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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Isn't Amnesty International pretty powerless?
  2. I just got the big box, CD version of System Shock in the mail. It's practically in mint condition. Happy happy joy joy! Happy happy joy joy!
  3. I might be if I knew why Mr Double Entendre has a gun shaped lighter.
  4. "Rest well this night, for tonight, you sail for the Kingdom of Daggerfall!"
  5. I recently bought a new hard drive, so I've been installing quite a few games. NOLF1, Civ IV plus expansions, System Shock 2, Guilty Gear X2 Reloaded, DMC4, Alpha Centauri, The Witcher, NWN2+MotB, Democracy 2, Red Alert, Trials 2, Painkiller, Audiosurf, Geometry Wars, TF2, Portal, Trackmania Nations, Civ 2, DMC3. More will be installaed in the near future, including S.T.A.L.K.E.R, System Shock 1, Silent Storm and KOTOR 2.
  6. While my love of SS2 knows no bounds, I always found its intro to fall a bit flat.
  7. Thorton doesn't use guns. That's a cigarette lighter. With a silencer.
  8. And also, everything in the history of the universe ever.
  9. And Portugal lost the game in true Portuguese fashion.
  10. It depends on the teams involved and circumstances of the game.
  11. Meanwhile Lithuania has only wins, after playing Romania and Austria. And Portugal is beating Denmark 1-0 at half-time. Suck it Denmark! What good are your great education systems, great healthcare, better standards of living, more beautiful women and Roskilde, now?
  12. Alpha Protocol is very new and innovative by using a completely new technique known as uzi-jump. If Obsidian was making a Devil May Cry RPG, I'd be doing backflips of joy.
  13. Holy mother of god. You should try aligning the mouth with the upper line.
  14. "Benned"? Was Affleck going to be in it? That would make it Fallout in name only.
  15. I thought that FEAR's combat was awesome. The graphics were damn good too. Everything else in it was either badly done or didn't fit the gameplay or both.
  16. which is accomplished by reducing teen sex (not that it is possible, just saying). taks That would be akin to trying to solve famine in Africa by sending bags of rice over. It's missing the point.
  17. I thought the goal of sex ed was to reduce teen pregnancies and the spread of STDs, not teen sex.
  18. That's only in IE, apparently. Also, Firefox's spellchecker doesn't require an installation. Talk about a late reply.
  19. I sense a hawt hookup on Silja Line.
  20. Devil May Cry 4. The fact that my outdated PC outperforms the PS3 feels me with endless glee.
  21. Just about any console port. DMC4, GRID, CoD4, Lego Whatever, Tomb Raider.
  22. There are also a bunch of graphics mods that make RE4 look purdy.
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