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Everything posted by Ellester

  1. btw, I'm with Karzak on the initial post.
  2. PoP and ToEE, no. But, he probably had some input in NWN, since it was intended to be produced by Black Isle. So, the first 4 years of dev time was in conjuncture with Black Isle. Even then, his input was probably very small. IWD2 was his idea, and Lionheart he probably had some input, as the design idea was Black Isle's.
  3. It infers that they might not have the funds to support two dev teams, since they haven't made a game that's made any cash yet. Previous dev histories wasn't intended with this remark. And, the BG2 part has already been addressed above.
  4. FPS is fine if your only playing one character, but if you have NPC's or create your own party FPS view sucks. Wizardy 8 was pretty weird when you couldn't see your own party members. I didn't care for it.
  5. I agree lack of any magical bucklers was pathetic. Thieves and Druids could only use normal bucklers while there were a hundred magical shields in the game. How they could forget about bucklers was a joke. Lame!
  6. Another thing to add to this subject, I am curious about is there only 1 dev team? I would assume there is since your just getting your feet wet, but it doesn't hurt asking.
  7. Well, I haven't played KOTOR yet (but I will), and I'm not a big fan of the NWN engine, which I thought they used for KOTOR. So, I'm hoping it's something else. But, I can accept the engine if need be.
  8. Does anyone know what engine they are using? Did OE create their own engine, or are they using a pre-existing engine? Is it first person view or third person isometric perspective? 3D or 2D pre-rendered backgrounds with 3D models? Just curious if anyone knew, so I can get an idea of what gameplay would be like.
  9. I'm with Wibble bring back the emperor avatar!
  10. I would like to see her return, as I would love for her to have her old job back as the web girl, but I
  11. David Bowie He's old school, but he's still putting out some great music.
  12. Ellester was just the character I was playing at the time. Can
  13. I don't care what it is, but it would be nice if they didn't do a "2" or "3" of anything including Fallout 3. I would rather see them make there own name in the business. So, I actually agree with vis. but, I'll admit doing a kotr 2 would be a low risk project, and considering Obsidian has generated zero profits up to this point it would be wise if they jumped on someone else's bandwagon for it's first title. So, I give them a little leeway on their first title, as they gotta make some money first.
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