So I saw this today, in GLORIOUS threedee and it was ok.
Technologically, it was pretty awesome with all the great and wondrous outworldly vistas to gawk at, including the realistic smiles on the smug alien bastards' faces. Really, every time generic alien love interest no.1 smiled, I wanted to shout I love you! at the screen. A proper CG smile. Wow.
Other than that, I was underwhelmed. By the acting, the plot, the writing, the bland everyman, the retarded, heavy handed symbolism, and the guilt over the disappearance of a romanticized Native American culture with biological internets. This was expected. What I didn't expect to disappoint me was the mess that was the action, especially considering that it's Cameron directing this. He used to be untouchable, when it came to action.
Finally, was it just me, or did the movie flip-flopped the antagonists towards the start of the war? Ribisi is shown as a complete asstard the whole time, only to suddenly feel guilt in a second, while the badass, hardworking soldier following orders, takes up the Mantle of Pure Evil in order to serve up a one on one fighting climax. Awful script writing right there. Oh, and I liked how the pantheistic god person thingie let all the Na'vi get slaughtered before saving the day. It's what I would do.
I had fun though, in an afternoon TV movie sort of way.