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Sargallath Abraxium

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Sargallath Abraxium last won the day on August 21 2013

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345 Excellent

About Sargallath Abraxium

  • Rank
    (8) Warlock
    (8) Warlock

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  • Location
    Exiled from Reality
  • Interests
    Chaos, Carnage, an' Cookies ;p

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  1. ...when??...git on it!!... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  2. ...hard ta believe it be 20 years since the Isle sunk...still dreamin' o' Unca Fergie's wee sis Jessica on occasion... ...congrats, kids...keep up the good work...an' git started on that Planescape: Torment remake, fer Jebus' sake's!!... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  3. ...finishin' touches an' all that done...she's comin' along... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  4. ...I honestly jus' dunna like the look o' most o' Gigabyte's boards despite their pretty reliable quality (had one in me kids ol' rig an' she lasted years wit' no issues)...find their Aorus boards ta be ugly; I knows, it ain't how she looks but how she performs, but I jus' canna get by the fugly designs o' most o' 'em... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  5. ...yeah, I's been updatin' the BIOS quite often lately an' the newest one limits SoC voltage ta 1.30V...I's not a #TeamBlue or a #TeamRed guy; went wit' AMD this time cuz it was a fair bit cheaper than goin' Intel an' I dunna push me rig ta the limits anymores, them days be long over... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  6. ...ne'er install any o' that damnable ASUS AI Suite crap; all it does be clog shyte up...swears by ASUS mobos, I does, but I ne'er installs that "extra" shyte anymores an' me systems run smoother without 'em... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  7. ...still jus' messin' wit' Divinity 2 moddin' an' waitin' fer the full Baldur's Gate 3 release in August...luvs the fact that the moddin' community fer D2 is still soo big, makes me miss the ol' days o' messin' wit' the Infinity Engine games...good times, they was... ...bah, gettin' a bit misty here...who's peelin' them damn onions??... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  8. ...from Megatron or Starscream??... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  9. ...our shepherd turns One tomorrow, so the wife has a Birthday Party scheduled fer the dog...grandkids comin' over, some "healthy" dog cake, the whole Nine Yards...WTF be wrong wit' women??... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  10. ...I's listenin' ta SUNDOWN right now...kinda fittin'...more's the pity... ...Petr Klima...only a few years older than I is... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  11. ...so does Sweden...I's absolutely going ta Sweden, Finland, an' Norway before I dies...apparently there's a wee bit o' Norse in me bloodline, not jus' Scottish & Irish...the plan is ta hit 'em all before I's too old & decrepit ta enjoy the trip...so I guess it better be soon!!... ...yup...dunna ferget Polar Bears too...an' there's gotta be room fer the penguins that live in the freezer part...me grandmother always said that we was lettin' the penguins out when our arses were hangin' out o' the fridge too long, lookin' fer me grandfather's chocolate stash... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  12. ...hehehe...sounds like Nova Scotia...bah, the colder weather toughens us up at a young age...canna take the heat when it gets over 20 degrees celsius meself... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  13. ...hehehe...I's 6'7 (201 cm) an' me buddy Dallas is 6'10 (209 cm) an' we used ta travel ta basketball games in his ol' '86 Honda Prelude...was farkin' hilarious ta watch us drive down main street wit' both our heads poppin' out the sunroof...was NOT fun foldin' ourselves inta pretzels ta get in & out, though... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  14. ...hehehe...finally a vehicle I's can sit straight up in...the FLINTSTONE brakes may be a bit off-puttin', though... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
  15. ...got two more tats yesterday that finishes off me left arm sleeve...first tats I's got in o'er 4 years...middle aged an' still gettin' ink; not the sharpest axe on the rack... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!...
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