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Everything posted by karka

  1. Just bought Hinterland.
  2. Half Life 2 might be a boring game, but technically it's very impressive...and runs great on my old hardware
  3. Left 4 Dead
  4. I am trying to play Half Life 2 again. This game is just... boring. How such a boring game could be so popular is beyond me. I also hate games like Diablo, WoW, online FPSs and such.. But also I can see why people like them. But when it comes to HL series, I have no idea.
  5. Just beaten God of War II. It was magnificent.
  6. Time limited main quests. I can understand limiting the time for optional tasks and such, but giving the player only limited amount of time for the main tasks is frustrating as hell.
  7. GalCiv II Darkness Within Titan Attacks Gumboy Sacred Gold The Chronicles of Riddcik : EFBB Mount & Blade Boiling Point Half Life 2 Shogo: Mobile Armor Division Teudogar and the Alliance with Rome NWN2, NWN2: MotB Mass Effect PC The Witcher Crysis Stalker 16 games..
  8. GoW: Chains of Olympus
  9. Just bought Giants: Citizen Kabuto and Shogo: Mobile Armor Division from GOG. I'll be playing those..
  10. - Portal - The Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB - God of War II - Sukioden V - Boiling Point - NWN 2
  11. Great news! Thanks for the info DN.
  12. Playing Boiling Boint.
  13. Opening was the weakest part of Kotor 2. Actually, entire Kotor 2 was a big failure.
  14. God of War 2. It's just too hard to stop playing this game.
  15. Titan Attacks. http://www.puppygames.net/titan-attacks/
  16. Some people never learn.
  17. NWN 2 really needs a better automap and fog of war.
  18. Yes, BG's graphics don't look plastic, so DA can't be the spiritual successor to BG.
  19. NWN2. At last I've managed to run the game with an acceptable framerate. So my "now playing list" is: - Suikoden V - Crysis - NWN 2
  20. Crysis. I'm not a graphics whore by any means but man, this game looks incredible.
  21. Is it really that hard to produce a new IP? Blizzard's game making guide: 1. Take one of your three IPs. (Diablo, Starcraft, Warcraft) 2. Add some ridiculous art design. 3. Add some multiplayer components so that players can entertain themselves. (of course add some funny gestures as well) 4. Keep as simple as possible so that even idiots can play the game.
  22. Meh.
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