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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Damage mults just need to be additive rather than multiplicative
  2. Well actually, reactionary combat would be good. PE combat isn't reactionary though it's mostly strategical and opening. If pre-buffs did exist, most encounters would probably be decided by the opening set of actions (which did happen in the earlier versions, now it's not quite so skewed). After the 'first wave' of combat and engagement has set up there's not really anything to react to, you just fire off new abilities when recovery time comes off and that's it - not really much depth to it. Actually no. One of the reasons for this thread (not the only one) is that people were not acknowledging 'our' way of playing the Infinity Engine games. There are many people here that make these unfounded accusations about the game and the combat that are just simply not true. At least PrimeJunta can now see what we mean - part of the reason for the thread is to experiment with the IE games again with newfound 'grognard' knowledge. The point you missed was he was complaining about playing the game a way that he did not find fun (or so he led me to believe), when there are plenty of ways to have fun playing this game. You know some, I know some. There is no need to save scum and cheese the Feeblemind spell in order to win the encounters, if the objective is to enjoy the game - there are other alternatives. Many of them. No, but I have video evidence of it. I can actually back up what I am talking about No, he was implying that he didn't have fun. You seem to be the one with the problem gromnir.
  3. Once reason for the high buy price compared to other KS games is likely to re-coup losses for the delay of the game. I expect that's why the game is $45 instead of $40 - consumer delay tax.
  4. The movement indicators are smaller than the selection circles (meaning that characters try and center on unpathable locations sometimes) and there are errors/endless loops in the method used to find the shortest path to a location.
  5. Well technically we could say that we haven't heard a solid argument that justifies removing it either, if we were going to take the same way of approaching the discussion as you appear to be. I'm not super mad about the loss of pre-buffs (I did like them though), BUT their alternative is actually worse, and makes most of the spells that you would technically consider using as a pre-buff not worth casting in combat anyway. The game could be done without pre-buffs, but the way they have implemented it designed the spells/system is not very good and is certainly worse than IE spellcasting IMO. I believe you missed the entire point of my post, but I suppose after the Codex Top 10 thread, I wouldn't be surprised.
  6. Here we go again (just like the other thread). Did you enjoy playing an all gnome party? I guess so? I don't have a problem with that. He was implying that he cheesed feeblemind and save scummed to get through encounters and was also implying that he found it not fun. If so, that's his own fault tbh as there are a plethora of other ways to beat encounters that are far more enjoyable and satisfying than that. I'm sorry but I don't think everyone uses exploits (well usually it's multiple exploits together in the case of BG2) to get through the IE games when the combat system is actually really fun to play. None of my friends did when we were younger. There does seem to be a portion of people that have a cbf attitude though and just cheese/cheat their way through stuff - which they probably read online in a guide somewhere in the first place, without actually taking the effort to have fun learning the game.
  7. It's your own fault if you actually played like that, as that mustn't have been very fun. I have a full Let's Play of IWD that shows how I played that game, and you'll see that for most of the big fights I don't use a single prebuff. Sometimes I use maybe one. As I said on the previous page, casting a spell uses up a per-day spell slot. Most of the spells have a round based duration and it takes a round to cast most of the spells. If you cast more than one, you're wasting various rounds worth of the spell's buff that will probably run out in combat. I think it's fair that you're able to cast before combat and not get the full benefit of the duration, or you can cast mid combat so that it lasts the full duration for combat (or you end combat before the spell runs out).
  8. Hardly any of the encounters *require* pre-buffing and for Dragon fights you definitely don't need a single one.
  9. Especially with spells being per day. Why the hell does it matter if you can pre-buff for an encounter? That spell slot is gone for the rest of the day. Doesn't matter when you used it. Spells have a duration and casting round based spells before combat makes you lose some of that buff time, at the cost of having it at the start of combat.
  10. It's a bug with the Zealous Auras, I just moved my Paladin and deactivated it and it worked fine. Absolutely retarded how you have to CAST the aura in combat now instead of just having it on all the time. So god damn annoying.
  11. Oh it is there is it? Lol edit: just checked then: No Accuracy, damage, defenses and DT though? Also doesn't show stuff like the Ranger's INT bonus to their Deflection, and they all have stats of 10, which seems odd.
  12. Interlocators ? You mean do the NPCs turn toward the player? I don't think they do actually, good point. I'll bring it up.
  13. Been trying out Rangers recently to test out the "Melee Ranger is actually good" theory that people have been floating about, and yep - you can build a melee ranger and they are way better than making a ranged Ranger, which unfortunately renders a lot of their ability selection useless. I have heard that Rangers have possibly been revamped a bit (I think Anthony Davis mentioned it on the codex), but regardless there's quite a large feedback issue with the Ranger Animal Companion (and probably other 'summon' type units too I guess). That problem is 'feedback'. You don't really know any of the stats of the Animal Companion, for instance if I asked any of you what DT the different animal companions had, what their accuracy was, what their defenses were, how would you know? You don't - until you see an enemy attack them in the combat log and you determine the value. One problem is that you can't scroll down in the Character Creator at the moment to see what the text in the textbox says. I'm not sure if it has a detailed breakup or not. Another thing I'm not sure about is whether the Animal Companion scales with level or not? Do they get the same bonuses as the Ranger on level up? I'd probably guess they do, but the game doesn't tell you that either. I think the defenses bit could probably be remedied if they were shown on mouse over like enemy defenses are if you have the Show Relative Defenses on. When you mouse over the animal companion, it would show the shared Endurance/Health (which I think should be completely chucked out anyway) and their defenses in the tooltip like enemy ones. You could probably also add Bestiary Entries about them maybe (since you face them in the game), and give the general stats and stuff. And the companions themselves probably need some re-balancing, but that's another issue.
  14. Another Broken Interactable Dracogen Inn Level 2
  15. Sure thing buddy, you can believe whatever you want Codex.
  16. @archangel979 RE: inXile and Larian Could you have a read of this for me and PM an answer? http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/inxile-and-larians-communication-during-the-d-os-and-wl2-betas.96507/
  17. There's an example of it above actually, I posted an RPGCodex image and it got moderated out.
  18. Heh. That's interesting. 7th level is the highest that I've gone in D&D P&P as well, in both 2nd edition (1999 campaign) and 3rd Edition (2003? or something, when that campaign was anyway)
  19. More than two, definitely ones without me replying (and I posted links earlier above in the threads) and I don't care about the warning - it's not the Codex
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