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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Around here it's at around $3 to $3.40 or so, although it spiked earlier in the week to $3.90. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Man.. where are you at? The Southeast somewhere? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Southern Ontario. I've been told I'm walking to school everyday this year. I'm taking bets on how long before the buses raise fares to compensate.
  2. Around here it's at around $3 to $3.40 or so, although it spiked earlier in the week to $3.90.
  3. Depends on if you have ToB or not. If not the best time to dual is level 9. If you have ToB it is better to wait until you are at level 13, which is when you get your last half attack. Pretty sure those are accurate.
  4. Please don't leave! I need mod supervison! I'm too immature to last more than 30 seconds without a mod watching me... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  5. Me too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I you both! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Aw... mod love. How cute. :"> The mods are gonna get me...
  6. I think the answer is pretty obvious... What is MDK anyway? :">
  7. Here maybe? A quick google search does wonders.
  8. It's a social experiment. Soon Bush will have a helicopter with a giant magnifing glass attached fly around burning people to a crisp. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks alot! Now I have to clean the coke off my keyboard and moniter. :angry:
  9. Amazing muisiic, specially foir suich an oild game. I have the soiiiuindtrack, buit uinfioirituinately I have to play tyrian withoiiuit any soiiuind becauiise the soiuiind doeisnt woiirk with xp, althoiuigh i can get the game toii ruin oiini coiimpatibility moiide. Any advice? Ive tried dosboix, buit i cant get it toii play at the proiper speed. Things get screwed uip, foir example, the scroill speed becoiimies really fast buit the ships are still moiiving sloiw, oir everything is fast buit my ship is still slow..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Have you tried VDMSound?
  10. Which one? <_<
  11. Samuel Barber - Adiago For Strings
  12. Does anyone else remember Overseer? Authority somewhat reminds me of him. "
  13. Both are bad although Uwe Boll is much worse.
  14. Servant of Eru ---> <--- Deraldin
  15. Hah. :D I remember spamming with TIAX just to get past that magical 1000 post line. Didn
  16. Something from the toxic sludge that people are saying is the flood waters in New Orleans brings people back to life as zombies. The survivors of the flood must escape the city any way they can however they have to stay out of the water. Getting the water in your system means zombification. Picture the groups of survivors in a boat slowly drifting down a flooded street a night time, surrounded by mist that makes everything seem just slightly off. Someone makes a wisecrack about zombies and BAM! A zombie bursts out of the water and drags him off the boat while the other people are screaming. Suddenly more zombies appear through the mist and the camera pulls pack to show them surrounded the boat and the zombies disappear in the fog and fade to black. Show movie title then go flashback to people preparing for hurricane where the movie really starts and follows a different group of people in thier bid for freedom. I think it could work! "
  17. It's already over $3 a gallon in many places. It hit as high as $3.80(actual only a $1.20, but it's per litre here) the other day. That was insane.
  18. You mean like this?
  19. Did someone mention being eaten first?
  20. Classic <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Entire song...
  21. He still does somewhat over at Mistress Lair.
  22. Ye Olde Pages was separate from Way Way Off Topic. WWOT was the spam forum and Ye Olde was the politics/history/etc forum. I had something like 2000 posts there I believe. Most came in from the BG2 forums however I had a good number in "Lady Dallandra's Insane Asylum" which she started because she was getting a psych degree or something I think. The rest of my posts were split between BG2 general discussion and the Mithril Blades threads. "
  23. I blame those French! The did it on purpose, putting the French Quarrter there under the sea level. What were the citizens meant to do? Build the 3/4 of New Orleans somewhere else? Dispicable, those French knew this would happen, three hundred years ago! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The mayor of New Orleans has decided that when the city is rebuilt it will be called New Venice and all the building will be on stilts so that they are above the water level.
  24. Currently on my computer I have: Stronghold Stronghold Crusader O.R.B. Red Alert Tiberian Sun On cd I have: Red Alert 2 (Go collectors edition!) I also have the Homeworld version of Adagio For String,
  25. I swear that army was there earlier Jags. Wonder why it was removed. German Emperor Outraged Over Recent Russian Occupation of Austria Territory. People gathered in the streets today to protest the occupation of allied Austrian territories by the brutish Russian invaders who earlier this week managed to overcome the fiercesome Austrian defenders when the Italians delayed support from Vienna and the Turkish joined the Russians in thier push south. The Austrian defences were overwelmed by the sheer number of enemy troops that were sent against them and in the end the entire division was brutally slaughtered in defense of their homeland. The German people urged their leader to take action against this atrocity and come to the aid of their allies. In a statement made earlier today the Emperor had this to say about the current situation. "It is clear to me that the eastern nations are bent on the complete destruction of the Austrian peoples and their way of life. We have already taken steps to help combat our allies, but alas our troops were to late coming to the aid of the Austrians in the south. In the north we have our fleets moving towards the Russian homeland as we speek in a desparate counterattack in order to relieve some of the pressure that our allies face in the south. We will not let the grave insult go unpunished by the cowardly Russians.
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