want.
  15. i dont always sjw but when I do it's to say that Meghan Sullivan can host more PE streams
  16. You're not out of luck, you can get other backers to buy you a beta key.
  17. When creating any PC Priest or hiring an Adventurer Priest, they do not get their Interdiction ability.
  18. Didn't notice that the Monk was still charmed until after I pressed stop record, but I killed him with a single round of left click attacks afterwards hahah.
  19. When creating a PC / Adventurer Priest, Interdiction is no longer granted on any class level. What the? is that a bug or has it been legitimately removed? Because it's like the best thing about the class tbh
  20. work around is wait until the spell ends, then kill them
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