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Everything posted by aluminiumtrioxid

  1. Like, a guy who was assigned female gender at birth, or...? Edit: nope, even the wiki consistently refers to her as... well, her.
  2. Wanna do a quick summary in the W40K topic? I'm sure I'm not the only one who likes to read about other parties' escapades
  3. So much this. Addendum, though: tentacle monsters are always welcome, no matter the context.
  4. I don't have a problem with people replying and voicing their opinions. What I have a problem with is the white-knighting and jumping at peoples throats. Yet you are eager to white-knight for those whose throats are endangered by the obsidian white knights. Curious.
  5. Nope, not everyone. Just the less-annoying ones.
  6. Indeed a missed opportunity, considering how little interest the game garners around here.
  7. Aren't they pseudo-goblins, though? *headscratch*
  8. Wow, I looked at the Blight video and thought "duh, elementals, who cares", then read the actual text and am completely sold on them. Well done. (Xaurips are still boring pseudo-kobolds, though.)
  9. Wow. Well I guess everybody is entitled to their opinions. Well, for a given value of "brainless" and "hackfest", of course. Which values are different from the ones you'd use with Diablo, for example. Still, I think it's a disgrace to the D&D license.
  10. Let me guess, you ended up Romancing Geralt and when you woke up you realised you enjoyed the experience. Nothing to be embarrassed or feel guilty about, he is kinda hot in his own monster-slaying and mutant way Actually, Geralt is indeed one of the hotter male video game protagonists. I could never understood the complaints of him "looking like a lecherous old man".
  11. Yes. IWD is the worst kind of brainless hackfest the D&D license could offer.
  12. Now I know what's been missing from my life all those years.
  13. "They're exactly like Bioware." No.
  14. Looked up what the rest of my tabletop Dark Heresy party was up to while I was occupied with all the silly exam stuff. Turns out they thought it's a good idea to steal crocodile-xenos in order to set up an underground fighting pit where they fight the scaly scum and set up elaborate betting scams to gain extra revenue (because our immediate superior, as it turns out, has been pocketing our wages for years now). Things didn't work out so well when the guardsman's eye got ripped out right in the first fight. The few hundred thrones the party managed to gather with this venture doesn't cover even one cyber-replacement. *Sigh* Things fall apart without my expert leadership, it seems.
  15. In all fairness though, if you have a small nugget of feces in your food, you will probably throw out the whole plate, no matter how small and isolated that nugget might be.
  16. Wait, people are still expecting originality from BioWare? Oh, you poor things It was more like "how the hell can this guy be so enthusiastic about such a boring character?".
  17. I don't know, but it probably has tentacles.
  18. I'm with Karkarov here, this guy gets so many things wrong, I stopped reading halfway because even if there is new info buried in there, it's probably bull****.
  19. I had trouble allocating the 300 knowledge skill points with a dedicated scientist character. Can't even imagine how troublesome it must be for a non-intellectual type... Edit: then again, the overabundance of points has allowed me to create a raven who plays violin, which is a mental image I find fairly entertaining.
  20. So, he's gonna be another generic fighty character, and I'm expected to find him a pinnacle of originality? I guess I'll pass. Also, guy clearly doesn't know what ronin generally are about.
  21. I don't really think ugly people are especially attached to being ugly, even less so if they have an at-will capacity to shapeshift at hand
  22. Even if there were any, the gerontophiliac implications go away the moment one remembers that we're talking about an entity capable of shapeshifting
  23. As long as you reject the Truth, you'll always be an omega, my friend. I'm... trying to think of ways for you to be cruder. It's just... not coming.
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