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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Do you actually play the beta? Those numbers are completely wrong, for starters. The single number is HP per level and the multiplier is amount of Health, which is a strategical resource that isn't really relevant for enemies at all in combat.
  2. So what? I don't play AAA games. Back in the day games had lots of different sound sliders for stuff.
  3. Uhh are you kidding guys. Hearth Orlan Minor Threat goes off sooo often - absolutely the best racial ability hands down. The others are all garbage IMO (and should be tweaked). edit: whoops I thought this was about abilities not racial attribute mods. In the previous versions I preferred Hearth Orlans. In the next patch it won't be as skewed (Aumaua and Dwarves look nice) but I'm not sure about the accuracy removal.
  4. Hah. A couple of builds back, that explains a lot actually.
  5. So? Look at the damage it does per shot - aka nothing. It's supposed to be good vs no armor, and bad vs armor. At the current rate, I wouldn't even use one.
  6. I too thought that PE in the new slow looked more like stock BG1 than the current speed. I played the IE games a bit faster though (40 FPS).
  7. PM a dev about it man, see if you get a reply.
  8. In v257 and v278 you could completely opt out of the Interrupt and Concentration system, they are just not very important as a primary attribute. I agree that dumping Resolve to 3 would be a silly idea for a melee character, but certainly not for a ranged character. Adding +1 Deflection to those old attributes only mildly (and I mean mildly) improves them. The only difference with this new one is that instead of Accuracy on Dexterity you have Action Speed, which is automatically now not as good as Might, but because of the lack of Accuracy it's actually viable to spend points into. Might, Dexterity and Intellect are still much better than Perception and Resolve. Not sure about where CON will stand in regards to survivability increase vs Deflection this build. To me that's only mildly better than the v278 system, which I *think* you actually preferred to the v301+ one ? Were you one of the people that said to remove Accuracy? Because if so, I can see why you'd be defending your idea.
  9. Yeah but Priests and Wizards get +15 Accuracy by default, compared to Fighters/Rogues/etc +25. Priests can pick talents that give them +10 acc with certain weapons which makes up the deficit. Wizards cannot.
  10. That's not how it's calculated. It's 50/60 * 1.15 * 1.10, so you'd end up with 63.25 and 75.9
  11. Yeah as I said in another thread, Blast is actually so good (especially with Penetrating Blast), and it would be awesome if there was a Wizard talent that gave them an accuracy boost with implements like what Priests get with their deity proficiency stuff.
  12. I believe Blast and Carnage just use the Interrupt of the weapon itself. AoE attackspeed/interrupt build would be interesting, but remember that in order to win combat you have to actually kill stuff. I personally think that Action Speed and Interrupt together on Dex would have been quite interesting.
  13. I'm quite willing to give it a try but I don't think it will be that great for character building (even if it is better for game balance). It would be nice to be able to make a lot of effective builds with different stat arrays in the full game.
  14. I didn't say anything about making talents that buff accuracy more valuable, I always take them anyway. In the first version, the #1 build was - Max Might, Dex and Int and Per and Res down to 3. Current BB is max Perception and then you sorta pick and choose between the others, depending on class and build. While Perception is the most important, there is choice between the others. Their change skews it again. Might will be maxed for every character who wants to deal damage, because there's no Perception and Might grants the most DPS increase. Dex (if working correctly) would probably be next as it allows you to attack faster. For casters, Max Int at all times no matter what and either leave Per and Res at 10, or just dump them. In other words, worse than what we have now and almost as bad as v257 etc. The problem with Accuracy is the damage multiplier stacking, it puts *so* much importance on the resolution of attacks, because crits add a multiplier to total damage, and grazes cut total damage to 50%. If multipliers were additive, having a high might (eg. 20) and an average perception would actually be fine, because graze damage would become base (let's say 10) * 0.8 (1+0.3-0.5) = 8 damage, instead of base (10) * 1.3 * 0.5 = 6.5 damage. It's also the same for durations as well. Duration mults are multiplicative rather than additive too, making hits/crits considerably more important than duration itself.
  15. Different creatures and tuning. Wurms are also in the beta and I don't think any of them have ever done more than like 5-9 per hit damage against a party member. Current BB - enemy parties, wolves and wurms are probably the easiest creatures. Josh said he tuned creature damage down recently.
  16. Yeah but you can assign your attributes whatever way you like and play on a lower difficulty. I will assign my attributes for combat and accept the options available to me based on that.
  17. I fell asleep for the stream today so I'm going to sit down and watch it and write notes/feedback as I go. Then I'll write a short conclusion at the end The texture on Eder's shield is badass. The wood panels for the Stronghold/Shop etc interface need to be a lot less noisy - text looks really bad on them. It's the same in every interface that uses them, been meaning to bring it up for a while. Also not so sure their general color is good for white text either. I have perfect eyesight, but it doesn't look very nice to look at and might be hard to read for some people. The flat grass texture used for the Stronghold is much better than using heaps of tall grass. It's much better for character/unit visibility and you don't get the nasty sorting issues with shorter characters and stuff. I enjoyed the dialogue and companion conversations. However gaps between the companion ambient dialogue are too long, and I don't like the new 'backing' for the ambient dialogue either, it looks bad. The ambient text fading also probably needs to be adjusted/tuned as well. The encounter design in the Stronghold Xaurip area was quite disappointing, just seemed like a copy paste of a few patrolling mobs here and there without much thought into the enemy composition, gear or positioning and it was just the same few enemies over and over again. Quite lackluster compared to the encounter design of Durlag's Tower / some of Dragon's Eye / Watcher's Keep etc. The unique armor find was nice, but other than that I think loot also could have been a bit better in that area. Josh didn't seem to find any consumables or anything like that (perhaps he just didn't look hard enough, dunno). I did like how the Combat HUDs are now not always visible. I think that's a good change. However I think being able to always tell when party members are in recovery is important since there is no feedback given for when a character is idle in the combat stance or in recovery so moving the combat idle to recovery time would be a good idea to give that visual feedback. Much like the beta areas, characters and creatures look really murky and washed out in interiors, as well as in Gilded Vale and Heratige Hill. It's something that lots of people have been complaining about since the first version of the beta, and not really anything has been done about it other than fixing a bug with ambient maps early on. I still think units need to stand out more. This is a good idea: I am very apprehensive about the removal of Accuracy from the attribute system. I know someone or possibly multiple people on the forums suggested it, but I think that it's not a good idea. I can already see how the upcoming system will be just as bad, if not worse than the v257/v278 Attribute system - I will try it, but I have a feeling results are not going to be good. Good thing is, is that Attributes are really easy to change. I saw some new Grimoire icons, they looked cool (so did the new ability and talent icons) - and I like how when you mouse over an item it now also shows their item properties too - like Fine, Pierce Proofed. The ability over the head thing is interesting, sometimes it looked like it was the ability that the unit was going to use and sometimes not, I'm not sure, either way I'll investigate it in the next version. Looked like a possible good change though. However it shouldn't obscure the unit itself like in this image: I see enemies still attack the invulnerable party pet When characters arrived in Gilded Vale from the south they arrived at a strange position on the screen. Just a niggle, but consider moving it so they actually look like they just arrived from that road or whatever. Still really don't like the arrows and the "click to drag and navigate" helper features on the area map. I find those super annoying. Looks like it stays up the entire time you've navigating the map now? Which is even more annoying. It would be easy to add an option like "Show Area Map Hints" or something, and unticking them disabled it. Sagani portrait is beautiful. All the companion portraits so far have been quite nice. When you initiate dialogue with a character, it looks jarring that the character does not turn to face you for the conversation (shown in image below). There were a few instances where I saw this. In the beta it has not been as noticeable because most people are already facing you for the convo. But here, the conversation with Sagani and the Crucible Blacksmith - they were facing away from the player. They probably need to turn when you select them to initiate dialogue. I like the look of Copperlane, and it actually does feel like a proper BG1 or BG2 City Map. However as others have pointed out here and other places - it's definitely lacking buzz. I think someone mentioned that sound files were not playing or something, but there's a distinct lack of walla, NPC cries (eg. "APPLES, APPLES ONE COPPER!" from a nearby Merchant), random NPC ambient dialogue and it just seemed a bit empty as well. I think someone mentioned that the devs mentioned memory issues with NPCs - that shouldn't be a problem after a proper optimization pass is done though. One thing I did notice though is that quest-givers seem to be the ones with ambient dialogue. They like holler at the party. I can see how that would make them stand out more, but as you guys have said - you expect people who play this game to want to read, so I think people will notice a quest giver in between the ambient commoner lines. I never had that issue in the IE games. The leader of the NPC group hired by the Dozens slides across the floor at the beginning of the cutscene where he begins to talk to the party. I also think that that area showcases how weird/strange the method of revealing NPCs from the fog of war is, they sort of fade in and out, which I think needs to be revised because it looks silly/not great - especially when it happens for a lot of them at once. Was cool to see the NeoGAF Inn. I chuckled when I saw what Bishop looked like - it was exactly how they requested in the email hahahah. Backer NPCs could use a line of ambient dialogue when clicked on. I'm surprised at how thin the Brackenbury district is. Areas already look strange because of being in 16:9 and aren't as 'fun' to navigate from top to bottom - that just magnifies it. Those miss sounds from the guys training in the Crucible Keep really need to be only heard when you're near the room they're in, or in the room. The dialogue window could better position itself so that the NPC's name / top line of dialogue is not fading out at the top of the window (shown in image below). There's plenty of space below the character responses for it to be centered properly. Also it needs to be able to be reset to default after being resized. Pathfinding still noticeably needs work, doesn't look like it's been improved since v392 (that I can tell, anyway). I have a bug report/issue report here with a bit of research, if it hasn't been checked out yet - hasn't been replied to anyway. Overall, the stream was good. I think Josh could have talked a bit more about what or why he was doing stuff - and actually used his per-encounter abilities I'm excited to explore those areas in the full game. Still think the combat is pretty meh, but characters, dialogues and areas are cool.
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