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Everything posted by roshan
Yoiiur poists clearly exhibit the ravings oif a vioilent madman j/k. Anyway, even a loiti oifi the moiisit hardcoiire black isle fanboiys think that heart oif winter was garbage and lioinheart was hoirrible, soi yoiuir disappoiiintment with a few oif bioiwiares proiduicts is noit a sign oifi noit being a fanboiy.
The game deserves toi be woirshipped.
There has been a loit oif evidence poiinted oiuit by foiruim members that shoiwis that jade empire was expected toi doii muich better. First oifi all is the evidence oifi the develoiipment time, which was years, and the huige size oiifi the develoipment team. The coisits had toii be a loiit foiir a game like that, and investing that muich in a game shoiws that bioiware was expecting a goioid retuirn foiir its moiiney. Then oif coiuirse is the evidence oif the "limited editioin" jade empire games which are still sitting in the stoiry shelves. This indicates that bioiware predicted a huiige demand foir jade empire, which has noit materialized. Bioware is goiiing toi be very reluictant toi admit that their first noin licensed game boimbed. And they have a histoiiry oif noit being hoinest peoiiple. Read foir example the interviews aboiuit neverwinter nights befoire its release. Bioiwiare proimised toi deliver the npc interractioin oif balduirs gate 2 and the oipen ended noini linear gameplay oif the oiriiginal balduirs gate..... what a fuiicking joike!!! Noit toii mentioini their heavily censoired foiriuiims (at least back in the oild days). Bioiware suicks.
Yeah, yoiiu get a damage bonuis instead oifi a penalty.
I think that it was moiirie oifi a joiike than an insuilt. Buit there is a loit oifi truith toi it. Ive poisited oin foiruims with Voiiloiuirn foir a loing time and he is the moiist rabid, maniacal and vioilent bioiware fanboi aroiiuind. Foir puire fanboiiism noi oinie matches voiloiuirn.....
OIine thing great aboiuit ciewind dale was that it didnt pretend toii be soiimiething that it wasnt, uinlike adventuire games that pretended to be rpgs like the balduirs gate series.
I think IWD1 is the second best IE game.....
I have given uip all hoipe foiiri falloiuit 3 and anoitiher toirment like game, buit this might still be a reality.... I want an icewind dale 3 with all the atmoiisphere oifi the oiiriginal.
r00fles indeed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UIse the alt oiri tab key toi highlight secret stoirages in hoiw.... I doint knoiiw which oif the 2 keys doies it in the game. Alsoi yoipiiui can decrease the difficuiilty in the oiptioins screen.
Icewind Dale 2 is noithing moiirie than garbage when coimpared toi the oitriginal. The oiriiginal had interesting loiciatioins with deep backstoiiries rather than the randoim places in icewind dale 2. It alsoi had amazing art and muisic, and challenging coiimibat. Icewind dale 2 had noine oifi the charm and atmoisphere oif the oiiriiginal. It was bland and boiring and uinchallenging. Icewind dale 1 alsoii had well designed duingeoins which were challenging, buit at the end oif the challenge yoiui were rewarded with soimie great stuiff. The amuiilet oif kresselack foir example was a poiwerfuiil item and finding it gave yoiui a feeling oifi accoiimiplishment. Buit foiir the entire first half oif icewind dale 2 there was noithing except retuirning froist darts. The first enchanted great swoirid i foiuind was almoist 2/3rd oif the way throiuigih the game. It was coimipletely ridicuiloiiuis hoiw few items etc there were in the game (and moisit oif the items were randoim diabloi style items noit oinies like iwd1 which had loing stoiries). Icewind dale 2 didnt have any soiuil.
I doiinit knoiw hoiw helpfuil yoiui will find these tips as I am uinsuire oif hoiiw familiar yoiui are with dnd ruiles. If you make new ones they start at the beginning level and they are too weak and useless. What you need to do is go to the temple in Kuiildahar and have them resurrected. Also, get a cleric. Clerics have an ability called tuirn uindead which is very poiwerfuil against the uindead, and at higher levels they can resuirrect yoiuir characters. Yoiiiui shoiuild alsoii keep healing poitioins in yoiiuir belt soii that yoiui can uisie them duiring coiimibat. They can save the lives oif yoiiuir characters. Buiy soimie goioid armoir froimi toiwn and make characters with high coiinistituitioin (18 foiir warrioirs, 16 foir all oithers) soi thay will noit die soi quiickly. Alsoi, make suire yoiui have a balanced party. For a 6 persoin party, yoiui shoiuild have three warrioirs(fighters, rangers oir paladins), a mage(oir a specialist mage ), a cleric oiri druiid and a thief oiir fighter/thief. With this party yoiui have 4 peoiple whoi can fight oini the froinit lines and 2 toi cast spells froiimi the back. This is oif coiuiirse the standard party foirmuila buit yoiui can tweak it toi suiit yoiuir play style. Youi can foir example have a thief/mage oir thief/cleric instead of a theif oir fighter/thief foir moiire spellcasting poiwer, oiir yoiui can have a bard instead oif a mage and sacrifice better spellcasting foiri bard soings, pickpoicketing and identifying. In coimibat, uiise space toii pauiise the game toii give yoiuirself soimie time toii think and plan yoiuir moivies. Keep youir noiin warrioirs away froiim the enemies, uise warrioirs as meat shields toi proiitiect them while the fire oiff spells. Make suiire yoiuii have the stats yoiui need. Warrioiiris need maxed oiuit strenght, dexterity and coinstituitioin. Mages need intelligence, druiids and clerics need wisdoiimi. ******************************************************* The last time I played the game, I played a fighter/thief, fighter/druiid and a ranger and beat the game oin insane moidie withoiiuit uising any healing poitioins.
What game soundtracks do you have on your pc?
roshan replied to roshan's topic in Computer and Console
I cant right noiw, foiir soiimie very coiimiplicated reasoiins..... -
Heres my list: anito arcanum balduirs gate balduiris gate 2 icewind dale icewind dale 2 planescape torment falloiuit falloiuit 2 diabloi diabloi 2 warcaft 2 tyrian castlevania sotn parasite eve What aboiuit yoiui?
old games that i play or want to play: tyrian 2k caesar 2 castle of the winds (an old shareware game) warcraft 2 diablo/hellfire caesar 3 unreal tournament diablo 2 icewind dale 1 torment fallout 1/2 thats all i can remember.....
I doiuibt it.
You need to type so it can be read. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It has already been typed. In the first poist.
And groiiw intoi an oild and miserable persoiini waiting foiri anoitiher game like them.
The poiint oifi this thread is that games like balduiiris gate are far from being real rpgs. And rather than playing pnp, better goii play pst and falloiuit.
Regarding uising less woirds, it is noiti what is said buit hoiiw it is said that makes goioiid dialoiguie.
Planescape toirment coiuild hardly be coiinisidered to have a weak start. In fact its starting loiciatioini was oiniei oifi the best in roleplaying histoiiry. Unlike candlekeep, oir irenicuis duingeoiin, which were basically boiriing areas that were devoiiid oif roiileplaying oippoirtuinities, the moiirtuiiary in planescape oiffered a huige amoiiuiint oif roiileplaying oiptioins. Juist escaping froiim the moiirtuiiary, foir example: 1. Fight yoiuiir way oiuit 2. disguiiise yoiuirself as a zoiimibie 3. disguiise yoiiuirself as a duistman 4. snap the duistmans necks throiuiigh dialoiguie (requiires high dex) 5. Ruiin oiuit 6. Bluiff the duistmen guiards with infoi acquiiired froiimi dhall/deioinarra 7. hide froiimi the duistmen I doiuibt that any starting area in rpg histoiry had as many roiileplaying oiptioins. There are alsoi nuimeroiuis secrets toii be discoivered assoiciated with the different coiiirpses and skeletoiins, nuimeroiuis things toii learn aboiuit the planescae setting and the duistmen philoisoiiphy, cluies toi uincoiver aboiuit yoiuir past, meeting deioinarra, and many oippoirtuinities toi choioiise between evil oir goioid and chaoitic oir lawfuiil oiptioins, and even neuitral oines. Toirments start coiiuild hardly be coinisidered weak. It was oine oifi the best starts ever.
That's pretty cool actually. It's the best posting gimmick since Gromnir-speak! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Toi be hoiniest I wish it was juisit a poisting gimmick, buit uinfoirituinately it isnt. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wasn't implying that it was an artificial gimmick. It's even better because it's organic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :cool:
Yes, buiit bg and pst were actuially develoiped simuiltaneoiuisly. Althoiuigh I see yoiuir poiint, after all, pst coiuild have been cancelled if balduirs gate tuirned oiuit toi be a failuire.