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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Wait, are you talking about the Duty guys? Isn't the whole map considered "The Zone"?
  2. Sure, I mean that's kind of neat, but the thing is that it doesn't have any impact on the game at all. The military just respawns and will retake it soon enough. I wiped them out twice so far at that spot and they have come back both times. Now, if they sent more heavily armed men, that would be neat.
  3. That's not so good. I thought G3 had pretty loose narrative, there just wasn't enough reason to travel long distances just to receive a totally supeficial and useless quest. That's the case here. Alot of times I exit that game upon learning I have to travel to spot X, a ten or 15 minute trip, yet again and it's going to involve me executing a bunch of peons upon the way that apparently don't realize that I'm a freaking tank at this point. I stopped doing side quest because it's just not worth it. I'm already Uber-man with minimal side-questing. Not to mention often the reward you get is money, which I have WAY too much and nothing to spend it on. That's not just a problem that has hit me later in the game, I've just never had anything to spend it on in this game. I think I've bought some ammo, a scope, and a few health packs all game. The value of the side quests is that they tend to require you to stumble across some weapon or artifact that might actually be worth your time. Now if only I could find ammo for my grenade launcher. Don't get me wrong, the games worth playing, it's just that people seem to be hyping it well above it's actually value. Those 8.0-8.5 got it about right.
  4. kumquatq3


    Using pistols is cheating tho, according to Locke
  5. Enjoy your knife fighting, it won't last long.
  6. It's not, but it's not bad either. Not all, but your right, most may be. Or they have an unofficial timer, ie ambush a patrol. Stupid thing is, Ive completed missions, and the time runs out because I didn't collect the reward yet... FYI, take missions 1 or 2 at a time
  7. Been playing for a bit now, kinda clunky, but it's ok so far. I wish they would tell you mission were timed or not before you took them. That's really annoying.
  8. That kids PISSED right now
  9. Most sex in a episode of Rome ever!
  10. kumquatq3


    In Locke we trust. Going to be a good episode, I can feel it.
  11. Whoops, see um, I was just testing (see how useful it is)
  12. I suggest we bring guilty whistling smiley back so I do not have to hurt someone
  13. The whistling innocently smiley, where is it?
  14. I watched it with two friends and we all missed at least one big plot twist till late, so while it's not mind blowing in a "OMG, did not see that coming" kinda way, it's enjoyable and keeps you on your toes.
  15. kumquatq3


    He did? Because I left the movie with a group of people who entered into just such a discussion and came away virtually split. I thought no meaningful connections could be draw, at least, none that were intentional. Maybe because I have read 300 well before the movie, so when I saw a scene I thought of the comic rather than modern day comparisons. I thought the modern day inspired dialogue gave it away. "Freedom is not free." "We bring a new world where freedom will triumph over tyranny and mysticism." Etc. Not that Miller wasn't of the same mind. Rather that the added dialogue was especially analogical to current politics. Meh, the "Freedom isn't free" line is the one that is getting people rilled up, but I just don't see anything supporting that stance outside of that one line. The metaphor(s) are all wrong for the current climate. I don't think the intention was there at all, I just think people are seeing what they want to see. And if the movie is meant to support the neo-con stance, the consistent bashing of religion by Leonidas isn't very apt. The Spartan senators wouldn't vote to go to war, the US senate did. Sparta had war declared against it, the US wasn't attacked by Iraq. I could go on and on, point being, if you REALLY want to find something in anything you can, but I just don't see any intentional comparisons here.
  16. Not a Joss Whedon fan?
  17. kumquatq3


    He did? Because I left the movie with a group of people who entered into just such a discussion and came away virtually split. I thought no meaningful connections could be draw, at least, none that were intentional. Maybe because I have read 300 well before the movie, so when I saw a scene I thought of the comic rather than modern day comparisons. However, as I noted in my discussions with my friends, the Persians attacked Leonidas, not the other way around. That, imo, kind of breaks any analogy that could meaningfully be made. And the gods were against Leonidas (if the director were pro Bush) Favorite part of the movie: "Trust the Gods Leonidas" "I would prefer it if you trusted in reason"
  18. kumquatq3


    It was good and the dialogue, while not amazing, never took me out of the movie
  19. Actually, the American comic industry is as healthy as it's ever been and the stories are generally top notch, the quality is what got me reading again. Even Capitan America's recent run was hailed as one of his best ever, but this recent story was just an exception to the rule.
  20. In another comic, released the VERY SAME DAY, it is revealed that Captain America is NOT dead. He's in "The Raft" (a Maximum Security Prison) and their trying to save him. (See Civil War: The Initiative) So stupid.
  21. Hey now, let's not get rash.
  22. Well, in the desert regions, it can get very cold at night. So all we really need to do is blot out the sun...
  23. We like our wars cold
  24. "Those lions you brought me were useless. Wouldn't even pull my chariot for ****" "I am sorry, they are very temperamental animals. I am very fortunate to have a giraffe should you be interested" "What would I do with a giraffe?" "Camels perhaps"
  25. There is a purpose. Its called "Worst Case Scenerio." If I had the money to put into guns, instead of my computer, I to would have a nice arsenal. Isn't you getting guns the "Worst Case Scenario"?
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