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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Wasteland looks like it's probably pretty close to my personal limit for older games.
  2. Lucky... I'll also be doing that soon... But! But then you'll probably end up ahead of me again!
  3. Yup. I got the same e-mail today.
  4. I ordered a new computer today.
  5. DDR2 ram is pretty damn cheap although some of it seems to be going up in price lately. Even so, 2GB can be had for as little as $35US and 4GB kits for as low as $65US. Both require mail in rebates to get that low. Even without the rebates, 4GB would probably still be one of the cheaper things in your system.
  6. Release date is currently some time in October.
  7. You'd best star posting about how awesome/not awesome it is. Quick! It doesn't run very well on a 1.7Ghz P4 with 768MB of ram and a Radeon 9600 Pro. More detailed information to follow next week.
  8. Red Alert 3 beta key arrived!
  9. So much dust. Why does no one ever clean the server rooms at their office? Why must there be several metric tons for dust coating everything? My hands were black by the time I had everything set up. And after all that of course one of the stupid computers wouldn't connect to the network. Stupid bank. And I have to go back next week to replace the workstations.
  10. Have you ever considered not going to crappy hotels?
  11. Tried Wikipedia? Edit: I just discovered that one of the places that I applied for a job at a couple weeks ago is hiring for the same position again. Guess the person they hired didn't work out so well.
  12. I'd assume that anyone with a moderately recent computer should be able to run the game fairly well. 5-6 year old hardware is just not enough for a smooth playing experience.
  13. Since I know you guys are so looking forward to this masterpiece from the Dungeon Siege school of screensaver games I thought I give you all a heads up that they released a demo today with I can only assume shows off the first level of the game. The opening cinematic doesn't really tell you anything other than "aliens not like humans" and "ahh! We're running away!" before your ship gets boarded by a bunch of bad guys and you get to fight them off. First thing that came to mind when I started the demo up was that it reminded me a lot of Alien Shooter Vengeance except the controls were not as nice. Movement is strictly mouse controlled which means that it's impossible to move and shoot at the same time unless you want to run straight at the enemy you are shooting. You see four enemy types in the demo. The little crab like swarmers are the only non humanoid ones. Then come the warriors/armoured warriors which seem to use some kind of electro sword and the gunners with your standard energy pistol. None of them are really all that tough and only once was I really in any danger of dying even with my puny little assault rifle. After you beat up the swarm of enemies at the start you get to go on a little romp through a completely linear set of corridors/rooms to get to your first objective. The only side rooms for you to go into are first aid/workbench stations where you can heal up and upgrade your gear with any parts you've found along the way. When I saw parts, I'm referring to something like the components you get in TSL when you break down items at a work bench. They aren't anything specific and just allow you to purchase incremental upgrades (2% better damage per upgrade level) to your current gear. Can't really comment on performance other than to say that it doesn't run very well on my computer. I had about a half second of input lag in game, including the menus other than the main menu at start up. Strategy Informer Download Link Worth Playing Download FilePlanet Download File size is around 900MB
  14. We don't have a cheap theatre here in town any more. They closed down about a year after the big(ish) one came in.
  15. I know. It wasn't until the 10th showing that I started thinking that maybe I should see something else... Although now that you've hit 10 on Speed maybe I should got see Wall-E again.
  16. 100 push ups in a row is pretty damn extreme. I know one person that can do 80 on a good day, but that's it. My personal limit is around 40.
  17. "Debug Mode = 1" *Ctrl+Shift+8*
  18. That was released a month earlier!
  19. Good thing it wasn't any of those then! Apparently your definition of "recent" and mine are entirely different. Well, even if it defies logic, you and Mamma Mia are forever linked in my brain. Hooray! Ok... must... sleep... Pfft. You were only a week away.
  20. Good thing it wasn't any of those then!
  21. Damn you and your logic... Using the time factor, the next most obvious choice would be Hellboy II.... or possibly Space Chimps... Go Logic! I quite enjoyed Hellboy II, but alas have again, only seen that movie once. As for Space Chimps? Once again, someone needs to check the release dates.
  22. I notice that you still haven't answered the question, though... So... until you do I'm just going to have to assume that is was Mamma Mia! Mamma Mia came out the same day as TDK. The time factor that disqualified TDK also disqualifies Mamma Mia.
  23. Ha! Hahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, just no.
  24. Perhaps, but at least it's "cool" to be obsessed with TDK... No one's even seen Speed Racer... I saw the Dark Knight for the first time yesterday.
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