Following the end of the Mandalorian Wars, our PC landed on Maanan. He served five years in the Ahto City prison for slicing up the New York city cab driver turned Pazaak shark in the mercenary enclave after a off-kilter comment about Derek Jeter caused the old man to pull a blaster. The Selkath judges, Yankees fans to a man..err, fish, gave him five years for instigation and appendage removal.
Now a free man, he learns about the new Sith Lord, Darth Diesel. Twisted by the dark side, Darth Diesel did not know that greed and arrogance lead down the dark path. After his action film career crashed and burned, his massive ego would not be sated until he had the galaxy in his grasp. He traveled to the highest mountains of Korriban to train under the eccentric and reclusive Sith Master, Kristofer Walken, to harnass his anger and learn the way of the Sith.
Welcome back to the stage of history.....