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Everything posted by karka

  1. If you really want to label a company overhyped, just look at Blizzard or Valve.
  2. Shadowgrounds. Not as good as Alien Shooter: Vengeance but killing lots of aliens is fun anyway.
  3. So, does it really deserve the praise it gets? I can't see why people act as if it's the second coming or something.
  4. Fallout 2 Arcanum VtM: Bloodlines Tron 2.0 NOLF Kotor 1 Freedom Force vs the 3rd Reich Star Wars: Republic Commando Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Mafia
  5. GrimGrimoire. I really suck at RTS games.
  6. My all time fave. FPSs are (without any particular order): - NoLF 1 (I have yet to play the second one) - AvP2 - Tron 2.0 - SW: Republic Commando - SW: JK2 (JA sucks) - Quake Half Life? It's not even a good game, let alone being the best FPS.
  7. Just bought the greatest hits version of Chrono Cross. So, games on my plate which are waiting to be played are: - Grim Grimoire - Valkryie Profile 2: Silmeria - SMT: Digital Devil Saga - SMT: Persona 3 - Kingdom Hearts 2 - Chrono Cross
  8. Still playing Suikoden V. Why do Japanese people make games that too long for their own good is beyond me.
  9. Just bought Persona 3.
  10. Playing Suikoden V. I wonder when the actual game will begin. I've been playing it for 6 hours now, and I'm still in the introduction part.
  11. Puzzle Quest: Galactrix http://www.gamespot.com/ds/puzzle/galactri...e;picks;title;2
  12. Finished Culpa Innata. My next Adventure Game will be Darkness Within.
  13. TRON 2.0. Best. FPS. Ever.
  14. Icewind Dale II and Culpa Innata
  15. I'm downloading Keep on the Borderlands demo.
  16. An isometric, turn-based, 2D Elder Scrolls game would be cool.
  17. UP FROM THE GRAAAAVEEEE! Ehem. I'm playing IWD2. If I install the 2.01 patch, do my save games become useless?
  18. Culpa Innata
  19. Icewind Dale 2
  20. I'm planning to start the game with a very fast, handgun skilled character. The only problem is the final battle. It's just too intense for me to want to play it again.
  21. Oh god. Just finished playing that game on easy. That's a lot of monsters and I was only playing on easy! Ended up using machine guns for almost the entire game. My machine gun skill was 115 by the time I finished after you took into account the implants I was using as well. The top machine gun dealth 180-210 damage with a massive rate of fire. Once you pick up the Volcano you can pretty much run straight at a mob of any size of anything smaller than the rocket launchers and not have anyone come near you. Wow, 115 is pretty high. My weapon of choice was shotgun and my shotgun skill was 65 without using any implant whatsoever.
  22. Today, I bought a new copy of TOEE(old one was lost) to be able to play KOTB when it's out.
  23. Then, you should see thier hive after the final fight. It's "dirty" beyond imagination.
  24. One of my fave. games ever. Too bad that Irrational(2K Whatever) never will make a sequel to that one. Now they are "too big" to make such masterpieces.
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