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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah it appears to be possibly related to Ancient Memory ? because no Chanter had Ancient Memory in v333 and thus it never happened. It happens after every combat with a Chanter does your Chanter have Ancient Memory ?
  2. Not sure what caused this, I noticed several micro stutters in combat with some beetles, this has never happened to me before, and the only thing I have done differently is recruited a 6th party member (Chanter), so it's possibly related to them. I will do some more testing and see if I can replicate it.
  3. Marquee select is now a perfect square, no missing pixel in the corner Cheers Brian.
  4. It does less damage, but it still does a lot, on one health pip he still does like 90 damage per hit. I hate the change where they want you to right click to inspect how much damage an ability does, is this a joke? GR8 UI IMPROVMENT GUISE However I like the move back to individual status effect mouse overs. That was a much needed reversion - got it right in v257, no reason to change it.
  5. You don't have enough abilities to spend wound points though, due to the change to advancement.
  6. yeah I think Turning Wheel was tuned down, on the other hand though, the monk as a class is pretty useless now
  7. The only thing that made any difference was slowing the creature recovery factor and movement speed down, the global recovery scaling doesn't really do anything. Humanoid enemies are so easy now, they drop like flies.
  8. UI improvements to Engagement do not address the problem with Engagement. More wasting of valuable development time IMO.
  9. The Container in Korgrak's grass bed was removed in v333 or something hey? I recall there being one there in v278 or v301.
  10. One big problem I see at the moment is that units face their target when moving, so it looks like they are sidestepping when moving around other creatures, which looks silly.
  11. Yeah I just made it through the bottom way easily enough, the top way is crawling with creatures. Hahaha, dat balance That actually shouldn't have been a critical either, because of the Graze and Crit range bug.
  12. As far as recovery time changes go, it doesn't feel much different. My characters act a bit slower, which reduces incentive to wear any armor even further for anyone that isn't the Fighter. I have an idea about how to combat this problem, but I'll probably make a separate thread about it. Something I am going to talk about in my Codex preview is pathfinding, large creature size and small area size. And the increase in number of spiders will make a perfectly hilarious screenshot for it hahah.
  13. To be honest the Pillars of Eternity picture looks much better than the D:OS one, however the bad thing is that everything blends into the grass - which looks really, really bad. The D:OS version has terrible post-processing effects and looks washed out, but at least you can see everything clearly. Yeah same there was nothing wrong with them, and they've wasted art time changing it.
  14. Good luck to anyone who actually gets to Kograk on Hard hahah, there's a lot of spiders, and they patrol. Attacking them aggro's nearby groups.
  15. Who honestly thought this was a good idea? If I am targeting six different enemies and vice versa that **** protrudes out from the selection circles of everyone it's only going to add to the visual clutter of the screen, which is already a severe problem for this game. Just leave it as it was in v333 and stop making bad changes. Also character highlighting has been changed to combat only - still not good enough for me, I want to disable it.
  16. I don't think monsters have per-encounter limits on their abilities, they just spam them over and over. I agree, I really don't like it now.
  17. The new targeting looks okay on larger selection circles, but not very good on smaller ones (like characters). Adra beetle ranged attacks now fire properly (can actually see the VFX), and the hit reactions when you hit beetles and stuff play properly too. Hey auto attack is in! Not entirely working correctly, but it's in. The hidden weapon has been removed from the Dyrford Crossing tower ruins. GUD VFX LAWL
  18. Patch notes said this was fixed: It's not fixed, the right tile still shakes, however it's more subtle than the previous version so if you didn't have good eyesight then you may not notice it, but it is definitely still shaking.
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