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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. I'm still trying to meet my 1991 resolutions.
  2. I'll be working on New Year's.
  3. Democracy: rule by the people where the only ones defined as real people are really, really rich men with absolute power who otherwise have nothing to do because their economy is slave based. Sounds about right. It's also how they had time to go around philosophizing: because they were a very small elite who controlled everything and were served by everyone. Plato argued in The Republic that it was the only way to do human thought.
  4. Classical Greece would disagree with that affirmation.
  5. Christianity and its popularity are, in many ways a product of of the Middle Ages, not the other way around.
  6. The point is that a divine experience isn't verifiable or definable in the same way that a murder is. What is a divine experience?
  7. Thinking about it again (I saw this 2 hours ago), I guess my point of contention is the big ending battle. The smaller fights didn't strike me as bad, at all, and some were quite good. Like the one with the dogs. The big, final battle had no pace, was confusing, especially in the air, it never gave a sense of the scale and it didn't make a whole lot of sense.
  8. So I saw this today, in GLORIOUS threedee and it was ok. Technologically, it was pretty awesome with all the great and wondrous outworldly vistas to gawk at, including the realistic smiles on the smug alien bastards' faces. Really, every time generic alien love interest no.1 smiled, I wanted to shout I love you! at the screen. A proper CG smile. Wow. Other than that, I was underwhelmed. By the acting, the plot, the writing, the bland everyman, the retarded, heavy handed symbolism, and the guilt over the disappearance of a romanticized Native American culture with biological internets. This was expected. What I didn't expect to disappoint me was the mess that was the action, especially considering that it's Cameron directing this. He used to be untouchable, when it came to action. Finally, was it just me, or did the movie flip-flopped the antagonists towards the start of the war? Ribisi is shown as a complete asstard the whole time, only to suddenly feel guilt in a second, while the badass, hardworking soldier following orders, takes up the Mantle of Pure Evil in order to serve up a one on one fighting climax. Awful script writing right there. Oh, and I liked how the pantheistic god person thingie let all the Na'vi get slaughtered before saving the day. It's what I would do. I had fun though, in an afternoon TV movie sort of way.
  9. He doesn't blame everything on the Republicans, he blames everything on corporations and a lack of regulation.
  10. Why is a Dane telling a Finn the cost of something in Swedish crowns?
  11. That's pretty strange. How big was the speed bump? Either the heat sink wasn't properly installed or your PC took a really powerful hit. Were the mobo and CPU damaged in any way? Anyway, if the only problem is the heatsink, replacing it should be easy.
  12. Keep in mind that this is a lot more gamey than the Path, though. I mean the artistic intent is still a very important part of the game, but the actual gameplay systems are quite robust.
  13. I've been listening a lot to St. Vincent, lately. Real name Annie Clark. Great guitarist. Quite awesome. (and quite hawt, too ) The Strangers Acoustic Actor Out of Work Acoustic
  14. So he played all those games when he was 7?
  15. What's wrong with the adult content?
  16. So, I hear the metal they're mining is called Unobtanium.... wat
  17. Perhaps it's related to the amount of certain colours you have in your heart. One colour gives a boost to gardening, I think.
  18. Naked hawt chicks. GO BUY.
  19. Do not confuse the remilitarization of Rhineland with the actual period of appeasement under Chamberlain. The Munich agreement was in 1938, two years after Rhineland, at a time when the Wehrmacht was already much stronger and still growing. Besides Rhineland was considered German territory, so remilitarizing it wasn't exactly considered an act of aggression. Here's an interesting graph, by the way.
  20. Well, his better speeches were done by an actor, he was one of the main people responsible for Gallipoli, and his stint as Chancellor of the Exchequer was a disaster. As for his support of war and criticisms of appeasement prior to the war, I really don't see how England, at the time, had any choice but to appease Germany. If they had pushed for war too early, they would have been crushed by the Germans as quickily as the rest of Europe and what good would that have done. In any case, his disdain of appeasement derived mostly from his romantic, nationalist view of England as the strong, imperialist nation of Victorian times, which had very little to do with actual fact. Oh yeah, and he was a big fan of Mussolini.
  21. I bought it yesterday, and so far it's oldschool fun.
  22. You do know that Churchill was one of the most incompetent leaders GB ever had, especially in matters of economy?
  23. It would be a very good idea to upgrade your graphics card. But maybe PES will barely work, anyway.
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