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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Lephys, I agree with you your post just reminded me of that "Game be gone"mod and made me chuckle. Different games encourage different play styles too and I think that is good. When I went from the IE games to the TES games I had to learn a whole new play style. Now I am relearning the old play style and loving it.
  2. During the Kickstarter I and my friends had a good laugh when we saw the release goal date of April 2014. We were convinced way back then it would never happen. Especially with the things that backers persuaded the devs to add in. "Give us a player house, a stronghold, a dungeon that goes on forever, expand this, etc, etc" I expected and appreciate the delay and believe the devs made the right choice. Happy holidays to all. added: Badler, I hope Santa stuffs your stocking so full it overflows.
  3. Sorry but I find that humorous. Someone told me that a mod called "Game be Gone" was made for BG II. I never checked it out so I do not know for sure if that is true.
  4. That's actually very simple. EA is a publicly traded company, basically "owned" by stockholders. ZeniMax Media owns a LOT of companies beyond just Bethesda, because it's basically a shell company created for tax purposes that uses subsidiaries to run the actual business of games production/publishing/development. It's owned by a small group of mutual shareholders, most notably Robart A. Altman, a wealthy lawyer who "founded" the shell "company". ZeniMax operates as a storage business; it's job is to provide legal ownership of various IP's, which are then used by it's subsdiaries. ZeniMax does nothing in-and-of itself beyond tax shelter and legal IP ownership. Obsidian is co-owned by four or five people, who left Interplay when it went under and founded a new company so they could keep making games and having a career. Feargus Urquheart, Chris Parker, Darren Monahan, Chris Avellone, Chris Jones. I'm pretty sure they are the guys who literally own Obsidian. I believe this facts support and substantiate your claims. A big business can make a successful game, no question, but true creativity can't be mass produced. It's the small companies ran by people who love playing and making games who are truly the most creative companies. They're not always the most successful, and there's no guarantee that the products are gonna be any good, but when a game is made by people who love games with profit as a secondary motive, it shows. Ah, good. Then why do people keep comparing what Obsidian does to what those companies do? Obsidian is owned and controlled by long time developers, guys who love game playing themselves, guys who started in the business because they wanted to make games. To me that means they are creative people, people cab able of thinking outside the box.
  5. Some people just want to take all the fun out of the Internet. Without we would all still be living in trees. PoE exists because someone had an idea.
  6. Who owns these companies? EA owns Bioware but who owns EA? ZenMax owns Bethesda but who owns ZenMax. Who owns Obsidian? I ask this because creativity is not a simple process. It starts in the human mind. I have been watching some of TED's videos on creativity and found them very interesting. Creativity cannot be robotized. New ideas, new creations can come about in casual ways with people just tossing out ideas, discussing something that they are interested in or wonder about. Why are we posting on this forum? Why did 77,000 back Obsidian? In fact why did Obsidian go for a Kickstarter, why not just continue making games that some publisher wanted? Why don't we gamers just buy the games that AAA gamers give us? Why?
  7. It also gives us something fun to talk about while we wait for the game to come out. It is harmless and there is also the possibility (maybe vague) that something worth while will come from it.
  8. "Best story in a RPG" "Best Characters in a RPG"
  9. Unfortunately although they have played DA:O, not sure about NWN they are more into the TES style games, Hmm..one likes interactive player houses and businesses. For her maybe I should talk up the Stronghold. I will keep working on them.
  10. Speaking as a casual player and no expert on the mechanics I have no problem with the engagement system itself. It seems realistic to me. It is my casters I worry about. I try to position them so they can move around and be protected by my tanks and the rogue.
  11. Horrors! And game pushed out unfinished and buggy. I have a question. I have friends that I think would love this game except they don't care for the isometric view point. They like the FP and close up views how do I persuade them that will still be fun to play?
  12. My condolences to his friends and family but If he died playing a fun game I can't think of a better way to go. That's what I would want. I hope the devs do make him a memorial. Maybe a tombstone near the Stronghold for all to see with an inscription. "Raymond Beckett a real gamer and a PoE backer R.I.P."
  13. Hmm...Interesting. The AAA companies are like Starbuck, tell people they arethe best in town, sell at inflated prices, appeal to the masses. ???
  14. The models look fine to me. This is an isometric game not a Skyrim FP game. The models are there just to give you a feel for your character and what he/she is wearing.
  15. Thank you for the effort but it is better to put out a good build later than a not so good one now. I'm disappointed as it would have been nice to have it for the holiday but I understand. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. Get some rest over the Christmas break and come back refreshed and raring to go.
  16. My question is = is there any chance they will get compiled and out to Steam before Christmas? Not that I am being pushy or anything like that.
  17. I also use headphones and have poor eyesight so I appreciate anything that helps me such as Game Paused. It used primarily for combat and therefore I do not find it intrusive. No it isn't elegant but is for me quite useful. No neon fleshing lights for me, Please. That would be intrusive.
  18. I would rather have QA check things out and say no go than have them let things go through broken. They are doing their job. We will get it when it is ready and then we can tear into it and see if they are doing it right.
  19. Dt is being renamed Dr because Damage Threshold confused people.
  20. The topic of thread is "Your;re Lucky" Here is the OP A purely innocent, casual report of something. There is the possibility that Obsidian might benefit from the delays mentioned . I hope they do benefit but I am not worried about it. This is also a purely innocent, casual remark and needs no explanation from me although I have in previous posts explained why I would like Obsidian to have good sales. I fail to see why anyone would take offense at the OP's comment or at my comment? I fail to understand why anyone would read into either comment some deep, emotional problem. I fail to understand what is wrong about wishing someone good luck.
  21. This gets more absurb as it progresses. I, Stun, and others have expressed that PoE sells well and explained why we care. Some how that that was seen as a codependency relationship. If I say that I care about someone or something I am expressing my feelings and only my feelings. I do not nee to explain why I care;
  22. Sorry, Sheikh, now you are in my opinion just getting plain ridiculous. No matter what you say human beings are dependent in varying degrees on each other. This is healthy and without this dpendency we would not have family, friends, society in general.
  23. I do not remember exactly what my initial pledge was but it was low and it was not motivated by being able to get the game cheap but by being able to get a game I would really enjoy playing. I did increase my pledge several times depending on what they were offering to include in the game as well as bonuses they offered. The fact that I was able to pledge enough to become a silver backer has nothing to do with my motivation when I made my initial pledge. That came about because I wanted the stronghold.
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