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Everything posted by aluminiumtrioxid

  1. Who are these "most people here" ? Me, among others. If linear dungeon crawlers with average story, extremely limited freedom and essentially no meaningful character interaction aren't your thing, steer clear of this one. The prologue is excellent though (I'd hazard the guess it's probably the best prologue among the IE games) and it has a few dungeons with cool gimmicks.
  2. I disagree with the assertion that reproductive success is the only valid metric by which one can measure a culture's worth. It certainly isn't the only valid metric, but it points to a massive systemic problem because it shouldn't exist in a society that has optimal conditions for raising children. Regardless, blaming "cultural marxism" and the erosion of christian values and nationalism seems like a weird intellectual leap to make.
  3. I disagree with the assertion that reproductive success is the only valid metric by which one can measure a culture's worth.
  4. Yeah, exactly. Basically the first thought that jumped to my mind reading "Europe without christianity and nationalism is nothing" was "a version of Europe defined solely by christianity and nationalism is not a version of Europe I want to live in (moreover, it has little in common with the Europe of the last two centuries)".
  5. Quelle horreur! Oh wait, no, I'm totally not seeing how that's a bad thing. Or the two species are capable of interbreeding but because of today's politics it would be suicide if said that there are different species of humans. Well yes, of course it would be, since the definition of species is "the largest group of organisms where two hybrids are capable of reproducing fertile offspring". Anybody espousing the idea that "different species of humans capable of interbreeding exist" should be pointed and laughed at, since they obviously have no idea what any of those words mean.
  6. Arcanum has terrible art direction, terrible graphics, and mostly* terrible combat. On the other hand, it's outstanding in Crafting. Technomancy/gunslinging is crazy fun -- hunting for schematics and materials, developing your character + finding ways to "cheat" the system to be able to use them, then reaping the benefits in gameplay Quests. There are masses of them. It feels like they never run out. Yet there is none of "collect me 10 of this, 5 of that, 17 of the other." They all feel lively, unique, interesting, and individual. And there are always scads of ways to solve them -- by talking, sneaking, fighting, sending your minions after them, making story choices, and so on and so forth. Open-world structure. Once past the starting area obstacle, you can go anywhere and do anything, limited only by your capabilities. Yet there is an overall story arc and the whole thing hangs together. Other than Fallout 1, no other game I've played pulls it off as well. Originality and atmosphere in the setting. Steampunk has been done, but "fantasy setting with elves and dwarves and wizards and stuff undergoes an industrial revolution" hasn't, and the game explores this quirky premise in all kinds of interesting ways. Moreover: weak companions and the world is, at its core, Tolkien pastiche WITH STEAM!, but yes, the story and the quests easily push it over into fun territory. Just use a talky build so you can skip most of the godawful combat.
  7. I believe a dev flat-out said something to that effect.
  8. A Breitbart "journalist".
  9. Send them Milo Yannopolous. He can cross-check them all personally and write a snarky article about it to boot. If you can't go gay for Milo, then you cannot go gay at all. No. Just... no.
  10. People who do this on the Bethesda forums get banned. You're not allowed to post negative things about a Bethesda game on the Bethesda forums. Sound like a nice place? Two wrongs don't make a right, etc. etc.
  11. Remember, one instance of rape is being penetrated by one man, once. So a gangrape would probably count as [number of offenders] cases of rape. If it happens repeatedly, you should multiply that by the number of occasions. The number of rapes and the number of rape victims probably differs strongly.
  12. Wow, Bruce, a racist remark has never been delivered in such a well-meaning tone Sorry dude...but you know it can't be as bad as South Africa So you have nothing to feel bad about Actually, from a quick googling, the reported number of rapes seems to be amazingly low in Hungary. Then again, I'm fairly confident people here simply don't consider things more civilized countries acknowledge as rape to be such. I seem to vaguely recall some of our politicians vehemently being opposed to the very idea that marital rape even exists.
  13. Wow, Bruce, a racist remark has never been delivered in such a well-meaning tone
  14. Which, of course, means these are the reported numbers, and given that rape is one of the most underreported crimes... Yes, but this is relevant for every country, so if you are comparing official data with official data I wasn't aware we were doing that.
  15. Which, of course, means these are the reported numbers, and given that rape is one of the most underreported crimes...
  16. That comparison makes literally zero sense.
  17. Because you can't imagine someone saying that word without this image immediately jumping to mind:
  18. Yeah, the difficulty will only drop from here. I played it on Normal because I like steamrolling stuff so I can get to the delicious, delicious story stuff effortlessly, but if that's not your thing, bump it up.
  19. Don't feel shame; just recognize it as junk food only to be eaten rarely. That actually looks really good; maybe I'll get some KFC on Thanks Giving. It's easy to understand why people would sometimes eat something that is delicious but terrible for you. What I don't understand is how anybody could look at that thing and think it looks delicious in any conceivable way. Wow, I thought I was the only one who threw up in his mouth a little upon seeing that... thing.
  20. I rather view this as a difference between the thoughtful and cultured Europeans and the loud-mouthed, barbaric Americans who are convinced they have an inalienable right to drown out every other voice in a conversation even when they have nothing of value to add (Cultural stereotyping is bad, mkay?)
  21. I can't help but notice that American millennials are still less likely to support it than Europe alles zusammen, and of course women and minorities are generally more okay with it than white men, who, let's face it, are far less likely to have experienced both sides of the issue.
  22. To be fair, I'm almost entirely sure an Obsidian-made TB game will still be better than D:OS in everything but combat, because quite frankly, everything but the combat sucked in D:OS.
  23. If this could free up the main gameline from the obligation to put trash fights every-****ing-where because "what about the part of the fanbase that thrives on the tactical combat experience?", that would be even better.
  24. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." And here I thought that was my catchphrase on these forums
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