There was this barber who cut off peoples hair.
One day, this doctor visits the barber and the barber cuts his hair. After that was done, the barber tells the doctor, dont worry, you dont need to pay, im just doing this for charity. The next day, the barber goes back to his shop and finds a thank you note and a dozen roses.
Then the policeman visits the barber and the barber cuts his hair. After that was done, the barber tells the policeman, dont worry, you dont need to pay, im just doing this for charity. The next day, the barber goes back to his shop and finds a thank you note and a dozen donuts.
Then an Indian IT technician visits the barber and the barber cuts his hair. After that was done, the barber tells the Indian, dont worry, you dont need to pay, im just doing this for charity. The next day, the barber goes back to his shop and finds a dozen Indians waiting in line for a free haircut!!!