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Everything posted by karka

  1. King's Bounty demo also has StarForce.
  2. Respawning enemies kills the whole immersion for me no matter how it's handled. Respwning bosses is even worse.
  3. Yeah, it's just as frustrating as check points and respawning enemies.
  4. Eurogamer's review: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=285845
  5. Half Life Series = Limitless boredom.
  6. Star Wars: Republic Commando Tron 2.0
  7. Mostly Titan Quest.
  8. Don't these screens contain spoilers?
  9. Werewolf?
  10. And I was thinking I was the only one who thinks HL2 is a boring game.
  11. Eurogamer is too predictible these days.
  12. Titan Quest. Damn, I'm having a blast.
  13. I think he only pre-ordered it because it's on the Steam. I know Valve fanbois, who buy everything(and I mean everything) on Steam just to be able to support Valve. He might be a Valve fan as well. Well, just a guess.
  14. Playing F.E.A.R.. Combat is so much fun compared to Half Life 2.
  15. Just finished Half Life 2. Not a bad game, but way too overrated.
  16. Far Cry 2 has activation limit. (Ubisoft) Stalker: Clear Sky has activation limit. (GSC) Mass Effect has activation limit. (EA) Crisis Warhead has activation limit. (EA) I think limiting the activation times is becoming a standard in the industry. This makes me consider to completely ignore the PC games and focus to console market. There is no point in being a PC game collector anymore.
  17. Since now it's free, I'm playing Full Spectrum Warrior.
  18. I'm just glad that Bioware is developing the next KotOR related game.
  19. TBH, I'm glad that they skipped the Kotor II plot entirely.
  20. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/starwarsthe...public-revealed
  21. Mirror's Edge looks interesting...
  22. My full list: HL 2 The Longest Journey NWN2: OC Suikoden V God of War: CoO The Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB Shogo
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