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Everything posted by Ellester

  1. I do agree that a Cleric or Priest needs to not be the party member that has to spend each second using healing spells (Dungeon Siege anyone). The Priest can heal and remove diseases or poisons after the battle or jump in th heat of battle if someone is going to fall, but let him do some fighting during combat.
  2. I'm glad to help fund this project, and as others have said "Thank You!"; this is something many of us gamers have been waiting for.
  3. I just donated, and damn glad I did. I spend money on a lot of silly things and its about time I spent my money on something that is worthy! I haven't been to the Obsidian forum in quite a few years (backed out around NWN2 release), and I'm glad to be back. Obsidian is making my type of game again. Who Hoo!
  4. Unfortunately I just heard the bad news. Like someone mentioned, a man who helped shape a generation is now gone. D&D is played all over the world by millions of people. With creating D&D he became a part of the lives of millions who played his game. And I would be lying if I said the man didn
  5. ok, now I am salivating for this game!
  6. I would try to obtain as many multiple big O's I could get in one week. *shrug* this is really a question that should state "serious answers only"
  7. sorry to hear about your dog, but at least she lived a long life. She looks like she was pretty cool.
  8. mkreku is being too nice by showing apicture of Britney years ago. Let show one a little more recent.
  9. Meta this should be huge. NASA gets about a hundred thousand hits a day. People live for this stuff!
  10. Hi Taks, I thought I would say hi. I've been out of the loop here at Obsidian for the last 6 months or so it seems. In fact they didn't have this profile stuff,last time I posted regularly. Anyway just saying hi to a friendly face.

  11. It had terrible performance issues, even on a high end system, I really do hope it runs alot better with MOTB, but all in all it still runs like a badger. This was a long time ago, but at first it ran choppy and horribly, but one graphics card update, and NWN2 ran smooth as silk (about a month or two after release). And it still runs smooth as heck since. btw, the Spirit eater sound sweet! Nada, I disagree... NWN2 is a crack badger. It's a prooven fact. Yea people complain all the time, so I can't say you're wrong. In fact the majority agrees with your statement. But for me it started ruining smooth as silk after one graphics upgrade. (which I'm happy as heck for)
  12. Inland Empire Easily the best movie I've seen in along time. Lynch has created pure art. Sure it isn't a straightforward movie, and the plot isn't very strong, but the beauty of the movie is in the visuals and sound. 21 Grams and Babel, have used this formula in a simpler way, but Lynch takes it up one notch and adds the power of sound to be another stimulus. You definitely will be using other senses than normal when watching this movie. Also where 21grams and babel were incredibly depressing, this is more a thriller. Alice in Wonderland on drugs. Oh wait? Alice in Wonderland was written while on drugs. Well Alice in Wonderland on drugs times two, is what this movie is.
  13. My dog is a terror, she eats wolves and small people for lunch. I swear she's the devil in disguise
  14. It had terrible performance issues, even on a high end system, I really do hope it runs alot better with MOTB, but all in all it still runs like a badger. This was a long time ago, but at first it ran choppy and horribly, but one graphics card update, and NWN2 ran smooth as silk (about a month or two after release). And it still runs smooth as heck since. btw, the Spirit eater sound sweet!
  15. Personally I'd love an IWD3.
  16. Star Wars Personality Test I was Jabba the Hut, they said I like to rub grease on myself
  17. Well considering Obsidian has many BIS employees, and they did do the IWD series of games, it's not surprising that the game is more akin to a IWD game than to a BG game. The IWD's were pretty linear, not a lot of freedom. IWD2 forced you to have max hit points so the devs could balance the game. And in NWN2 they forced you to have companions were they could account for and balance the game. I'm not at all surprised NWN2 turned out the way it did. My guess would be Dragon Age has a chance of being like a BG game, but I never expected NWN2 to be like a BG game. ok, now back to the lack of mods.
  18. Isn't that the truth, same goes for Linux. Why attack small markets when you can attack the windows community which is huge. That commercial does need some small print stating this. lol
  19. seriously that kid can't just be throwing his meat around like that in public
  20. I agree with Volourn. He'll get offers once he's available for the NFL. Really Vick will do his time in Jail, and that's his punishment for supporting dog fighting at his home. It's a felony and he'll do jail time for it. But when he's released he should be able to work in whatever medium he desires. He should be knocked out of the NFL for a year, because he also represents the NFL. But after that he shouldn't be punished anymore. I don't think the NFL should put a lifetime ban on him. btw, he won't be anywhere nearly as good as he was. He'll be old and at the end of the career. So even if they let him play, it's not like he'll make a huge impact like he previously did.
  21. back to NWN2, getting ready for the expansion pack!
  22. Except I'm pretty sure that Bioware doesn't want it. I thought I saw Bioware say, just not now, but never say never with d&d. I think they made that statement when BG3 rumors came out with the PC Gamer issue a couple of years ago? Anyway, great, extend a franchise to another dying company.
  23. Great, now NWN2 has its own Mascot Nice, Obsidian is promoting alternative lifestyles, with it's new mascot
  24. I have to admit hard early battles would scare away a lot of people. You always gotta warm up a little with some small fights before they throw the gauntlet at you. And, the only good halfling is a dead halfling.
  25. Durlag's Tower is probably the best expansion of the ie games. Too bad the rest of the expansion kinda sucked. But I'm also a fan of Trial of the Luremaster. I thought it blew away the regular expansion for IWD.
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